Chatper 19: I Apologize

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Eveline's POV
It has been two days since I last talked to Colby. He would keep texting me and I just ignored them until the phone stopped ringing. I was currently at David's apartment sitting on their couch with Alex who was one his phone. My legs were in Alex crossed and we were in Instagram together. Alex and I got along so well. We were like best friends or something. "Alex look" I said showing him a picture of a Victors Secret model. He looked down. "I went through puberty" he says laughing. "Ugh. Gross mofo."I said moving my legs as David walked in with Liza. "Wow. Looks like someone is a little to excited." Liza said. "Yeah it's because of this Victoria Secret model" Alex said. "He is excited because he knows ain't no girl ever gonna show him that. He has to jack off to a picture." I said laughing. David laughed also as Alex pouted. "I thought we were besties" he said. "We are now let's go to Target." I said standing up running out of the apartment.
"Look it's a banana. " David said. "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. It's a ba-na-na next to a ba-na-na!" I screamed. Everyone looked at me and I waved at them. "STOP STARING!!! ITS A VINE!!!! YOU OLD PEOPLE NEED HELP NOT ME!!!" I screamed. David and Alex couldn't stop laughing. Shortly after the manager came over as we were on the skate boards. "Scream again and you will be kicked out" he said. "PENIS!!!" I screamed. "Come back whenever you want." He said. I laughed. Alex was on the skateboard and as he skated through the aisle he ran into the wall making everything fall and create a big mess. "Oh my god, I'm gonna pee... my pants." I said laughing crossing my legs. Liza couldn't stop laughing.
Before we left David was filming a part for his video and he bent down as Liza jumped him from behind. I couldn't stop laughing. "Ohh. Get it boo boo" I said. "Sorry guys. Corinna was busy today." Liza said laughing. "Yeah that's what they all say" Alex says smiling. I looked at him and fist pounded him. "Boom! What now bruh? Yea nothing. " I said walking backwards into an aisle almost falling.
I arrived at Scotty's house that he shared with the guys. He was gonna take me to the house with Toddy and Kristen also there. I went into the bathroom and got dressed.

I let my hair stay down all curly and put on a pair of black Vans

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I let my hair stay down all curly and put on a pair of black Vans. I walked out and put my bag in the back with Toddy as Scotty and Kristen were up front. It took a while, but we arrived at the house. "You coming?" Scotty asked as I stated at the house. "In a minute. You guys go ahead." I say as I turn towards them. They nod bad walk to the house. A couple minutes later I saw some more people show up in bathing suits and walk towards the back of the house were you would be able to hear screams and laughter. I looked myself in the mirror. "You got this, it's only been two days since you last saw Colby." I said to myself. I breathed in and out then went up to the house. My breathing became shaky. I continued walking to the back of the house. I take a deep breath as I hear the guys. "So Colby where's that girlfriend of yours?" Some guy asked. "Out with her friends." He says sighing. "Don't lie, Colbster." Elton says "Fine. We got into a fight and decided to take a break. And also don't call me Colbster." Colby said snappy. I moved from behind the house to see Colby hitting on the steps. "Why?" Gabriel asked. "Because it's what Eveline called him" Elton said. I frown at the sight of Colby looking down into the pool. "But the thing is. I just don't know if I can sill call him Colbster. " I said smiling. Colby brought his head up and looked at me. "Are you here to get the rests of your stuff?" He asks. "No. I'm here to talk. I realized that you are a part of me. No matter how much I hate you in that moment. But u know that I love you and I know what I did wasn't fair on your part and I'm sorry. It's just I have bad trust issues and... Well all I'm saying is, is there ever a way you could forgive me." I asked. My eyes had tears daring to spill out. Colby got out of the pool. "I can of course forgive you. Your my world Eveline. I wouldn't care if you hated me. I would still love you. Don't ever think other wise." Colby said. I nod as he get so it the pool. He walks to me and kisses me. "I love you" I say smiling. "I love you too" Colby said kissing me again. We pull away seeing everyone's eyes on us. I hold Colby's hand looking away from everyone. "Awe" Kristen said. "Fuck off" I say looking at them blushing. "Ok well enjoy your... Thing. I'm going to hang out with Alex and Liza and them. " I say waving. "Who is Alex?" Colby asked. I looked at him rolling my eyes. "This super cute guy. " I say. He looks at me. "Oh boy. Another fight." Elton said. I flipped him off looking at Colby. "Well I know I'm cuter and hotter then him. " Colby said. "That is the truth and besides everyone knows Alex is gay" I say laughing walking into the house with Toddy, Scotty, Kristen, and Elton laughing since they know who I'm talking about.
I arrived back at the house. I walked inside and saw Sam mad Colby is the bags. "What's going on?" I asked. "We're leaving for a few days to film an episode for the Sam and Colby channel." Sam said. I nod as I watch them leave. Seconds later Kat walked in. "Let's get this party started." She said with her carrying a huge bag behind her.
Oh boy....
End of chapter 19.
Sorry this is late. I will haven't been in the mood to write bad I've been having problems with my phone. First the screen broke then when it stopped working my mom got me a new one. And with the new one it is slow because it doesn't want to update. If it isn't one thing it's another so I'm sorry. Hope you enjoyed anyway. Hopefully a chapter will be coming out either Monday or Tuesday so yeah. Was this chapter good or nah???
(Comment some prank ideas for Eveline to do)

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