Chapter 7: Lets go and meet some fans

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Eveline's POV
Today I woke up happy. Happy that I was in love and being loved. My alarm had gone off telling me to wake up. I groan and sat up. My hair covered my face as I looked at my phone. I got a notification about my meet and greet. I sigh getting up from my bed to my closet. I got an outfit out and throw it on my bed then went and took a shower. Once done I got dressed.

I put my hair into a messy bun then went out onto the stairs

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I put my hair into a messy bun then went out onto the stairs. It was a two hour drive to the meet and greet area so I had to leave if I wanted to be there before lunch to set up. I grabbed my phone and car keys. "Who's coming to my meet and greet?" I asked. Everyone shot up. Elton, Amanda, Aaron, Corey, Devyn, Katrina, Sam, Colby, even Brennen and Big Nik. I smile at all my friends. "If you guys are coming with... get in your cars and let's go I have to be there before lunch for set up." I said walking downstairs. I went into the kitchen and sat in the counter on my phone. Colby came over in all black and a gray beanie. He put his body in between my legs. I go into SnapChat. "Smile" I say smiling. He smiles and becomes a cute dog. I show him the picture. "Now you smile" he says taking a picture of me. I smile then look at the picture. "I look ugly" I say frowning. "No you don't you look beautiful. " Colby says holding my waist. I grab ahold of his face and bring him in for a kiss. I smiled into the kiss. "STOP MAKING BABIES!!" Brennen yelled laughing. I flipped him off kissing Colby then pulling away. I hop down from the counter and walk with everyone. "You guys are cute." Brennen says putting his hand around my neck. I grabbed his hand. "You know... when your friend is dating someone, you normally don't put your hands on her. It's found... as a bro code. I believe." I said smiling. Colby laughed and put his hand around my waist. I put my around his back and we walked. I looked at him and kissed him. "AWWWWW!" Brennen said grabbing Colby's cheeks. We began walking towards the car until Brennen stopped walking. I pull away from Colby. Brennen pretended to be breaken. "What happened?" I asked Brennen. "If Colby dates you. Then what happens to Brolby?" Brennen asks. I sigh. "It's still there. I mean Solby is still happening even though Sam and Katrina are still dating. Oh and by the way. Solby is better. Sorry." I say shrugging. I turn around to Sam. "So Samster, which one do you like Solby or Brolby?"I asked Sam. He looks and thinks. "Solby" he comments. Katrina then nods and laughs. Almost everyone liked Solby. I look at Colby. "I'm originally a fan of Solby. But Brolby is Gucci" Colby comments. Brennen pretends to leave. "You still of the fandom and fanfics about Brolby. " I say patting his back.
So once we arrived at the meet and greet area, we set everything up. The main event was later tonight at 10pm till like midnight. The event we were having right now from 12pm till 1pm was a little event of questions and so singing and other things. The main event later tonight was for an interview and possibly telling everyone about Colby and I. I got a piece of paper explaining what to say about the event threw it away and was king to say what I wanted to say. I was nervous at first. But when I heard people chanting my name, it was getting better. All my friends like Sam and Colby or David and Liza were out there. I checked myself in the mirror, no make up don't need it, hair nice and galaxy looking. I then walked into the stage to the microphone and everyone cheered. "I'm gonna go Deaf." I said smiling. They all went quiet. "What's up my kitty cats. Today is a very important day but I'm not just by myself. I'm here with... get your big booty out here." I said as Lucas walked out. "I'm here with the main bae also known as Lucas. " I said booty bumping him. "Sup bitches. " he said. I laughed. "So. This is going to be a short meet. Umm. Things to know. Be here around 8 close to 9 to get a good seat for my meet and greet at 10 tonight. I will be selling some kitty cat merch and signing some of my kitty cat posters so stay tuned for that later tonight  I will also have my roommates with me. We will have an interview later tonight. Umm. Oh and I will be performing my new song and a dance to go with it at the end of the event. How many of you guys are coming tonight?" I asked. Everyone in the crowd yelled. I looked st Colby and smiled. "So. How would you guys feel if Lucas and I made my channel into a combined channel?" I asked. Everyone cheered once again. "Well. It doesn't matter if you don't like it because we're still doing it. Yay." I said putting my thumbs up. Everyone laughs. "So we will see you guys later. But for now I will answer about five questions. So I will pick you guys for questions." I said. Everyone Rosed their hands. "I shall choose you, Pikachu." I said to the boy in the Pikachu shirt. "Would we be able to buy the merch at the event tonight?" He asked. "Yes. Bring your money because tones of snacks and drinks, yum. And my merch will be there so yes. " I said. I pointed to a girl and boy. "Are you dating anyone, if so who." The girl and boy asked. "Umm. You'll have to find out later tonight" I said smiling. I noticed Colby smiling. I smiled. I then pointed to another girl. "Is Elton your only sibling?" She asked. "Umm. Yes. My parents couldn't handle me. I was a fucking monster. Do they said 'if we can't handle this child we won't be able to handle any ' so yeah. " I said smiling a bright toothy smile. "One more question. Oh ummm.  You in the Barbie shirt. " I said to the little kid. "Can I get a hug" she asked shy. I noticed she had something around her mouth. I called one of the backstage people and asked them to bring her onto the stage. "Ok. Sorry guys. Had to ask for something. " I said. They brought her into the stage with her mom. I then gave her a hug. "You look is beautiful in your Barbie shirt. " I said to the little girl. She giggled. "What's your name?" I asked her. "My name is Layla" she said shy like. "Can everyone say hi Layla for me?" I asked my fans. "HI LAYLA!" They all yelled. I then waved bye to them carrying her to the back stage. "Can I get a picture?" She asked. I nod taking her moms phone and taking a picture with her. I hug her one last time then gave her one of my shirts from my merch. Her mom was explaining to me how I was her favorite YouTuber and that Layla had cancer in her lungs and wouldn't live by the end of the month and Layla's wish before she died was to meet me. I was about to cry hearing that. I hugged Layla one more time then she left. I then left to go home and do some Aron's before it was time for the night event.
End of chapter 7!!
How about Eveline in this chapter with the little girl? I about cried. Hoe y'all enjoyed. Good or nah??? ALSO NEED IDEAS PLZZZZZ!!!

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