Chapter 3: Time For A New Change

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Eveline's Hair ^ (explain later)
Eveline's POV ( new POV )
So I met my brother's friends yesterday. I just can't wait for them to meet Lucas. I woke up today and took a shower. I was around 7 and no one was awake so I got dressed

I kept my hair down because I have a hair appointment at the salon later today

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I kept my hair down because I have a hair appointment at the salon later today. I go downstairs and go into the kitchen. I turn on my radio and turn it up a little for me to hear. I then get some pans out quietly not to wake Aaron who was sleeping on the couch. I then began cooking. I cooked two eggs for each of us and made extra for anyone who wanted more, made a pack of bacon, and made potatoes for Elton and I. I put the food in the plate and cooked some pancakes. One of my favorite songs came on the radio so I turned it up swaying my hips and sang to the song. " we should take this back to my place, that's what she said right to my face. Cause I want you bad, yeah I want you baby. I've been thinking about it all day and I hope you feel the same way. Cause I want you and, yeah I want you baby. Slow hands like sweat dipping down our dirty laundry. No, no chance, that I'm leaving here without you. I know the there ain't no stopping, your plans and those slow hands" I sang putting food on plates. I turn around to the table seeing everyone behind me. "Mhm" I say clearing my throat. "Sorry. We smelt food and here's food." Aaron said. I make an awkward face and give everyone their plates. I sit down getting a banana. "Why aren't you eating?" Colby asked. "She always eats last. She says since she is the cook it is only proper that she gets food last. " Lucas said walking in. I smile. "Babe!" I say hugging him. "Bitch!" He says hugging me. I pull away nipple twisting him. "Ouch fuck. That hurt. " he said rubbing it. "I mad you food." I say getting him a plate. "I will have to take this to go because I have a date and need to get ready" Lucas says. "Oh who is the lucky man?" I asked. "Oh I'm it's a girl actually." Lucas says quiet. "So your bi?" I asked. He nods. "She is very pretty and knows I'm bi so it's good." Lucas says showing me a picture of her. Colby looked over my shoulder for more bacon but sees the picture. "That's your date? Shea? " Colby asked. "She is one of my friends." Colby continued. I grab a plate with bacon two eggs and some potatoes then grabbed my radio and go upstairs. I lock my door and throw away the food. No one can know that I don't eat. And only I would know the real. (A/N if you know who it is comment ) The real reason I'm like this. Because of what he did.
He told you that you were fat.
He told you no one would love you.
He told you you were worthless.
He told you you would never be happy alive.
He told you no one would be happy with you
I didn't notice I had tears until I rubbed my eyes. I stood up and looked at myself in my body mirror. I pulled up my shirt seeing a fat yet thin body.
Your so fat.
Just die and you would be happy.
I push my thoughts away pulling down my shirt. I go downstairs and see everyone doing their own thing. "What is on the agenda for today?" I asked everyone. "Got to make a video." Elton says walking away with Amanda. "Same" Sam and Aaron say that the same time. Katrina shrugs following Sam put the stairs. I'm only left with Colby. "So Colbster. What are we doing today?" I asked. "Umm. I was gonna hang out with Brennen. Wanna hang with us?" Colby asked standing from the couch. "Sure." I say grabbing my phone.
Colby's POV ( new POV yay )
Eveline got into my car and looked out the window as I drove. I turned up the radio up and began beating my hand against the steering wheel and mouthed the lyrics. ' you've been running around, running around, running around throwing that dirt along my name. Cause you knew that I, knew that I, knew that I would call you up. " I mouthed. Eveline looked at me then back at the window. " I know that dress is karma, perfume regret. You got me thinking about when you were mine. And now I'm all up on you, what did yo expect? But your not coming home with me. You just want attention, you don't want my heart. Maybe you just hate the thought of me with someone new, each you just want attention, I knew from the start." I sang. She looked at me and began singing.
Brennen got in the back seat shaking my hands. "So where to?" Brennen asked. "Umm Tender Greens" I say driving to the restaurant. Eveline nods going into her Instagram. She noticed we were at a red light and took a pic with us. She gave a cross eyed kiss face while Brennen put his hands in a gang sign and me smiling. She then tagged Brennen and I in the picture and posted it. Everyone was blowing thro I tire up with comments. I then pull into Tender Greens.
We walked in and ordered our food. Eveline grabbed her phone clicking on Instagram. She videoed us eating. "So I'm here with Colbster and Brennen" she said. She finished the video recording and posted it. She finished her last bit and went to use that bathroom. "So Colbster?" Brennen says. "Shut the fuck up. It's just a nick name." I say groaning. "Well it is obvious that she liked you. Just make sure it isn't a rebound. " Brennen says. I groan once again at Brennen's remarks. She comes back and sits down. "Fucking idiots are so annoying." She sighs. "What happened?" I asked. "Some dude was like ' yo wanna fuck? I bet you'll be good money's worth. ' and then when I declined him, he was like 'It don't matter. If you said yes I would've said no because you could give me AIDS' and I'm just like 'dick'" she says mad. I say sorry about how he was acting then we left.
Eveline's POV
So after lunch Colby took me to get my hair dyed and stayed with me so I wasn't lonely. I ended up dying it like galaxy. Little bit of purple, dark blue, little blue, and one streak of pink. It was cute for a finishing touch. I got Colby and Brennen's approval. Colby drove Brennen home then drove us home. When I went inside, no one was home. So Colby and I ended up watching some Netflix with ice cream. We laughed and didn't notice everyone came home until they saw us slow dancing to the song that was playing for the people's prom. We pulled away seeing everyone standing there. "So. Lucas and Shea didn't work out. Turns out Lucas is still gay." Elton says out of no where. I nod sitting down with Colby. "Wanna join us?" I asked Elton. He looks at everyone mad they nod. "Sure" he says sitting next to me. Everyone sits down and I turn on the movie. I ended up falling asleep in Elton.
End of chapter three.
Good or nah??

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