Chapter 14: Good Bye

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Colby's POV
I have been thinking about what I should do for Eveline since us guys leave tonight. I have decided on a picnic. Now this picnic will be in the middle of no where so no one can see us or hear us. (😉😉 sorry I'm cringe worthy) I get dressed into a white t, black skinny jeans, my vans, and my hair all messy. I look down to Eveline and she was still sleeping. She groaned and tossed as she put her hand where I was laying. She sat up rubbing her eyes. She went into the closet grabbing some clothes and walked into the bathroom getting ready. I shrug my shoulders and go downstairs to tell everyone that I saw pranking Sam and Eveline.
Eveline's POV
I got dressed in a really cute outfits that would math my hair.

(Minus the beanie)I go downstairs and hear a crash then everyone calling for Colby "COLBY!" I yelled walking to him

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(Minus the beanie)
I go downstairs and hear a crash then everyone calling for Colby "COLBY!" I yelled walking to him. I tried to sit down when Katrina pushed me back. "Stop. He needs space. Sam is calling the police." Kat says. "I know. But he's me boyfriend. I need to get to him. LET ME GO!" I yelled. I pushed her off of me and walked to Colby. I ran by his side. He was trying to move. "Baby. Stop moving. You need to stay awake. " I crying. I was looking at him and his hair had blood in it. I continued to sob. "WHERE THE HELL IS THE AMBULANCE!?" I yelled. "I don't know" Katrina yelled. Sam looked sad and cried with me and I look at Colby and he was moving more. "Colby? Colby are ok? What are you doing?" Sam asked. I looked at Colby. "Yeah. Dude I'm fine. Let's go get some pizza. " Colby said standing up and walking away. I looking at him with tears and collapsed in the ground. "WHAT THE HELL!?" I yelled. "Really Colby?" Sam asked mad. I get up and walk to Colby. "Ugh. I'm so mad. You scared the hell out of me! I thought you actually hurt yourself..." I commented hugging him for life. Colby says sorry and closes off his camera. "Let's get going guys. We have a double date ten I'm taking Eveline somewhere" Colby said clapping his hands.
We ate at Tender Greens since Sam and Katrina haven't ate there. Sam goes his separate ways with Katrina and I is the same with Colby. "Ok so we have 7 hours to do things together until I leave. So I'm taking you somewhere then we na do whatever. " Colby said. We continued to drive as I listen to the music.
Hearts beats fast, colors and promises. How to be brave. How can I love when I'm afraid to fall, watching you stand alone. All my doubt suddenly goes away some how, one step closer. I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand year. I'll love you for a thousand more.
I looked at Colby singing the song. "I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more. I love you" I say. "I love you too" he says kissing me.
Colby's POV
I don't know if I should tell Eveline that I'm not going back with the guys after the trip. That I'm going with Brennen to Sydney, Australia. But she will be so mad at me. I can't live with her being mad at me. I just won't tell her. I pulled up to the picnic area with only flowers. Eveline gasped and smiled. "It's so beautiful. " she says smiling. "Not as beautiful as you though" I say looking at her. She smiles and blushes. I grab her hand leading her to the picnic. I grab out some food and we talked while eating. "I have an idea" Eveline says biting her sandwich "and what is that babe?" I asked looking at her "Since we will be on the opposite sides of the world... we should do a couple things, like taking a picture of what outfit we wear and we can match each other so we feel connected knowing we match." Eveline said. "Ok. I'll do that. You will just have to pack my bag." I said. "I know. I already did. " Eveline said smiling. I laughed, she was adorable. "what do you want to do?" Eveline asked. "You" I said smirking. Her eyes grew wide and she blushed like a tomato. "No. " she says. "Why?" I asked still smirking. "Because... I'm on my period." she said smiling. "No you're not. You finished it two days ago because you don't eat chocolate unless you're on it. " I answered. I observe people and the person I observe the most is Eveline because she is my girlfriend and as a boyfriend I have to know what's going on and Sam because he is my best friend and I have to know things. " damn it" she says smiling. I lean in to kiss her. She pulled away and eats her sandwich. "Find. No kisses for a week when I get back" I say smiling. She looked heartbroken. She then smashed her lips with mine. "I need my kisses" she whispered.
Only an hour before we leave and Eveline is packing her flight in the morning. She was filming a quick video though. "What's up my kitty cats. It is I Eveline and I'm here with Katrina, Amanda, Zane, Aaron, Devyn, Corey, and Lucas. So Lucas was a late joiner that wanted to come instead of staying with his boyfriend. I will be vlogging the trip also using lots of SnapChat and Instagram. I just want to say that. I'm coming out with MERCH!!! My merch is of my body outline and Lucas's outline saying Kitty Cats. It comes in blue, pink, and black. Along with jackets and book bags that say kitty cats along the sides. That the Merch for my part of the channel with Lucas. Colby babe come here." She say smiling. I sat down weird. "So you know how I call you Colbster a lot. " She asked. I nods. "Well... I did a little thing that is of the outline of me and you that says what's up guys it's Sam and Colby but with it crossed out saying it's Evebear and Colbster. Now don't get mad. I also have one that says it's the three musketeers Colbster, Sammy, and Evebear and it has the outline of our hair and body's. so there is two merch seals with Sam and Colby and one with Lucas. That's all I needed. See you later my kitty's." She say and smile. She shut off the camera and walked me to my car. "I love you" she says hugging me. "I love you too" I say kissing her forehead. The guys were saying good bye to their girlfriends besides Corey. And Heath was saying good bye to Zane. "See you later Colbster" She says smiling. "See you later Evebear " I say smiling. I then get in the car and drive away.
Eveline's POV
It has been only like 13 hours since Colby and the guys were last here and I miss them. Their annoying attitudes, yet they were funny. I just miss them. Us girls, Corey, Aaron, and Zane were leaving for Hawaii. I got out of the bed. I couldn't sleep. My body got used to the extra heat the Colby gave off, and of Colby next to me, coupling me to sleep. I couldn't fall asleep. I'm ok though. I got in the shower for it to wake me up. I got out of the shower and slipped on some clothes.

(The flannel is wrapped around her waist so yeah sorry)I put my hair into a messy French braid and went downstairs

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(The flannel is wrapped around her waist so yeah sorry)
I put my hair into a messy French braid and went downstairs. The boys were outside loading the cars. I put my unicorn bag next to everyone else's. Lucas was going to meet us at the airport.we locked the doors to the house, but left a key in the door frame for Scotty to feed the dogs. We got to the airport and had go through any machines. We got in the plane then we were off to Hawaii. Once we go there, we unloaded and walked around for a bit. The uber driver was getting mad so we made him drive us to our hotel. Once we got to the hotel we put our bags and and sorted it the beds. We had two room and they were both connected. In one bedroom was Corey and Devyn. In the others room there was two beds. One bed was Lucas and I and in the other was Amanda and Katrina with Zane in the pop out bed couch. Lucas wanted to sleep next to me and since we've done it before it was ok.
End of chapter 14.
Sorry I'm late on some of things. Two more chapters are coming your way. One with what goes in in Hawaii and the other with Colby in Sydney and the boys back in LA. Eveline doesn't fight Colby though so there's a sneak peek into the next chapter. Hope y'all liked it. Good or nahh???

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