Chapter 17: The Big Fight

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Colby's POV
I might have reacted the wrong way. So this is how it went: I walked into the bedroom. "Who touched you?" I asked mad. "N-no one" Eveline said stuttering looking at Devyn then me. "Why are you lying? I heard you say that Aaron touched you." I said raising my voice. Eveline stood up going downstairs with me following. She walked to the kitchen grabbing something to drink ignoring my question. "ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION! WHY THE HELL DID YOU LIE?!" I yelled. "Because it isn't a big deal. I was falling and he caught me. Now leave me the fuck alone. " she said drinking her drink. "Why were you falling?" I asked confused. "We were playing hide and seek for Sam's channel and I climbed up something and fell with Aaron catching me." She said filling her up back up with water. "Why does it even matter about Aaron and him touching me, Shea always touched you." Eveline said. "Don't bring her into this" I said. "WHY ARE YOU PROTECTING THE BITCH?! SHE WAS TRYING TO GET INTO YOUR PANTS AND YOUR TOO STUPID TO REALIZE IT!" Eveline yelled. "ME STUPID?! WHO DROPPED OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL A YEAR BEFORE GRADUATION?! YOU!" I yelled. "WELL IF YOU WERE ME YOU WOULD'VE TOO! EVERYONE MADE FUN OF ME FOR HOW I AM OR FOR THE SIZE OF MY BODY AND FOR ME DISABILITY OR FOR HOW UGLY I AM!" She screamed. "NO ONE WANTS A PITY PARTY!" I yelled back. She got so mad that she threw the glass cup at me. "I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T WANT A PITY PARTY, BUT AS MY BOYFRIEND YOU SHOULD CARE!" She said crying running out of the house speeding off. I groaned in frustration and threw an apple at the fridge. I began picking up the glass as everyone comes in the kitchen. "What happened?" Sam asked. "All I did was ask Eveline questions about what happened with Aaron and she got all mad at me and threw a cup at me. She got so mad like she was calm and then the next she was red and scream at me. " I explained. "Umm. There is something I should tell you guys..." Elton said. "What?" We asked. "Eveline was diagnosed with Bipolar depression and had to be signed out of school because of it. " Elton explained. "What? I feel like an ass now." I said groaning. "Why?" Corey asked. "She explained why she left school and I told her no one wants a pity party" I said "we have to go look for her." Aaron said. I looked at him in anger. I moved closer but then Sam put his hand in my shoulder shaking his head no. I nod and walk out the door with everyone following.
Eveline's POV
Not everyone knows the truth. About my condition. It's ok though. I drove on for miles. I don't know where though. All I know was my way back. I ended up driving to Lucas's apartment. I walked in. "Lucas. I need some help." I said walking into his living room seeing s face I would forever hate. "Hello Eveline" he said. "Nicolas..." I said with per-anger. "LUCAS WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I yelled. "IN THE BEDROOM BITCH!" He yelled. "WELL HURRY THE FUCLK UP I NEED YOUR HELP!" I yelled. "Ok coming" He said walking to the couch. Nicolas just sat there. "What is he doing here?" I asked Lucas. He shrugged and we look at Nicolas. "What the hell you doing here? Ain't no one want you here. I moved here to get away from you." I said in anger. "I wanted to see you." He said. I rolled my eyes. "What's the problem?" Lucas asks. "Colby and I got into a fight because Aaron caught me from falling. " I said. "Who's Colby?" Nick ( Nicolas ) asked. "My boyfriend" I said waiting for Lucas's advice. " Try and talk it out. Don't anger yourself you tend to throw things at people in anger. " Lucas said I nod agreeing. "I threw a glass cup at him." I said laughing. "Can I talk to you?" Mick asked. I nod following him to Lucas's bedroom. He shut the door and sat on Lucas's bed. "Your dating someone?" He asked. "Well yeah. We broke up. " I said confused. "You said you would always be Mine." Nick said. "And you said you loved me, but is that true n-" I was interrupted with a kiss. He pushed me down. I tried to break free but he was to strong. As I pushed him off I saw the door open with Colby. "Colby?" I asked with tears. He looked at me with tears and walked away. I pushed Nick and followed Colby. I ran to him. "Colby please stop. I tried to push him off. I could never have sex or even kiss another boy. Please." I said with tears disgusted with myself. "I'll see you at home. " Colby said turning around and kissed my forehead and went down to his car.
We sat in the living room in complete silence. I looked up and saw him with his head in his hands. This all got me thinking about our relationship and if we're meant to be. "Colby..." I said softly. He looked up. "I think we should break up." I said as I get tears. "Why? I cans make you happy. Let me make you happy. Don't leave me. I love you." He said with tears. He looked as if I stabbed him in the heart. I went over to him and kissed him. "I love you too, but all we do is fight and that's not healthy." I said hugging him. "Please don't leave me. I love you so much. " Colby said with more tears. "I won't. I'm sorry I said that. I didn't think you loved me and I-- never mind... But I love you. "I state. "Of course I love you. Its just it's been a hard time."Colby said. I nod and kiss him. He grabs me and takes off my shirt while I take off his. He lays me on the couch and I pull off my pants. He comes back with a condom. He puts it in and potions himself at my entrance. I nod and throw my head back as I'm thrusted into. We stay like this and Colby gets to work pleasuring himself and I.
After Colby showed me he loved me by making love to me we fell asleep. We got out of bed mad I kissed Colby. He had on pj pants while I had on underwear and his shirt. We went downstairs. As we went down the all stared. "You guys are loud" Corey said. "Yeah. Really loud. Oh my god"Sam said. I put my head in my hands mad shake them embarrassed. I get up and throw on some clothes and went downstairs. Oh boy.
End of chapter 17!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 😊
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Thanksgiving/Black Friday chapter coming out soon!!

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