Chapter 10: Shits about to go down

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Eveline's POV
I got the strength to walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I mean I know Colby and her are in the living room area with the huge TV but hey the kitchen is right next to it. As I got downstairs, everyone was talking to them. I quickly walked up and heard something. "Don't tell Eveline that I'm cheating on her" Colby said. My heart skipped a beat. I almost had a heart attack hearing those words. I just held in my tears and walked into the kitchen and got some water. I pulled out some eggs and a frying pan. I began cooking then eggs ignoring the eyes in me. I the turned in the radio. All that was in the radio was shit so I shut it off and finished cooking the eggs. I ate the eggs, threw away the plate, and turned around with everyone's eyes on me. "Yes?" I asked with my mouthful of eggs. "Could you at least act like a lady?" Shea asked disgusted. "If you don't like the way I eat, you can fucking leave. This ain't your house. " I said mad she would say that to me. "Yeah. Dude come on. The way she acts has nothing to do with you. " Corey said with Devyn, Sam, and Katrina agreeing. Colby rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna be gone for two days in San Diego with Shea here to film some videos" Colby told me. "Cool why would I care?" I asked drinking my water. "Because your my girlfriend why else?" Colby asked. "Apparently you and I have different meanings of girlfriend" I said smiling then looked st my phone. Liza texted me asking to collab. I said yes. "Oh really? What is your meaning versus mine. "Colby asked walking towards me. "Your meaning is 'oh let me kiss her once then hang out with girls multiple times, oh now I'm gonna forget about her and hangout with Brennen' while mine is 'I'm gonna spend time with you. Not all the time, but some' "I said mad. Everyone is silent. I look into Colby's eyes. All I could see was lust, sadness, but most of all love. I walked towards him. I looked behind him and looked at everyone to leave. They nod and leave. Even Shea. I look up to Colby. "Do you... love me or even like me?" I whispered. His mood quickly changed. "Of course I lo... like you. Your my girlfriend. Your beautiful and I'm lucky to have you. " Colby said staring into my eyes with one of his hands in my cheek and his other one wrapped around my waist. As I looked into his eyes. I knew apart of me had to say those three words. "I love you" I whispered to where I was scared he didn't hear. He pulled me close to him. "I love you too" he whispered. We then kiss.
I sit in the couch as Colby grabbed everyone's attention back to the living room area. "Well. I'm going to San Diego for an exploration video. Babe, would you like to come with?" Colby asked. "No. I'm fine. I'm gonna hang with Liza. " I said looking at my phone. "Wait. You get a collab with Liza, but I don't. That's bullshit." Colby said. "Well. When your gay best friend lives in the same floor as Liza, you tend to pass her every time you visit him. " I said smiling. "Well I gotta go. Bye babe. Love you" I said. "Love you too" Colby said kissing me. "Bye guys" I said. They waved bye. As I walked out I heard Sam say something. "OOOHHH, already at I love you. Damn Colbs. You crazy about her. " Sam said teasing. "Shut the fuck up. Stop acting like its forbidden for me to love someone" Colby said. "I just always thought you would love me." Sam said pretending to cry. "And I always thought you would love me. But you have Kat and I have my Eveline. So shut the fuck up." Colby said laughing. I walked out and went to my car.
I knocked on Liza's door and she smiled. "EVELINE!" she yelled with David in the back wth his camera out. "LIZA!" I yelled back hugging her. I walk in and sat on the couch with her. "Introduce yourself" David said. "I'm Eveline and I'm a fellow YouTuber. " I said smiling. "Not gonna promote your YouTube channel" David asked "they probably already know who I am... so no" I said. They both laugh. "David you need to leave. I'm gonna be collaborating with her so leave" Liza said kicking David out of the apartment. I smiled and laughed. "Ok let so you will it the record button and then you can jump into the video when I introduce you ok" Liza said. I nod from go behind the camera. "Welcome back to my channel. I'm Liza and I'm here with... EVELINE CASTEE!" She said as I jumped in front of the camera. "What's up kitty's" I said smiling. "Hey. This is my channel. Your channel is in the description. "Liza said. "Yeah. So you people better subscribe" I said pointing my finger. Liza laughs and grabs her keys. "Oh no" I said. "Yep. You guessed it. Driving with Liza." She said. I groan and walk to her car. I sit down with her. She starts driving and turns on the radio. "Despãcito is put next after this" the radio stated. I groan. "Despãcito is a stupid song but I like to sing it. " I commented. Liza shrugged as she changed the channel. "Ohhh I love this song keep it on" I yelled turning it up. She nodded and began singing with me.
"Womanizer, woman-womanizer. You're a womanizer, oh, womanizer, oh, you're a womanizer, baby.
You-you-you are, you-you-you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer" we sang. We laughed and changed the radio more for different songs.
Liza ended up driving to Target. "So this is a driving and target with Liza?" I asked. She nods as we get out of the car to enter Target. We then recorded in Target. Making a lot of puns because they are Liza's specialty. Liza doing puns is better then when I found out I reached 100k subscribers. I mean I have 3 million now so there's a difference. Liza dropped me off at the apartment building to get my car because she had to go film with David. We said our good byes and I drove home. I saw a shadow in the window upstairs. I stared at it and it moved. That's my room. The hell?
Colby's POV
"What is up guys? Colby here and I'm filming a prank on my girlfriend Eveline. Now some of you guys might not know that I have a girlfriend, but I do. She is amazing and I love her, so what perfect way then to prank of me cheating. " I said laughing. "Seems like you" Shea said. "And Shea is going to be the one I'm 'cheating' on Eveline with. Also Eveline is very jealous of the attention of Shea. So this is gonna end with me being dumped. Hopefully not. I will be right back with everything set up. " I said shutting of the cameras. "Eveline is jealous of me? I guess I would be too." She commented. I looked away in disgust, I honestly don't like Shea like that because I love Eveline. I got to my room and set up a camera next to the door for when Eveline enters and one next to Shea and I for a better view of us and Eveline. I took off my shirt as Shea took off her shoes. I looked outside the window in the room waiting for Eveline. "Alright guys. Eveline is downstairs. She just entered. So I have to whisper. Come on let's get it the bed. " I whispered as I shut the door then went to lay in the bed. "The fuck? Bruh. I was eating that." Eveline yells downstairs. "I'm hungry." Sam yelled back. "Suck a dick then don't eat my food. " Eveline yelled even louder. "That's your job for Colby and besides, whose would I suck?" Sam asked. I could hear Eveline gag. "That's disgusting for my virgin ears. I'm gonna go see Colby" I heard Eveline's footsteps. "DON'T MAKE BABIES WHILE IM GONE" Sam yelled before walking  out the house. Eveline knocked in the door then entered.
End of chapter 10..
I left it as a cliffhanger because this chapter is over 1,400 words so yeah. Good or nah???

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