Chapter 16: He Returns

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Eveline's POV
I had just woken up by someone picking my eye. "The fuck?" I said rubbing my eye. "Sorry. You moved your face. But since you're up. Get dressed we're going to Costco" Katrina said smiling. I nod and shoo her away to get dressed. As I'm choosing my clothes I go and check my SnapChats. I go into Colby's and he was with girls and a Brennen. I didn't mind that. I knew Colby was loyal to me and that he loved me. But then Brennen had a picture of Colby with his arm around a girl. I was jealous. I put down my phone and went into the bathroom. I went and turned on the radio listening to one of my favorite songs, 2U by Justin Bieber, it's a cute song. I took off my clothes leaving me in my bra and underwear. I moved around examining myself. I mean I have fat thighs, a medium size stomach like it's not fat but there is some. I don't have big boobs but there a... decent size for a Cup C. My butt wasn't to big either but it was there. My face looked like a baby's and my hair was all waved and annoying. It was losing its color and going back to its natural blonde. I've always hated my body and hair. Just because I would look around at other girls and see a difference. My hair was curly and like super curly. I only have it waves because I don't put any products in it. My eyes are green but an ugly green. Like some people say they change to a dark green then to a light green and sometimes the color is surrounded with a darker green then inside. And I'm like it's just ugly. Colby always said that I was beautiful or that my eyes are gorgeous. I smile at that. I then continue to take off my clothes and jump into the shower.
After my shower I went into my bedroom to see it dark. I was taking a little nap before Katrina woke me up. It was around 8pm and they said to be ready my 8:30pm so I had time. I decided to actually do my hair today after I threw on some clothes.

(Minus the , earrings, bracelet)I wore my outfit with plaid slip on Vans

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(Minus the , earrings, bracelet)
I wore my outfit with plaid slip on Vans. Even though it was Autumn it was still a little cold so I wore a jacket. It was big on me and it was so comfy. In my book bag was some of my merch for if I need a change of clothes or another jacket. Since I decided to do my hair I put some moose, gel, hair spray, and other hair stuff in my hair to make m curly stick out.

(Just imagine its blonde)I smiled at the perfection in front of me

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(Just imagine its blonde)
I smiled at the perfection in front of me. I decided to add a little makeup. I added some foundation, little bit of grey eye shadow, some mascara, and lipgloss. I smiled. I have to admit. This was the first time I thought as myself as beautiful. I walked out of my room with my phone in my hand. Sam, Katrina, Aaron, Corey, and Devyn were all waiting. "Hey guys" I say walking down the stairs. They all looked around. They were shocked. "What?" I asked. "Did you get a perm?" Kat asked "no. It's my natural curls. Can we go?" I asked. They nod and we walk to the cars.
We arrived at Costco and walked to a random area in the store and began filming. "What is up guys? I'm back with another hide'n'seek video with my roommates. This place is Costco and it is huge and I might not be able to find anyone. " Sam said. "Yeah. So are we to hide with each other?" Corey asked. "No. That way if I find one of you. I don't find the other." Sam said. "Aww. Now you can't hide with me" Devyn said hitting Corey's arm. I laugh and tug in my jacket. "What's wrong?" Kat asked. "I'm hot and don't have a shirt on underneath of it" I said. Kat turns around and tells them to shoo. "No it's ok. I'll go to the bathroom like a lady" I said picking up my book bag. "Since when are you a lady"Kat said. "I don't know. When I fucking want to be." I said walking away laughing.
I put on the three musketeers shirt and walked out to them. "Why did you have to go to the bathroom to take off your jacket?" Sam asked. "Because I wasn't wearing a shirt. Now let's get in with this." I said clapping my hands. Sam salutes and leaves. We all go and hide. I stay with Kat. We were following him for a bit and Kat put a little video of it on SnapChat. We were following him until he looked at us causing us to duck. We lost sight of him. We go down one of the aisles seeing Devyn and Corey hiding behind the boxes. "Guys. I can't find Sam" Katrina said worried. "I thought he was supposed to find us" I said confused. As Corey got out from his hiding spot Kat looked at the entrance of the aisle and screamed then ran. I saw Sam and began to run after Kat.
Sam's POV (new POV)
"You guys were hiding together?" I asked. "Nah. I came over here and his then I saw him." Devyn said. "What happened? Why did you guys came out?" I asked. "Well Kat was like I can't find Sam and me being stupid that you were lost and then when I came out I saw you and she screamed and ran with Eveline following" Corey said. "Well let's go find them " I said is that them following. "Nah. Devyn wanna go get some Taco Bell?" Corey asked. Devyn nodded. "Nah. Guys. You are now seekers and have to help me find them. " I said laughing. "Ohhh" Corey and Devyn said. We continued walking towards the back. "Let's go talk to the employees and ask if they've seen our Kat" Corey said. "Oh we should" I said. "They would be so confused and we can just say our Kat is in the loose. " Corey said laughing. We continued to walk until I saw a black haired girl that was my Kat. I began to run to the opposite side while the others block off the other side. I ran up to her and she scream. "Where's Eveline?" I asked. She laughed and pointed up. I look up seeing Eveline on the top of the wall. "What the hell are you doing up there? Better question, how did you get up there" I asked. "I climbed. I heard you get Kat so on the opposite aisle I climb up and now I'm here. " Eve said. "Well come down. " I said. She nods and throws her book bag down and jumped and Aaron catches her. "Don't need you going to the hospital" Aaron says. She nods looking into his eyes. She cleared her throat and looking down saying thank you and grabbing her stuff. Aaron checked out. We finished the video and we drove home. When we got home we got out the car and walked to the door. I stopped Eveline to see what the incident at the store was about. "Hey, what happened at the store? " I asked. She groans. "I just looked at his eyes and the position of his hands was making it awkward. I swear to god. I don't like Aaron. I love Colby with all my heart." Eveline said. I nod and hug her. She sighs and walks inside. She goes upstairs as I go into the kitchen. I see a Colby. I smile and hug him. "Whattup man. I missed you. " I say. "Same. Where's Eveline?" Colby asks. "In her room." I answer going into the fridge. He nods and goes upstairs. I go into the living room area place thing room. I sit down and see Kat covered with a blanket waiting for me. I sit down and pull her into me more. She gets comfortable and we watch Titanic.
Colby's POV
I know something happened. Sam was acting weird like he waiting to tell me something. As I got upstairs I heard Eveline talking to someone, Devyn. "Yeah but I mean. His hands were in me weird and his eyes weren't like Colby's. it made me awkward. " Eveline said. What? Whose hands? "Eve you're going to have to tell Colby about Aaron." Devyn said. "I know. But I mean... Colby will just over react." She said. "Yeah. But at least you wouldn't keep it a secret and besides he has to find out by you before anyone else does. " Devyn said. I could hear Eveline's unsteady breathes. I was filled with anger. I might not have texted the way I should have.
End of chapter 16!
I know it took forever and also sorry about the body reading scene with how she examined her body. A lot has been going on and I just needed a break. My grandfather had past away earlier this week and it was tough. But now I'm better and can post more chapters. I will be posting two before thanksgiving and one on thanksgiving. Hope y'all enjoyed.
I will be making a Colby and friends one shots for you guys to read. I will need 50 votes on this chapter and that will happen. If that happens. You can comment what you want to happen in your one shot, your name, and who you want to be with.
But good or nah???

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