Chapter 21: Colby's Birthday Present

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This is late for Christmas and late for Colby's birthday so this is extra long. Hope you guys like it still.
Eveline's POV
It was currently Christmas Eve and Colby decided him and Sam would go and explore an abandon hospital/insane asylum. I wanted to go so Colby was letting me. I was currently standing in front of a body mirror. I was wearing skinny jeans, a long sleeve shirt, a zip out jacket, then one of Sam's merch jackets. I threw my hair into a messy bun. I put on my snow boots because they were comfy. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Colby staring at me getting dressed. For some reason this made me self conscious. I blush and turn around. "Ready to go?" I asked. He nods and walks up to me. "I love you baby." He says kissing my nose. "I love you too," I say kissing him. We walk out of the bedroom and walk toward the front door then the door bell rang. I opened the door seeing Sam. "BEST FREND SAMMY!" I yelled. "BEST FREND EVIE!" Sam yelled. We hugged. I smile as he smiled back. "Whooo. Love birds matching. " Sam says winking. Colby was wearing Sam's merch. I smiled. "LEGO MY BRUHS!" I yelled walking towards the car.
Christmas Day
It was a fun day yesterday. Almost getting killed by homeless people. I woke from my phone going off. I sat up turning it to vibrate. I threw on some pants and a shirt. Colby was laying on the bed only in boxers and he got them muscles though. I'm sorry. I'm just cringe. It was 7:45am so I decided to get dressed.

(Minus the jewelry and the heels)I slipped on a pair of glittery flats and saw it was 8am

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(Minus the jewelry and the heels)
I slipped on a pair of glittery flats and saw it was 8am. I decided to surprise Colby with my gift. It was two passes to Disney World for four days and with a hotel room. He was on his back so I moved the blanket so I could sit on top of Colby, I then began kissing his ear. He would Moan. "Merry Christmas baby" I say whispering in his ear. I hop off of him as he sighs and sits up. I pass him a box. He shakes it then began opening it. It was a pair of new vans that he has wanted. I of course have matching ones. The black ones. He moves the shoes and finds the passes. His eyes widen. "Oh my god. " he gasps. "You like it?" I asked. He nods kissing me. "Since you gave me a gift. I want to give you yours now." He says handing me a box. I open the wrapping paper and see a box. I look at him smiling as I open the box. I gasp. It was a ring to match his. "Awe. Colby.." I gasp with tears. "You like it?" He asks. "Like it? I love it." I say smiling. I grab the ring and slip it on. I put  it on my finger like his. He grabbed the box and flipped it over so I could read it.
It read:
To my beautiful Eveline,
  Merry Christmas! I hope you are enjoying today with tons of love and happiness. I decided to get you a skull ring to match mine. Why you may ask? Let me tell you. I love you with all my heart. And you have always said you wish you could be apart of me more. So I decided to get the ring for when you're upset or just missing me then you can just look at your ring and be reminded of me and of the people who love you.
     Sincerely your love, Colbear
I smile and hug Colby. This Christmas was exciting and was better then ever.
Colby's Birthday
Today is Colby's birthday. I have decided I would prank him. Brennen is coming by later for Colby's gift so I was going to prank Colby when he gets here. So basically the prank is that I'm pregnant. Not with Colby's baby, but with Brennen's baby. This will hurt Colby cause he is the only one to I don't know how say this.. that has had sex with me. I got a pregnancy test and did the plus sign business. A part of me is also testing Colby. To see if I were to actually get pregnant, if he would be there.
"Bro. I'm here." Brennen yells. It was like 75 degrees so I was wearing shorts that were high waisted with a take chances shirt from Colby's merch. "Yo. Bro. Wattup." Colby said. I was breathing heavy walking down the stairs to act nervous. "Colby can I talk to you?" I asked. He nods and follows me. "I don't know how to say it." I say pretending to cry. "Say what? D-did you cheat?" Colby asked with tears. "NO! I'm just... I'm pregnant." I say holding myself. Colby's body freezes. "No you can't be. " he says mad. "Yes I can. You got me pregnant. " I said. "You cheated because I always use protection." Colby says messing up his hair. "You could've broken it." I say sighing. He shakes his head. Just then Brennen walks in. "Did you tell him?" Brennen asks. "Tell me what?"Colby asks walking around the room. "That's she is pregnant with my baby." Brennen said. I watched as Colby's body shut down and he stopped working. His face changed. "THE FUCK?!" He yelled punching Brennen in the face. He grabbed ahold of Brennen's shirt until I sprayed him with silly string. "Its just a prank" I say. He sighs. "I'm sorry about your shirt. " Colby says as Brennen nods. Later that night Brennen surprised Colby with tickets for something that he didn't tell me. I smile at how happy he is..
Hope you enjoyed. Sorry it was late. I know Christmas and Colby's birthday is long gone. I know I promised you guys a chapter so here it is. Late but here. Was the chapter good or nah?

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