Chapter 9: The Midnight Man

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This is skipped around. It has been a three months since the meet and greet also the dates won't be right sorry.

Eveline's POV
Right now Colby is gone with Elton in Tokyo or some other place I don't really know. Colby had left before to Utah, Japan, and New Zealand leaving me alone by myself. I was bored of life and decided to hang in my room. I had a play station and decided to play The Last of Us. I was playing for like five hours until I looked at the time. 11:30pm great. I get up and walk to Sam's room to see if he was awake. I knock and enter. He was with Corey, Kat, and Jake recording a video. I then go to Kat and sit in her lap. "What you people up to?" I asked. "We are shooting a video for a challenge, wanna join?" Sam asked. "Hell yeah. I'm bored. " I said laughing. "So basically this game is like a ritual and you have to write your name on a piece of paper then put your blood on the paper, light a candle, put it on your name, then close the door and knock on it 22 times. And after that blow out your candle and close the door then go back in and light then. " Sam said reading the article in the website. "I'm ok with Ouiji boards or summoning demons, but no Voodoo shit" Jake said. "Suck it up. It will be fun. " I said grabbing paper for us. "Your way to happy to die. " Corey said nervously laughing. "I'm just bored and you guys are acting like pussies and not doing this. It is sad when a girl will do it but not two grown men. " I said smiling. "Damn" Sam said smiling. "Colby found himself a girl with a loud mouth. " Jake said joking. My smile then disappeared as I thought about Colby then about her.
I then handed them their papers.
We put our names and blood in the papers, Katrina didn't want to do it so I took her spot. We knocked the door 22 times, did what we were supposed to do. We began walking around the house. We heard music. "Guys. That the piano." Corey said. I went up to it. "Oh hell nah" I said unplugging the piano. "We need to move. " Jake said walking straight. I looked at the window and stared at a dark figure. Corey comes up to me and looks at what I'm looking at. "What the hell are you looking at?" He asked. "I thought I saw something. Let's continue to move." I said walking towards Kat. I grabbed her hand and held it cuddling into her side. She and I were behind Sam. Little by little it got creepier with all the noises and all the darkness. Sam being the stupid ass for scared and turned on the light. Corey got injured and I helped him fix it up with some medicine. We ended the video and Katrina went into my room, she didn't want to be alone so I was with her.
2 weeks later
It has been two weeks since we did that challenge. Sam got back from his trip like one or two days ago from
Alaska and Corey was telling Sam and Elton what happened a couple days ago. Elton and Colby were back, but Colby was hanging out with Brennen. "One night around 3:30am Circa was standing outside your door, that was the time of the Midnight Man. " Corey said jumping with fear. I look at Sam who was shocked and had his camera. "Really?" Elton asks from the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah 3:33" I commented. "The light it just flickered. " Corey said. "Also. Remember when you said you felt something scratch you, I have the same scratch. " Sam said. Corey jumped up again. Aaron then comes out. "Dude. The lights just flickered." He said pointing to the lights. "We didn't finish the game. And the way to finish the game is to do it again. With the same people. " Sam said unto his camera. "Well fuck. " Corey and I said at the same time. I walk to Colby's room and knock. He then walks out. "Hey Baby. What are you doing?" I asked. "Gonna hang out with Brennen. See you later bye. " he said kissing me then walking downstairs. "Love you too" I whispered. A part of me can't help but remember about the girl in his videos and who he texts.
Could he be cheating?
No... he can't be.
He promised...
People break promises though...
I push my thoughts aside and get dressed.

( minus back pack )***It was later at night and we had the original gang from two weeks ago here

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( minus back pack )
It was later at night and we had the original gang from two weeks ago here. We were sitting there and Sam as doing his intro when Katrina spoke. "Wow" she said pointing to the ceiling where she was looking. "What?" I asked. "I saw stars like. I feel like I'm gonna faint." She said putting her head in her lap. She then sat up. "I'm ok." She said. "Wait. Sam remember, I felt the same way walking into your room. " Corey said. Sam was freaking out when honestly I felt like I was gonna faint too but didn't want to say anything. When we were writing our names down, Sam had read Jake's. "really Jake, 'leave Sam alone' " Sam asked. "I care for you. " Jake said. "I care for you too brother. " Sam said. "Aww. Bromance" I said laughing. We did everything we did the original time. Except we shut off and unplugged the piano. We lit our candles. (Candles be lit, I'm sorry. I'll go now ) Then shut the door. We knock 23 times then opened the door, blew out our candles then shut the door. The last step we did was grab our candles and light them up. We began walking. "Wow. " Katrina said pushing herself against the wall. "What?" Sam asked. "I just got light headed again. I'm ok. " she did continuing to walk. Nothing really happened. All we saw was a black figure a lot and some stuff moved. That's about it. Once we completed the challenge, I went into my room.
(I'm too lazy to right about the episode)
I was laying on my bed. It was around 9am just 5 hours after the challenge we did. Colby still wasn't home. I began to worry were he could be. I really tried not to as I listened to my radio.
"Welcome to my house, baby, take control now. We can't even slow down, we don't have to go out. Welcome to my house, play that music too loud. " sang the radio. I sat up looking at Colby's Instagram. I know it's stalking but I stalk everyone. I looked at his story and saw he was with her.
The thought of him with her made me want to cry. I tried not to think about it. I got from the bed and put my hair in a messy bun. Since I was still in my outfit from yesterday, I changed into some black joggers and the nyan cat. I then put on a pair of my vans that had the nyan cat on them. I sat at my desk looking at the channels I'm subscribed to. One of them being Colby's. He did an adventure buddy video with her.
Yet again there she was with him. My boyfriend. Making him smile. I felt threatened by her. But I didn't know what to do and I didn't want to be that girlfriend that is protective, but I mean she fucking kissed his cheek. I then looked out the window. And saw them. They walked up to the door and walked in. I heard the door slam shut. I was so mad. Shit is about to go down.
End of chapter 9
Shea and Colby?!?!?  Comment if you think Eveline has the right to be jealous of them. Also comment some ideas and for what happens between Colby and Eveline... but was this chapter good or nah??

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