Chapter 12: The Morning After

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Eveline's POV
I opened my eyes and saw the raising sun. I sat up and saw a sleeping Colby. I looked at myself and at him remembering the events that had taken place last night. I put on my shirt and pants smiling. I was putting my hair up when I saw Colby shifted and grab a hold of my thigh. I pushed his hair back and kissed his forehead. "I don't want to wake up" he mumbled. I put on my shoes and checked my phone seeing like 50 missing phone calls from Elton. "Colby you gotta get up. Everyone's wondering where we are" I say picking up Colby's clothes and threw them at him. He groans and sits up slipping them on. I finish folding the blankets and give them to Colby while I pick up the pillows. We put them in the back. I turn around to get into the car when Colby called my name. I turn around and he grabs by waist and kisses me. "I had fun last night" he whispers against my lips. When he pulls away he smiles and gets in the car leaving me a blushing mess and I drive to pick up Shadow form Liza.
We walk in through the door and hear everyone coming towards us. Shadow goes with Circa in the other room. "Where have you guys been?" Elton asks. Amanda and Katrina look at me and smile. "Whoooo girl. Tell us everything" Katrina says. "Yeah. Let's go" Amanda says. Everyone looks at Colby then me then to Colby then to me again. "Did you guys...." Sam asks.  I look at Colby and blush. "Yes. They did. You can see it in their eyes. She is practically glowing." Katrina says. "Ugh. People. I'm hungry let's go to Buffalo Wild Wings." I state. Everyone agrees and we go.
We sit down at a booth that can fit Sam, Katrina, Colby, me, Corey, Devyn, Elton, Amanda, Heath, Zane, Aaron, Brennen, Liza, and David, so basically two tables put together. It was a row of 6. One side of the table was Corey, Amanda, Zane, Katrina, me, then Liza. On the other side was Devyn, Elton, Heath, Sam, Colby, and then David. Then on either side of the table Brennen was on one side while Aaron was in the other. We did the seating this way so we could sit in front of our 'lovers' besides Heath and Zane who are besties. The waitresses was a girl who went by the name Brianna. She ordered everyone's drink besides Colby and I's. She kept staring at Colby. "Ok what can I get you to drink handsome?" She asks Colby. Colby pretends she doesn't know who she's talking to and looks around. "Who are you talking to?" He asks. "You silly" she says flirting. "Oh an ice tea sweet. Babe what would you like. " Colby asks looking at me. "Oh I would like the same." I say smiling. The waitress looks disgusted at me and walks away. "That waitress is a bitch" Heath says. "I agree" I comment sighing. Colby and I look at each other. Colby rubs his legs on mine basically playing footy with me. "Ok is it just me or do they look like they're in love" Zane asks fangirling of Colby and I. "It ain't just you baby" Heath says. We all laugh. Once we got our food we began talking. Katrina and I started our own conversation because she wanted to know about last night with Colby. "So how was it?" She whispers. "I mean. Good. It was weird at first but I'm glad it was with him." I answer whispering. "At are you guys talking about?" Elton says not really whispering. "We're talking about you fucking off and minding your own business." I say smiling. "Shit I'm glad I pulled out my camera." David says laughing. "What do you need Elton?" I asked annoyed. "Well. Since it has been like two months since we've been back from Tokyo. I was thinking of taking Sam, Colby, Heath, and I to.... multiple areas like Parisi and Egypt and other places." Elton says. I look at Colby. "Yeah I'll go. " Sam says looking at Katrina that was ok with it. "Yeah I'll go. I'm excited" Heath says. "I'll miss you baby" Zane says. "Yeah same. I'll go" Colby says. I look at him then stand up. "I have to go use the bathroom. Excuse me." I say going to the bathroom.
Katrina's POV (new POV)
Eveline stood up and walked to the bathroom. I sigh. "What's wrong with her?" Colby asks. Since he was across from me I motioned him to come to me. His ear was close so I could whisper in it. "Your leaving and she just had sex with you. It's hard for a girl after she loses it for the first time. " I whisper pulling away. Colby's face showed guilt. He didn't really know. "Talk to her? Your her best friend." Colby says sitting down. I nod and walk to the bathroom. I hear a sniffle and words. "He was right. Maybe you should just go away. No one does love you."Eveline says. I frown and raise my eyebrows at the sudden words. I then knock on the door. "Eveline? Can I come in?" I asked. "Yea-yeah" she stuttered. She unlocked the door and I walked in. I shut it behind me, but leave it unlocked. "What's wrong babe?" I asked Eveline. "It just feels... feels like sometimes I'm invisible and people would rather me not be here" she states. "Why do you say that?" I asked curious. "When I was with Nicolas, he was always gone and never cared for my feelings and with Colby, he's there sometimes, but doesn't really care for my feelings. I love him, hell, in in love with him, but all I'm questioning is.. does he feel the same" She asked. Before I could answer there was a voice. "Yes." We both looked up seeing Colby standing there. "Of course I feel the same way. I love you. " Colby states. They both look at me and I leave smiling that they've forgotten each other. I walk out as go to the table sitting down. "What happened?" Sam asked. "Eveline just got sad that her 'lover' was leaving after what happened last night."I whispered. Sam makes an o face and settles it.
Colby's POV
I was scared that Eveline was gonna break up with me. "I'm gonna be right back" I tell Sam then got up and went into the girls bathroom. I hear Eveline and Katrina talking about my feelings towards Eveline. Eveline was questioning my love towards her so I had to say something. "Yes" I say. They both turn around. "Of course I feel the same way. I love you. " I state getting closer to them. Eveline and I both look at Katrina to leave and so she does. I look back to Eveline. "It's just... I don't like it when you decide things in your own. When it effects me too." She says. "I know and I'm sorry. Do you want me to go? Because I won't if you don't want me to go." I say holding her waist. "No you can go. Just don't meet someone new and hang out with Sam. He misses you, you know. He may not show it, but he misses his best friend." She answers holding my neck. "I know. It's just he has Katrina. So I thought he wouldn't want me around." I say feeling sad about it all. "No matter what. Sam needs his best friend. It doesn't matter about the relationship that they're in or we're in, you guys will choose each other any day and Katrina and I know that. " she answers. "I wouldn't do that" I say torn between decisions. "You know you would. I love you Colby and I know your in love with me, but Sam is your best friend. And at times you will choose me and at others you will choose him. " she answers. I smile at how real she was. "And at other times Sam would choose you, but some other times he would choose Kat" she finished. I lean in to kiss her. As we get more into the kiss I lift her up by her butt and sit her in the sink. I take off my shirt and hers. I then pull down my pants and take off hers. "Are you ok?" I ask her. "Yes. I'm ok. Just go easy please." She says shy. "Ok" I say.
I put in my shirt and button my pants. We opened the door and walked out to everyone else. We sat down and began eating. "Man am I hungry?" I say smiling. "Yeah. Probably cause you just boned in the bathroom." Brennen says. I groan and Eveline puts her head in her hands. "You guys look flushed and are blushing, and your hair is a mess. " Zane points out. Eveline puts her hair in a messy bun while I play with it to put it by the side. "are we done here? I don't really want to talk about my sex life" Eveline says. "Girl you didn't have a sex life until Colby came into your life." Heath says. Eveline groans and flips off Heath. I laugh. "Hey Elton. When are we leaving?" I asked. "Two days from today. " he answers. I look at Eveline and she smiled. "Ok. Since our 'lovers' are leaving us for like two weeks, ladys and Zane and anyone else who wants to come , let's go to Hawaii or something" Eveline says. "I could take a vacation" Katrina says. Eveline smiles. "Me too babe. Me too" Zane says. "Ok then it's settled. Kat you're going, Zane you're going, Amanda you're going, Aaron you're going. I'm going, anyone else." Eveline asks. "Invite Liza and David. Oh and Scotty with Kristan." Zane says. "Ok so I'm forcing them to go, what about Brennen" Eveline asked looking t Brennen. "I already went to Hawaii and so did Liza, David, Scotty, and Kristan" Brennen says. "Ok is taking them off the list. Devyn and Corey, you're coming. I'm making you. So the people we have are Katrina, me, Aaron, Amanda, Devyn, and Corey. All good?" Eveline asks. "All good" Corey answers. "So its settled the boys are going to Paris and other places around there and the girls with Aaron and Corey are going to Hawaii. "Elton says. "Yep. Just gotta buy the tickets and get everyone's passport in two days. Oh jeez. " Eveline said. I smile and laugh at her cuteness.
End of chapter 12.
I ended it here because this chapter was almost 1,800 words long. Well by the end of this A/N it will probably be 2000 but hey a chapter is a chapter. I realize that Scotty, Kristan, Brennen, And Toddy went to Hawaii. And I was going to make it where they went to Hawaii with Eveline and the others, but then I thought no that's ok. But then I thought about David and Liza and they also went to Hawaii. So I thought no shit who can I invite then I remembered. There are couples and they have lovers that are girls and have a Heath and there's also an Aaron so I decided to go with Zane, Aaron, Amanda, Katrina, and Eveline. Also, I want to make a book about Alex form Davids vlogs, also Durte Dom and Toddy from David's vlogs. I plan on doing that just so I have more then one book. If you want to have a requested book then just comment on this book what person you want that book to be about and I'll make it happen. So thanks for reading this book. This IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER! I have more chapters coming your way. So was this chapter good or nah?
Also this little message here ^
is 2000 words including the chapter. I'm sorry byeee.

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