Chapter 28: Forgotten Promises

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Eveline's POV
It has been hard for me to cope with life. I have recently stopped taking my depression pills and bipolar pills, but no one knew. But my attitude towards people had gotten worse and I started acting weird, but I was being me. And I haven't been me in a while. I want to be me and be able to live life in the truth and not a lie. Because taking those pills, take away what makes me, me. My bipolar depression is something not taken lightly, some people are suicidal and others are crazy. I'm nothing like that. I am crazy though, one time I stole a car and thought that vampires were coming after me. After that everyone decided to put me on depression pills. And other pills. It was hard. It caused me to not be me. I made a promise to my mom and dad that I would take my pills, but I broke that promise. I don't like taking them because they stop me from being me and people who don't have my condition don't understand how hard it is to be considered as a bipolar patient. People won't understand how hard it is to be under a different category than other people. I mean we're all equal right? I'm under the crazy people category and others don't understand how that messes with our feelings. Our feelings and our anger are taken for granted by other people. They think that just because we yell that we deserve a pill to 'calm' us down. When in reality, it messes with our brains to tell us what is good form bad and it's hard for us to understand. Sure I may have threatened someone with a knife because they tried to steal my bat from me when I thought vampires were outside my house trying to kill me, but it doesn't mean I need a pill, it means I need someone to help me. I need someone there to help me with my problem. I don't need a pill, I need someone to accept me as I am. Not as what people want me to be. I may have stolen cars, stolen babies, and stolen hearts. But that brown haired boy stole my heart and can never give that back to me. I'm like this because of that beanie wearing boy. My head messes with me because that blue eyed boy broke me and my heart. All because I didn't take a few pills and I threw a cup at him. I've thrown a cup at him and he didn't send me away. But this time, he did. And my brother allowed him too. I thought I was loved, that people wanted me around, but now I know that no one wanted me. That no one wanted a bipolar bitch who will kill you with a spoon. I hate it in this facility, but apparently it's what I need. But what I need is someone to help me not cause more pain. And I've found that one person. He has beautiful blue eyes. Looking like an ocean that I could down in forever. Brown hair that looks so soft. He was four best friends and they have helped me. They were there for me when my roommates weren't, - when that blue eyed, brown haired, beanie wearing boy wasn't. They helped make me happy again. They helped make me, me again. They accepted the fact that I'm different then other people.
It makes me more 'unique' as my savior says. All five of them. They made me happy. And I'm happy that I've found people who accept me for me and won't change me. Although I still have to take my pills, they say it is to make me feel better during the day. Which it does. And I wanna thank him. I wanna thank his four best friends. They were here from the beginning I got put in here. And they said that will be here by my side no matter what.
I love my new family.
No this is not the last chapter.

Comment who you think the blue eyed, brown haired, beanie wearing boy is.

Comment who you think the ocean colored eyes, brown soft hair boy is.

I will NOT be making a book two. Mainly because it will mess up my plans for the future.

Two more chapters left of this book then I'll write an epilogue. This was just a filler chapter.

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