Chapter 24: The Queen Elizabeth Ship

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Eveline's POV
Colby and Sam decided to film videos on this haunted ship and me being me said that I wanted to go.
"Baby, when are we leaving?"
Colby wakes up the stares and into his room where I was yelling from. I was only in bra and underwear getting dressed so when he saw me he smirked.
"No where with you looking like that"
I rolled my eyes.
"Shut up."
I put  on a shirt and shorts.
"Tell me when we're leaving because I need to know how long I got until I leave so I can get ready."
Colby looks at his phone.
"An hour"
I nod and he leaves. I go into the bathroom and do a little make up and do my hair. I put some stuff in it to keep it firm frizzing out and it to stay curly.

I walk downstairs and see Jake outside with Colby talking about our broken trampoline

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I walk downstairs and see Jake outside with Colby talking about our broken trampoline. Jake being stupid tried to jump on it mad almost died. I rolled my eyes tat he stupid boy in front of me.
"COLBY!" I yell from inside.
Him and Jake come running inside.
"I need you to hurry up. We gotta leave soon" I say
Jake was recording us because he hadn't put his phone down.
"Ok well let's go" Colby says putting his arm out telling me to walk. Jake puts out his hand to stop us from walking watch causes it to work.
"Wait just a second. We gotta talk about what happened the other day." Jake said into his phone.
I look at him in confusion.
"What happened?"
Jake turned the camera towards him and started making kissing faces. I blush and groan.
"Oh. That"
He turns the camera back.
"YEAH! OH THAT! You know. My virgin eyes didn't need to see you in that state. "
I huff out air as I roll my eyes in annoyance.
"We didn't know anyone was home. The moment got heated. It happens. If you had a girlfriend, you would understand. But you don't. So stop using us as an excuse for your virgin eyes being ruined. You wouldn't have virgin eyes if you wouldn't be so annoying." I say grabbing ahold of Colby's hand dragging him towards the door.
"That hurt my feelings" Jake said looking sad.
"And I don't care. Bye." I said pulling Colby out slamming the front door in Jake's face.
"I am annoyed. Let's go to the car and not talk about what happened." I say walking towards Colby's car. Sam was in his grabbing something before we left. Colby and Sam brought bags since they were staying there for a few nights. I, myself, had clothes in Colby's bag so we were good to go.
"What was with all the yelling?" Sam asked.
"Don't ask. Just don't she's annoyed enough by him. I don't want her to snap at you." Colby says putting the bags in the trunk. I go and sit in the backseat. I go on my phone and see that Jake had posted the video of Colby and I. Everyone commented a laughed emoji or a funny comment. I smiled. But noticed something wrong with my hair.
"Colby. I need my hair dyed. After this weekend. I'm getting my hair dyed." I say out the window.
"K" He says shooing me away.
I frown and continue looking at my phone.
"What's up guys it's Sam and Colby"
"And today we are joined here to day with Moe and Kazzy"
I frown. Colby looks at Sam.
"And my beautiful girlfriend Eve"
I smile and kiss Colby's cheek. Sam wanted a kiss on his cheek but instead I flicked it.
"Asshole" I say to him. He rolled his eyes.
"So guys. We are playing capture the flag. So basically we have the box and the board. And one of us will have to hide them around the shop and the first person to find the other person's item and get back to their base wins" Colby explains.
I look at I'm confused.
"Sweetheart. Just because you have looks doesn't mean we can understand what you say. Please talk in a language for 4 year olds and..." I look at Sam "Blondes"
Colby smiles.
"You guys will get it as we go along"
We all nod and follow Colby to the center of the ship.
"We will be taking this end and the other team will be taking the other end"
I look at the other team.
"What's your guys's name"
They look at each other saying random names until they agree to one.
"Team Sergeants."
I roll my eyes.
"Team SOLBY for the win" I say smiling.
"What about you?"
"Oh me. I'm not playing. I'm going to walk around for a bit and scare you guys if I pass you."
"Ok well you have your phone right?" Colby asks me holding onto my waist.
"Yes I do. I will text you if I get lost or if I see you."
He nods.
"Ok. I love you. Be careful. "
"I love you too. I will be."
He kisses me than let's go.
"Bye Sammy."
"Bye Evey"
"Love you"
"Love you" Sam says waving bye.
I smile and wave bye to them.
"Bye Beautiful. Love you." Colby says.
"Bye." I say smiling because turning around and leaving to explore.
Colby's POV
We decided to hide the box between the railing and the wall. It was a good hiding spot. The clock hit 3:40 and we began running towards the other side. Us running causes me to sweat. I did not want to knock on the haunted door. I didn't because last time it was scary getting a knock back. As we continued running we got it the other end and we looked and searched and found noting. I tried the other rooms but nothing. Until Sam went into a room and found the room. And in that instance we began running again. We pasted Kazzy and Moe. We also pasted other people along the way.
"I'm sweating all over my body"
Sam nods and agrees with me.
"I'm sweating from everyhole in my body"
Sam looks at me weird and we look over and see a maid looking at us. We stopped running and looked at her.
"Did you hear that ma'am? Every hole, did you hear that?" Sam asks as we walk away from her. The maid just standing there confused.
We continued walking and pasted other people. We had to go down the hall and as we went down I felt like someone was watching us. I looked around and saw nothing. "Sam. Do you feel as if someone is watching you?" I asked.
He shrugged and shook his head no. I frown and get back to walking. A couple for steps and I'm presented with a roar.
I groan and scream so loud.
"The fuck Eve?" I asked mad. She shrugs and smiles.
"That scared me. " Sam says holding his heart.
(Not really)
We ended up getting to the finish line and winning the race. After that the guys wanted a round 2 and they cheated by not telling us where the object is so we were looking in the wrong area the entire time.
Eveline's POV
I had fun today with everyone and searching and exploring a haunted ship. We stayed the night and Colby laid down on the bed and I cuddled into his side and fall asleep to the words
"I love you, Beautiful"
I know it's been forever mad I'm sorry. Writers block. Go check out my other book about imagines please!!
Good or nahhhhhhhh??

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