Chapter 13: The Challenge Videos

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Eveline's POV
Since Colby and them were leaving in two days they all had to come up with videos and fast. And since I was going with the girls I would need some videos also. My eyes and fluttered up and I checked my phone, 8:30am, I sat up putting in Colby's shirt. I move off of the bed slowly not to wake him up. I hear a groan and he shifts. He tries to grab me, but grabs the pillow. I smile and giggle at his movements. I move from the bed and gather up some clothes. I then take a shower while listening to 'Good to be alive' by Andy. After my shower I threw on my clothes the I picked  out.

( Minus the beanie )I brush my hair into its natural waves

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( Minus the beanie )
I brush my hair into its natural waves. I brush my teeth then go into the bedroom to see Colby still sleeping. It was around 10 and yes it takes me an hours almost two to get ready. I gotta make myself look presentable. I sat next to Colby seeing him snuggling the pillow and his messy hair all over. I take a quick picture and make it my wallpaper. I then go up to him and kiss his cheek. He groans and opens his eyes. I smile. "Morning" he said raspy. "Morning" I say smiling still. "Go get ready. Kat will be here soon so we can shoot a video." I say standing. Colby nods and goes to get dressed.
We set up the camera and we had Sam start the camera. "Hello. What is up my kitty cats it is I Eveline, it is she Katrina" I say pointing to myself then to Kat. "And it is he Colby" I say pointing to Colby then made a heart with my hands. "So today we are doing a best friend vs boyfriend challenge. On Colby's channel we are doing the same thing but with Sam and I then on Sam and Colby's combined channel they are doing a challenge with Katrina and I for couple vs couple. But on top of that. Colby and I quiz each other on who knows who on our personal channels. So a lot is happening. Also on top of that. I will be wearing the same outfit so I'm not disgusting it's just filmed all in the same day. And we are also doing some videos for the other guys and girls channels because Elton is taking the boys somewhere while I take the girls and Corey with Zane and Aaron. So fun, fun, fun. Are you guys ready for the first question?" I asked Colby and Katrina. They nod. "Ok. What is my favorite color?" I asked. Colby screamed. I laughed. "Umm. Purple because of your hair and sometimes blue because it's mine." He answers. "Correct, ok. How old was I when I let high school?" I asked. Katrina then yells. "Ummmmm.  Weren't you 19?" She says. "Yes, because my birthday was three mouths away. " I answer. I just keep asking the questions. Colby ended up losing from one question which was have I ever broken any bones and he said no. But I have. My arm and leg.
Sam had to film a video with Katrina so he decided to switch what he was originally going to do and had Aaron and the questions about our relationship and who ever answers got a point. "So first question where did you guys have your first kiss?" Aaron asks. "Down by the beach" Colby says. "Noel they the pier" I state. We debate in it then Aaron says the answer. "At the pier" he says. Colby frowns mad I kiss his cheek. Aaron keeled coming to us with question after question. I won from 6 to 4.
We finished the challenge videos and began doing the over night ones. Colby did one in a tunnel. Elton did some at some sunken city or at so factory and Sam did one at a tunnel and at the sunken city too. For Sam and Colby's combined channel they did some pranks like scathing Aaron and everyone else in the house. We also did a dye hair video for Elton and Elton said whoever got the last hit on him got their hair dyed so let's just say my hair is purple and pink and blue and just like a pretty rainbow.

 We also did a dye hair video for Elton and Elton said whoever got the last hit on him got their hair dyed so let's just say my hair is purple and pink and blue and just like a pretty rainbow

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My hair was a messy and I looking like a unicorn threw up on me. I swear to god. "Oh my god. I look like a unicorn threw up in me" I said pulling up my goggles. "I look like I murdered Aaron for leaving out the eggs. Oh my god. " Elton commented. "These are tented so it looked like nothing was there" Elton said. I laughed nodding my head. "Come give me a hug" Elton said chasing Bradlee and Colby around the pool. When Colby wasn't expecting it I hugged him. "What the hell?!? Man now I look like a unicorn threw up in me. " Colby said looking at himself and laughing. "Well. Now we match. Do you still love me?" I asked. "Of course" he said kissing me. I pull away and smile. "Ewww. Kissing" Megan said disgusted. I stuck my tongue out at her laughing. Elton and I began washing ourselves off with the hose and Wlton started twerking. "Damn. Look at that booty." I say kicking him. "Oww. What the hell?" Elton said picking me up. "You were shaking your butt and ain't no one want to see that besides Amanda. " I commented. Elton then threw me into the pool. But my quick reflexes made it to where he went in and I didn't. "How is that even possible?" Colby asked. "I have quick reflexes from Elton always hitting me. " I sat laughing. We began the outro. "Well that is it guys. Also go check out their channels links in description. And is that all guys?" Elton asked. I nod. Elton then attacked Bradlee pulling him into the water. "Oh no his phone" Amanda said. "Dude my phone" Bradlee said showing his phone. Elton started laughing. Megan looked shocked about it all. "Well at least it's water proof." He said turning in his phone. I looked at Colby who was messing with his arm. "You ok?" I asked. "Yeah. I'm fine I just hit my elbow in Bradlee's. I'll be fine. " Colby says smiling. I smile back. "What are gonna do tomorrow before you guys leave?" I asked. "That's a surprise." Colby said. I smile. I'm not good with surprises.
End of chapter 13.
I know that I'm behind on everything, but I've been busy with school and I only have four hours to myself before I have to go to bed. Colby is now in Sidney, Australia and there will be conflict about that so stay tuned for that anyways hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Was it good or nah????

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