Chapter 8: The Main Event

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Eveline's POV
So I had to have Katrina and Devyn help with the outfit. We decided to go get our hair done and for their make up done, I don't wear make up. Since the event was at 10pm we still had about 10 hours and we are so bored. I saw Colby sitting in the couch laughing at some TV show with Sam. I dramatically laid down on his lap. "I'm so bored. Entertain me. " I said smirking. Colby didn't catch on but Elton did. "NO BABIES!" He yelled through the house.
Colby's POV
My eyes widen. "Nope. No babies.
Sorry." I says smiling. I smile then kiss Eveline. "DEVYN!" Eve yelled even though she was in the kitchen with Corey. "EVELINE!" She yelled back. "LETS GO GET KATRINA AND DO GIRL THINGS FOR FOUR HOURS!" Eveline yells. Damn her voice is so loud my ear drums are broken. "OK!" Devyn yelled. Eveline ran to Devyn grabbing her hand and ran upstairs to Katrina who was using the bathroom. I look at Sam then Corey. "I don't even know" Corey said. I laugh as Sam still stares at  the TV like nothing as happening. I throw a pillow at Sam messing up his hair. "DUDE! YOU MESSED UP MY HAIR!" Sam yelled. I shrug. Sam rolls his eyes walking to me. I then hits me repeatedly with the pillow messing up my hair. "YOU MESSED UP MY JUSTIN BEIBER HAIR! DUDE!" I said yelling with a smile. Life is happy. Yay.
Eveline's POV
Katrina, Devyn, and I have been trying to find outfits for main event later tonight. Katrina is going with skinny pants they are black with a white crop top to match Sam who had already decided to wear black skinny jeans with a white shirt. Devyn decided on light colored skinny jeans with a maroon shirt. Katrina wore black boots while Devyn wore sandals with their outfits. They were both waiting for me to get out of the shower. I then put  on my outfit.

My shoes were just plain old black vans

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My shoes were just plain old black vans. I walked out and they smiled. They did my hair in a messy bun with braided hair as a crown. Katrina's hair was just down and Devyn's was down also. We practiced our dance once then went downstairs to get ready to leave. Sam was ready and Corey was getting dressed as Colby showered. Elton and the other people I know said they would meet us at the meet and greet. I put on some perfume and brushed my teeth. I knock on Colby's door, when no one answered I knocked again.  No answer. I walked in and no one was there. I laid down on his bed. I saw his phone and looked at it. I'm not one of those girlfriends. I still looked. I looked at his notifications and there was one message. I read it.
Message from Shea:
Hey Colbyyyyy, was wondering when I could see you. I miss my Colby.
It was marked as read but he didn't answer. I put back his phone and walked out of my car. I sat in it as I thought. He isn't cheating. It's only been two weeks.
It was time for the event and all my roommates were waiting. I was breathing heavily. I then walked out onto the stage. "What is up everyone?" I asked. They all cheered. "Can I just begin with thank you. Thank you for coming here tonight. Umm. I'm here with my roommates Corey, his girlfriend Devyn, Aaron, Sam, his girlfriend Katrina even though she doesn't live at the house, Colby, and Elton with Amanda when though she doesn't live at the house. " I said is that a smile. They all sat down. "And the interviewer is named John. Come on out John. " I said. John then came over and took the microphone. I shrug and sat down next to Colby which was the side of the couch closest to the interview. "Ok first question. Everyone was wondering if you could perform a  dance. " John asked. "Well what song?" I asked looking at my girls. "Handclap. " he said. I nod and walk with Katrina. "Devyn we can do another one with you ok. " I said. She nodded. I got in position.

(watch from 0:00 to 1:27
Eveline is the girl in the white shirt,Katrina is in the black shirt)
I then stop with Katrina and everyone cheers. "Now do one with Devyn and Amanda"someone said in the crowd. Everyone was cheering so we did another one. "Last one. Ready girls?" I asked they all nod as the song begins.

(Eveline-Pink jacket,Katrina-Purple jacket,Devyn-white&Amanda-green one)
We finish dancing and I collapse on the ground. "This is such a work out. Damn." I said standing and sitting on the couch. Couple of questions go by and we answer then as they go. But few stand out in the end. "So Eveline. Any boyfriend yet?" John asked. I nod. "Really who?" He asked. I look beside me to Colby and grab his hand. "OH MY GOD!!" I hear some fans say. "MY SHIP HAD SAILED!!" Other say. I look at Colby and smile. He then smiles back. "Interesting. Any who. Eveline last question of the night before I leave. How did you meet Nicolas and Colby?" John asks. I look down to my hands then at the crowd then at John. I had tears, they went away when I faced Colby. "I met the dirt bag so named Nicolas freshman year. He was walking and ran into me. I was New and he was a year ahead. I was starting my YouTube channel so he recognized me. He was like 'yo ain't you that kitty cat person girl' I'm like asshole can't speak. No matter how hard I would try to stay away he was always there. So we went out. I was blinded. I was just young and didn't know what love was so I got my heartbroken by that asshole. But now I have Colby and I'm not blind. I'm happy. " I said smiling. "And you met Colby how?" John asked. "I walked into Target in the ugliest outfit, leggings with a large hoodie and my hair in a messy bun. I saw Elton cried then saw Colby and was like let's be friend" I said smiling. "Ok promise last question. How did you know you wanted to date her Colby?" John asked. Colby looked at me then smiled. "Umm. It was when we kissed. We were at the pier and the moon light was hitting her face perfectly and the setting was perfect so I went for it. After the kiss I could only think of her. When we went to the abandon mall, I made it clear to her about how I felt and she felt the same way and now here we are." Colby said. I smiled. I'm always smiling. "Ok well it's time to leave. " John said leaving I stood up bf walked to the microphone. "Well, we have about 15 minutes left so what to do. Oh we could do couple Vs couple. Aaron will be judging" I said. Everyone cheered. It was Sam, Colby, Katrina, and I vs Elton, Amanda, Corey, and Devyn. "Ok so we have a hat full of thing we have to do and if we don't do them then we have to take a shot of lemon juice but in top of that the team that drank the most lemon juice has to take a spoon full of hot sauce. " I said smirking. "The points will keep in order here and we will begin" I said pointing to the board above us then walked to the hat. "Colby, babe, choose the first challenge. " I said putting the hat infringed of him. He took one and read it. "Sing the ABCs with your mouth full of water. " he said. I ran and grabbed some water then ran back with the water."now what people don't know about Eveline is that she can talk with anything in her mouth or with her mouth closed. " Elton said laughing. We put the water in our mouths. I sang it all and spit mine out. Colby got to F, Katrina got through it all. And Sam was at Q. Elton and his team weren't doing so good. We ended up finishing first and they took the shoot of lemon juice.
We ended up winning 5 to 3. "Ok how about this. I will take a glass of hot sauce for the amount of 4 spoonfuls. " I suggested. "Ok" Elton said. I nod and grabbed a cup. I took 4 spoonfuls and filled my cup. I then drank it. I made no face while Elton and his team were. I finished and laughed. "Pathetic performance, I had more hot sauce then you and it wasn't hot." I said laughing. "No one likes a bragger" Devyn said smiled. We finished the meet and greet. I signed some shirts, got some pictures with everyone. Everyone wanted me to kiss Colby but I said no. Tons of people asked. We ended up stopping at hooters and getting food before we ant home. Once home we all crashed on the couch and fell asleep.
End of chapter 8!!
Eveline and Colby went public and won in a couple Vs couple challenge. Good or nah???

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