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OUTFIT ^^^ and not edited

I was nervous. I didn't want to be on TV. But being a musician I kinda need to be with my interviews.
"Ms. Eveline you're up in 2."
The guy says. I nod.
I'm going to be answering questions for Ellen. I've always wanted to be in Ellen. I walked near the entrance on back stage waiting for her to call me out.
"Our next guest, Eveline Castee."
Ellen said as fans went crazy.
"So explain to us why you started singing"
I thought for a moment.
"I honestly don't know. I wanted to sing and dance to make myself happy. I wanted it after I ended my YouTube career."
I said.
"Why did you break up with your ex?"
She asked.
"As people know I have bipolar depression. I got sent to a facility and he met someone that made him happy and that made me happy."
I said smiling.
"Do you guys still keep in touch? Also do you have a relationship and if so who?"
Ellen asks.
"We do still contact. He makes YouTube videos. I make music videos. Also going into Four years strong."
I said smiling. My boyfriend made me so happy.
"What's his name again."
"Jonah Marais."
I smile. She laughs.
"You saying his name makes you smile."
Ellen says.
"He's my love, What can I say?"
I shrug.
It was later on that day and I was at The WDW house out back. I sat on the ledge of the house and watched the sunset.
"I love you"
I heard behind me. I turn around and see Jonah.
"Love you too baby"
I say. He sits down next to me. I lay my head in his shoulder.
"Saw you on Ellen today. Talking about me. You smiled a lot."
Jonah states.
"Well. I'm happy to be with you."
I giggle as he place kisses on my cheek. I pull him onto me. My back hits the ground with his head in my chest. My legs open for his body to be comfortable. He fell asleep. My cute Jonah. I don't know what I would do without him.
Being with Colby was hard compared to this relationship. Sure Jonah goes on Tour with his four best friends, but I go with them all the time. Their fans love me. I'm happier than before and being on my pills helped me big time. I haven't been back to my facility and I smile everyday for not being in there and for having a lovely friend family.

I'm supposed to be sleeping for testing tomorrow, but I couldn't so I wrote this finishing the book. I loved writing for you and I wanna say thank you for read this and voting. I hope you enjoyed my book and the adventure we had together.

Love you guys bye.

Be Mine ~ Colby Brock// The Trap House {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now