Chapter 22: Partying And a New Roommate

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Eveline's POV
Colby and the guys were gone in a birthday trip that Brennen surprised Colby with. Kat, Devyn, and I all decided to through a party for me reaching 5 million subscribers. The party included, David, Liza, and their friends with my new friends Jake Paul, and Team 10. I met Jake Paul through a video of him selling David's house. (I know that video is old but just pretend) I hit David on the head when he hit Jake on the head cause like "It's Everyday Bro" am I right? (I might make a book bout Team 10 and Jake Paul so stay tuned for that if it happens, comment yes if you want it) So Kat got the food, I got the decorations, and Davy's got the outfits for us. I put some balloons around and set up a table for the food Kat was bringing. I set out some drinks. Kat and Devyn came in the the food and outfits. Kat put the food down and Devyn gave us our outfits.


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Devyn did our hair into a curly mess which I liked and I gave Devyn a pair of heels for her to wear

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Devyn did our hair into a curly mess which I liked and I gave Devyn a pair of heels for her to wear. We opened our doors to everyone coming to the party and it was a fun one.
It was a few hours later and everyone was leaving. But three. Toddy, Alex, and Chance. "So I hope you guys are ok with helping us prank the guys" Devyn says cleaning up the mess in the floor. "Yeah of course. It would be fun prank if them. And besides I get to know you guys better instead of hanging out with Team 10 all the time." Chance said "let me just say, the Team 10 house is a fucking zoo. I LOVE IT!" I say smiling. Chance laughs. "Ok. Now. Sit down and I will set up my camera." I say as I grabbed the camera with everyone sitting down. I set up the camera and sit down. "Hello again my kitty cats. It is I, Eveline, since my main bae isn't here it is my other main bae, Katrina with my bestie Devyn and some other weird people. Introduce yourselves." I say pointing to them. "Hi I'm Toddy from David's vlogs" "I'm Chance from Jake Paul's vlogs" "and I'm Alex from David's vlogs. That guy is a fucking loser" Alex said smirking. I laughed. "Ok and today we are pranking my dear lovely boyfriend Colby, and his best friends Sam, and Corey. We are just going to be around the house looking like hot messes and basically going to be doing this by ear because Colby almost broke Brennen's face from my last prank so yeah. Oh also like and subscribe if you haven't already and also can we get likes for Chance who is apart of Team 10 like I'm a Jake Pauler because who isn't" I say as everyone agrees with me. Kat moves the camera into place and we get ready.
"HONEY, WE'RE HOME!" Colby yells as he walks through the doors. The cameras were all set up and ready to go. "The fuck happened here?" Corey asks. Chance then steps out. "Who are you guys?" He asks as if clueless. "We should be asking you the same question, buddy." Colby says as he steps closer with his hands into fists. "Well. I'm... Juan? And I'm here because Eveline invited me over." Chance says drinking the cup of water in his hand. "Ok Juan, what is your relationship with Eveline?" Colby asks. Just then Alex walks out. "What's up my dudes? This sucks, you guys missed an epic party. " he said. He was smiling. The boys were completely confused. I shake my head yes as Devyn walks halfway down stairs. "Baby, I'm come on I'm ready for round two I want you. " she said in a needy tune. Corey was angered. He was gonna explode. "THE FUCK?!" He yelled. Then Toddy jumped out. "Chill dude." Toddy said. "Don't tell me to fucking chill dude, that my girlfriend. The fuck you doing to her?" Corey asks "oh. So much." Alex said smirking. "Yeah well I get it's nothing compared to the girl I got" Toddy said. "That's not true. The girl I got probably is nothing compared to any of your girls." Chance said trying not to laugh. "Who are these girls your talking about?" Sam finally spoke up. "Oh um. These hot girls named Devyn, Eveline, and Katherine - Kathy, shit I forgot her name." Alex said. "Katrina! What the hell?" Sam said with a face red that is full of anger. Katrina then walks out with me. "We're very sorry." Kat said smiling. Devyn then walked out next to me. "You weren't last night." Toddy said looking at me. Colby when from shocked to really angry. Colby grabbed a hold of Toddy, Corey grabbed Alex, and Sam grabbed Chance. "We have something to say" Devyn said walking towards Corey. She tried to grab Alex from Corey's grip but didn't work. It was Corey's big body versus Devon's small body, not gonna work. "It's just a prank bro!" We all yelled to the guys. They all dropped the people they had in their hands. "That's messed up." Colby said. I smiled and laughed. "I love you." I say kissing him.
It was a new day. The day that I found out Elton was moving out with his girlfriend. I was sad I wasn't going to see him anymore. Kinda like Lucas. Lucas and I haven't talked in a long time. He is just too busy with life. Colby was already out of bed so I just took a shower and got dressed.

I had on White converse and went downstairs seeing a random guy on the couch with Sam, Colby, Aaron, and Corey

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I had on White converse and went downstairs seeing a random guy on the couch with Sam, Colby, Aaron, and Corey. "What's up guys, it's Sam and Colby!" Colby yelled "with Corey and Aaron." Aaron said smiling. "And we have a new roommate. Jake Webber!" Colby yelled. They were talking about their own thing as I went into the kitchen. I made a fruit salad and walked over to them. "Oh. And who is this?" Jake asked. I look at him weird. "I could ask you the same question." I say with attitude. "Jake this is my girlfriend. Eveline. " Colby said pulling me down. I sat in his lap feeding him grapes. Jake nodded as his attention went into Sam who was talking.
"ROOMMATES DOWNSTAIRS!" I yelled as Sam was grabbing his camera and Kat walked through the door. "Coming!" Colby yelled. They all walked through the door. "MY BITCHES ARE HERE LETS START PLAYING!" I screamed again walking towards the kitchen. Sam then started recording. "What's up guys it's Sam" Sam said doing his intro. "I pooped my pants twice" Aaron said. I laughed shaking my head. "And I'm mentally insane." I say laughing. "Well all know this. " Kat said. "Well, some don't. What if new people are watching right now in Sam's videos. What's up guys I'm Eveline Sam's best friend's girlfriend. Ain't no one gonna steal him so you fangirls don't even try cause he mine bitch." I said to the camera. "Note to self: edit that out" Sam said smiling.
The only people left were Jake and I. I knew this because I could hear everyone yelling. I was outside I front of the house. I found a way into the tree, so I got inside of it. Colby knew where I was, but no one else. The tree was huge. "So I'll just check out here." Sam said opening the door. He looked around and looked at the tree. "What do we have here?" He asked. "Shit. You found me." I said laughing. "Jake is in such an easy spot though. " I said mad I was caught before Jake. "Yo" we heard a voice. Sam just went around searching the entire house. "Sup Bro" We heads yet again. The game was now over and I'm just sad that I got caught before Jake. Life isn't fair.
Sorry this chapter is late. I've been dealing with school issues and stuff like that. I've also been having writers block. It is only a little but it's still there. I hope you guys still liked the chapter. Good or nah???

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