Chapter 5: Abandon Mall Part 1

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Eveline's POV
Colby and I haven't seen each other since we kissed. It's like he is ignoring me. I guess HE was right.
No one really does love me.
No one can really by happy with me.
I sigh looking around myself remembering I was in a tree. I checked my phone seeing tons of texts and calls from the roommates. I didn't answer them. All I did was get out of the tree and enter the house. Everyone was panicking in their phones. "Hey." I said walking into the kitchen. " HEY? We have been spending two or more hours trying to see if you where ok. WHERE THE HELL WHERE YOU!?" Elton. Yelled at me. "Up your asshole." I said sarcastically. He got mad. "Fine. I was outside thinking of life. I fell asleep outside and now here we are. Now. Leave. Me THE. FUCK. ALONE!" I said mad getting food. "Why are you so against people trying to help you? " Devyn asks. I keep my head to the side. "Because if I let people help me and make their way into my heart they will end up breaking it.  I have some where to be so. I gotta go. " I said slipping on my shoes. "Wait" Elton said. I stopped annoyed. "What the hell do you want now?" I asked annoyed. "Just wanted to tell you that we were going to explore an abandon mall and I know that exploring abandon things is your favorite." Elton says. "Yeah. I'll be there. " I said closing the door behind me going to my car.
I was walking to Lucas's apartment when I saw Liza Koshy. I stopped and looked at her. "Hi.." I said smiling. "Oh. I know you. Aren't you Eveline?" She asked. "I'm shocked you know me." I said still smiling. "Well I'm a kitty cat fan. Oh my gosh. You moved to LA?" She asked. "Yeah. A messy break up. Decided to move in with my brother. Elton? You know him?" I asked. "Know him? He is like our best friends. We used to live with me and a few others." David, Liza's boyfriend said holding a camera. "Well it was fun meeting you. Maybe we could collab and hang out." Liza says. "Yeah. Totally. But I gotta go. Nice meeting you and David. "I say smiling still. She smiled and waves with David still vlogging. I heard David say that Liza was becoming a fan girl. I smile as I enter Lucas's apartment.
I made a video with Lucas about reacting to my old YouTube videos from like three years ago. It was cringy. I left Lucas's and went to the mall. Some fans were there and we took pictures and I signed some stuff. I left the mall with a Starbucks drink, New and, and new outfits. I was in the car and was at a stop light when I song came on. I turned it up listening to it as I drove.
" I need your love, I need your time. When everything's wrong, you make it right. I feel so high, I come alive. I need to be free with you tonight." I sang. " I need your love. I need your love. " I continued. I stopped my car and walked in to everyone sitting in the couch in front of the tv playing a game. I set the bags on the table singing the song. "I need your love, I need your time. When everything's wrong, you make it right. I feel so high, I come alive. I need to be free with you tonight. " I sang grabbing ice cream. I take huge scoops fill bad out them in my bowl. "I need your love. I need your love. " I sang adding sprinkles and cherries. I finished making my sundae. I turn around with everyone staring. "What?" I asked with my mouthful. "Nothing. Just that we are leaving at 3pm so be ready. "Elton says. I smile going upstairs editing my video.
Colby's POV
We were going to an abandon mall for an episode for Elton's channel. It was Sam and I with Elton, Corey, Heath, Amanda, and Eveline. I was forced to get a ride from Eveline, I mean I like her and all but it is kinda awkward after the kiss.  In the car was Corey, Sam, and I. Eveline started up her car and put down her windows. She turned channel of the music while driving. She would listen to songs then change them like every few seconds. She went from. "Love me like you do" to "you just want attention" and then to "what, what did you say?" She then stopped at a song that she turned up and began singing.
I loved her voice. I looked at her singing. "Oh oh. Trouble, troublemaker. Yeah that's your middle name. Oh, I know your no good but your stuck in my brain. And I wanna know... why does it feel so good but hurt so bad. Whoo ohh. My mind keeps saying, run as fast as you can. I say I'm done but then you pul me back. Whoo ho. I swear your giving me a heart attack. Troublemaker. " she sang. I smile. She looks at me then I look away blushing that she caught me staring. I could see you smiling as we continued to follow Elton's car.
We ended up getting food before we went to the mall. We got Mc Donald's and getting Mc Donald's brought back memories with Eveline and the kiss. I sigh leaving to go to the bathroom. I could hear the music over my thinking. "I can make your hands clap.... every night when the stars come out, am I the only living soul left around?" The Song sang. I groan knowing I can't escape my feelings for Eveline,
I have feelings for Eveline.
but I mean it is obvious that she doesn't feel the same, I mean she did say she didn't want feels because she couldn't handle another heartbreak. I wash my hands the my face feeling sick to my stomach just thinking about the consequences from Elton. I groan once more picking my head up. I see Sam and jump. "The hell? Bruh you scared me. " I say scared seeing him. "You have feelings for Eveline?" Sam asks. "Umm no. " I lie. "That's a lie I heard you say that. " Sam says. I groan. "I guess I'm finally over 'you know who' and now have strong feelings toward Eveline." I say smiling. "Well I'm happy. You guys would be cute together but what type of ship name. Coveline or Evbly?" Sam asks. I sigh walking out and see Eveline in her huge behind jacket. She sees me and smiles. I smile back as she grabs ahold of my waist to snuggle against me and hug me. I hesitate but put my arms around her I look at Sam and he winks at me with me rolling my eyes. Then we face Elton and him explaining what we had to do
End of chapter five.
Need ideas for upcoming chapters. Big Eveline and Colby chapter coming. Good or nah???

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