Chapter 6: Abandon Mall Part 2

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Eveline's POV
I was listening to Elton go on and on about what we had to do for sneaking into the abandon mall. It was a lot, like we get shot with a paint gun if we leave before time is up, but we understood it. I looked at Colby and he smiled at me as we walked to my car. I started the car and drove to the mall. I had stopped at a red light and got my phone. "Everyone get into the picture" I say smiling with Corey making a gang sign, Sam doing the same, and Colby smiling with his hair in his eyes, and I had my eyes crossed. I tag the boys and posted it then continued to drive. I got tons of comments and re tweets of the picture do to it having Colby. We had parked at the mall and I grabbed our my phone. "Hey Colby this comment said ' I want my daddy to choke me then fuck me so hard my insides come out ' the fuck?" I said laughing. We get out of the car with me and Colby laughing bad everyone looking at us weird.
We ended up having to climb into the mall. I cut my leg but it was okay. All I have to say is the mall spent like hobo pee and dead animals. Everyone was fighting about having hobo pee on them or not wanting hobo pee in their book bags. We were there for a few minutes before we saw cop cars. "Shhh" Elton says. I drop to my knees and crawl to the open window. I look out and see about three to four cop cars. Sam is right next to me taking a picture. "Move. They could see you. Get down more." I whispered. I pressed my back against the wall as Sam ran across to get to Elton and Colby. I ran behind. "There are like three or four cop cars out there" I say with Sam showing the picture  "we could try and tell them we lost something up here." Sam suggested. "No. It would seem suspicious and you would be telling on yourself for not even coming here a second time. We need to find a way to get onto the roof. That way we could hear and see if their are any cops coming after us. And if they do find us then we could just say that we were taking pictures and making a video and that we didn't know." I said making a plan. Elton nods and tells everyone else. "Wow. You know a lot isn't you." Corey says. "I love exploring abandon buildings. Learn a few thing here and there with the cops." I say following everyone to the stairs. We take the stairs then go up to it leading to the roof.
Elton's POV
We got to the roof. The only people who stayed back for a few minutes where Colby and Corey. "Uhh Elton.." Heath got my attention. "No wonder the police got here fast.." Eveline commented looking where Heath looked at. "There is a police department right there. " Heath pointed out. My eyes widen as Eve took a picture. "We should probably cross on the opposite side of the roof. Probably one at a time so we don't cause a lot of noice." I suggest. Everyone nods and follows me. I go first with Amanda then Sam and Heath. We were talking waiting for Colby and Corey to come back with some more news. I sat down in front of Heath and Sam with Amanda. "You do realize that when I meant to not leave. It is everyone. " I said. "Well unless we leave do to the police right?" Heath asked. "I said any reason." I replied. "Besides no one will be able to survive in jail. Not with this good lighting." I said turning the camera towards San who was posing for a picture. We all laugh. Heath then bends over. "I would be like... 'oops dropped it' "he said then laughed. We all laughed. It was good until we saw more cops and Corey coming from the stairs with Colby. Colby walked across with Corey following. "Dude. There is a police department right across the street. That's why they got here so fast." I say whispering a little. Eveline looked at Colby then sat at the edge of the roof with her legs dangling down. Colby then went and sat besides her. She put her head on his shoulder and locked their arms together. "You know.... he won't hurt her like Nicolas did. " Sam said standing looking at them in front of us with Corey and Heath also looking. "I know. It's just... I just don't want her to get hurt when something happens on social media. You know how the fans are with YouTube couples. " I say sighing looking at Colby and Eveline talking about something. She then looked at me and smiled. I smiled back as she looked at Colby. I could see love and lust and happiness in her and Colby's eyes when they looked at each other. They're in love. I smile at the thought.
Eveline's POV
I noticed Colby next to Elton. I walk o the edge of the roof and sat down. I let my hair down for the sit to go through. It was getting darker so it was getting cooler with the wind. I noticed someone next to me and looked over seeing Colby. He sat down next to me. I then put my head on his shoulder and our arms locked together. "You know... I haven't been able to stop thinking about our kiss.." Colby said with a smile then I looked at him. "Really? I haven't been able to either. It's just. Why have you been ignoring me? You can tell me if I'm not what you want... like my body or my looks or the way I act it's just... I was with Nicolas and he was always telling me that I wasn't good enough. That I needed to try harder. And when he cheated on me it made me think about my future and if I would ever have future relationships." I say speaking my mind. Colby just sits there listening. He then spoke. "I'm sorry for what he had said to you, but I'm not like that. I lo... like you for you and I want to be sigh you. I just don't want to rush you into anything you don't want." Colby says. Was he going to say love?
No he couldn't.
Maybe he will be happy with me...
"Will you be happy with me?" I asked "yes. I'm already happy with you. I would enjoy life more if you were mine." Colby said blushing. I look at my brother and he looked at me. We smiled at each other until I looked back to Colby. "I want you to be mine... my escape from my life... my own to love... I want you..." I said grabbing his hands. He looked at our attached hands then back to me. "Then I want you to be mine... to be my escape from my life... to be my own love... then I want you..." he said re playing my words. "Then I will be yours if you will be mine. " I said looking into his eyes. "I will be.." he said pulling me to him. "Eveline. Would you make me happy, and me make you happy, and be my girlfriend?" Colby asked. I said yes and leaned in for a hug. We face back to the front of us with our legs wrapped around each other's and his arm wrapped around mine. I put my head n his should with my hoodie up and his beanie on. I then hear a click and turn around. "Sorry... had too..." Corey says with his phone on camera. I look at Colby and laugh.
Elton ended up losing his film but got it back after he got a shoot gun pointed to his head. "I don't know what happened. It's been like two hours. " Corey said to the camera Sam was holding. I couldn't breathe. I slid down the wall and began hyperventilate. I couldn't breathe. Colby instantly noticed and helped me. "Breathe. Eveline. Watch me. Breathe. " Colby kept repeating as I watched him breathe. I closed my eyes and breathed. It was hard. I groan and began crying. "What if something bad happened to him? I just got him back in my life... I can't lose him..." I said crying. Colby then hugged me close as Amanda cried next to me. Corey was growing out with Sam recording everything. "Elton??" Corey asked. I got up and ran to him. I hugged him. "You scared the shit out of me." I said hugging him. I then pull apart form him and hit him. "What the hell happened?" I said mad. "I now know what it feels like to get a shoot gun pointed to your head. "Elton said. I sigh shaking my head at Elton's stupidity.
I got in my car with Sam and Colby along with Corey. Everyone else went home, but the guys and I decided to stay behind and stop at a fast food place and get food. Corey and Sam sat down at a table while Colby and I ordered some food. I went up holding Colby's hand. I waited in the line hearing the song faintly on the radio.
" I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed" it sang. I began I sing along. "Get along with the voices that's inside of my head, you trying to save me stop holding your breath. And yo I think I'm crazy, I'm crazy." I sang along. "Yes. I think your crazy. But crazy is good. I love your craziness. " Colby said looking at me. I smiled and hugged his arm. We then ordered our food. We waited for like five minutes before we got it and fed the hungry boys. After we ate we then went home.
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