Chapter 30: Coachella

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Eveline's POV
It was time. For Coachella. I was excited. I packed my bag for the three days we were going and decided to go live on Instagram while I was getting ready.
"Hey guys"
I wave. I see already 100,000 views. Some commented 'where have you been gone' or 'what happened to colby'. I sigh.
"I understand you guys have questions and I will be answering them."
I say reading my screen.
A comment made my heart flutter.
"Hey Beautiful" @jonahmarais
I smile to the camera.
"Hey Jojo" I say. He requested for a video chat and I accepted.
"Hey Eveline"
He said sitting down at a table.
"Yo. You talking to Eveline?"
Zach asked. Jonah nods. All the guys run to Jonah's phone.
They yell. I smile.
"Hey guys."
"You going to Coachella?"
Jonah asked.
"How do you know?"
I asked setting my phone against my mirror fixing up my hair.
"Your outfit"
He says. I look down. True.

"I got my hair dyed for this too"I said adding hair products into my blue and purple hair making the curls stick out

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"I got my hair dyed for this too"
I said adding hair products into my blue and purple hair making the curls stick out.
"You have curls?"
Jack asked putting the phone in his face.
I said adding some make up.
"Dang Jonah. She is a good one."
Daniel said in the back of the room playing his guitar.
"When you guys coming back to California?"
I asked picking up the phone walking back to my room. After I got out of the facility, Logan sent movers to the house and got my stuff. I officially live with Logan.
I yelled.
He yelled back. Spencer following him with his camera.
"I need my pants back"
I said
"Funny you say that, I don't have them."
Logan said chuckling.
I looked at him in anger.
I hissed.
"Clam your tots ma'am. Come out side."
He said guided me to outside.
"Oh Logan say hi to your boys"
I said holding out my phone. Logan grabs my phone.
"Hi my boys"
He said running away. I ran after him.
I giggled. I jumped on his back and he ran in circles.
He laughed. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.
"At least a girl is giving you attention."
I whisper in his ear. He looks at me and his smile disappeared.
"Not nice"
He laughed. I giggle and smile.
"I'm happy to see you smile"
Jonah says looking at me. I blush.
"So What did you need to tell me?"
I said jumping off of Logan's back following him to the back yard.
"We're going to Coachella. Maybe we can meet up and spend some time together."
Corbyn says
I nod and look down.
I yell seeing my jeans on the ground ran over by the vehicle they got for their camping trip.
"What happened?"
Zach asked.
"Logan ran over my jeans I was going to use for Coachella"
I said. I shrugged.
"I don't care. I'll just use a pair of your leggings."
I said walking back into the house. I smirked.
"What are you smirking about?"
Jonah said laying down of his bed.
"Nothing. I just need help finding a pair."
I said setting down my phone. I pulled the pop socket out and set it down on a shelf. I took some leggings.
"This one or this one?"
I asked Jonah
He said choosing the black ones.
"Good choice"
I smiled. Everyone was commenting on what happened between Colby and I. Someone commented that they saw Colby with another girl.
"Guys. I already told you. I will tell you everything. Just not right now. I'm going to explain everything. Please don't make drama about this. It's nothing. Bye Jonah I'm ending the live"
I waved.
"Bye Love"
I ended it.
Logan yelled.
I yelled back. I went into the bathroom. I opened up my medicine cabinet.
'Depression pills. Take twice a day, everyday. Once in morning, once at night.'
I sighed and grabbed them. I know that they help me, I just don't want them. I continued searching down and reached my bipolar pills.
'Bipolar pills. Take twice a day, everyday. Once in morning, once at night'
I grabbed those and put them in my bag. I grabbed some feminine products and grabbed my bag walking downstairs.
"Let's go"
I smile. Logan reaches the Uber and be drive away.
Coachella Day 1
"We are here and ready to party"
Logan said barging into my room.
"Stop. I need to get dressed."
I groaned sitting up form my bed.
"It's already late in the afternoon. Why are you still sleeping?"
He asks jumping in my bed. I flop back onto the bed.
"I'm tired."
I shrugged.
"Get dressed. We need to meet the boys."
Logan says leaving the room. I sigh and get up. I go to my suitcase and choose one of my outfits.

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