Chapter 26: Easter and a Few Pranks

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Eveline's POV
I was laying in my back with my eyes closed. I just woke up, but didn't want to open my eyes. I felt a body on top of me, kissing me from my cheek to my neck.
"Colby" I whin.
"Baby" he mimicked
"What are you doing?" I asked stretching my arms around his neck as he continued kissing me.
H went lower down to my stomach.
"Giving my baby the love she deserves." He says kissing my stomach. I giggle.
"S-stop. I need to get ready" I say trying to push him off. He fights against me and pushes himself on me.
"Stop fighting." He looks me in the eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes I fell in love with.
"Fine" I gave up. He smiles and crawls underneath the blankets making me a moaning mess.
(A/N 😏😏😏!! Sorry. I'm cringe so I didn't want to write the scene. But some funny business happened.
Sam's POV
I have decided to pull a prank on the roommates. Colby is in on the prank and I know Eveline will be effected since I'm her best friend. Jake will be kinda sad Andy He other guys will think it's a prank until I actually leave. Im really leaving to go to Florida for Kay's sisters wedding for two weeks, but the guys will think I'm going to Kansas. I was about to knock on the Eveline's door, but I heard weird noises. Great. I groan and walk away going into my room and started packing my bag. I then decided it was time to start filming my video.
"What's up guys, it's Sam. And I'm back with another video. Today's video is a prank with me moving out. I've been dropping hits about how tough social media is for me and how I miss Kansas. Obviously that's a lie, but it is a prank. Colby is in on it. He said sure. And I also know that Eveline will be sad because I am her best friend. Anyways let's cut it the next scene" I say shutting off my camera.
Eveline's POV
Colby groaned and collapsed next to me. I was breathing heavy as he grabbed ahold of me moving me onto him.
"I love you"
He says smiling.
"I love you too"
I replied closing my eyes.
"Come on. No sleeping."
He says sitting up.
I groan. I cover myself up and sat up too.
"I need clothes."
I say as I watch Colby put on his clothes.
"Then get dressed"
He said confused.
"Can you get them for me? I'm kinda naked."
I say shy
He crawled up to me on all fours and got close to my face. Close enough to kiss me.
"I've already seen it all baby. And there's nothing to be ashamed of."
He whispered and kissed my cheek. I blush and move to the side  of the bed grabbing my underwear and bra. I put them on then stood up with Colby smirking  at me. I groan and walked to my dresser and bent down to grab some shorts when I felt a sting in my butt. It didn't scare me. It didn't hurt me. It was just surprising. I stood up straight and see Colby smirking at me and walked out the room closing the door. I'm left confused. I put in some shorts and one of Colby's Jersey merch shirts.
I walked down stairs and saw everyone in the kitchen. Minus Devyn. I walked in.
"What's going on?"
I asked confused.
"I'm moving out."
Sam says
My heart stopped.
I whispered.
"I'm moving back to Kansas"
Sam said sighing
I felt tears about it come out.
"W-why? Are you not happy?"
I asked
"I just feel like I'm home sick."
He says shrugging
"Will you come back?"
I asked
"I don't know"
He says sighing once again
"P-please don't leave. I need my b-best friend. And Kat needs her b-boyfriend. "
I say hugging him. He was taken back by my reaction.
"Please don't leave" I whisper.
I felt someone rub my back. I look and see Colby. I frown and hug Colby.
"I'm sorry. Eveline. I have already bought my ticket."
He says standing tall. I nod and smile.
"Whatever makes you happy."
I pull away from Colby bad walk upstairs and felt tears daring to spill out.
(No Eveline does not have feelings for Sam. But imagine your best friend leaving you forever. And I bet this would be your reaction ^^ it would be mine.)
Sam's POV
Everyone walked out and I went upstairs. Colby soon entered.
"I didn't expect her to react like that"
Colby said frowning.
"I'm her best friend."
I say packing my bag.
"If this is the way she reacts when you 'move out'. I'll be scared to see her reaction when or if I move out"
Colby says sighing
I laugh.
"She'd die or pull you by your arm not wanting you to walk out the door. Tell you a big speech about how much she loves you and that you shouldn't leave."
I say smiling.
Colby smiles and helps me finish packing.
I walked out and hugged everyone good bye and drove to the airport. I met Lat there and we hopped onto a plane to Florida.

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