Chapter 11: The Meaningless Prank

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Eveline's POV
On my way up to the front door I saw Elton. He was giving some black dog a bath. I walked up to Elton and gasped. "Shadow?"I asked. Elton nodded. Shadow was my dog, but I let Elton have him when he left because my dad was allergic. Elton then gave Shadow to Amanda so Elton could have Circa. Amanda originally wanted to get Shadow neutered, but Elton said no for if he and I ever wanted Shadow and Circa babies. Shadow then attacked me with kisses. "Oh I've missed you. Yes I have. " I said to Shadow petting him. I then told Elton to take him to my room when he was done.
I was stopped by Sam. We talked then I went upstairs. I stopped as I heard movement. I also heard some whispering. I quietly went up to Colby's door and opened it. To reveal him and Shea. I just stood there. My heart had stopped. Well not really. It just seemed like it. I could feel my body become heavy like thousands of bricks were falling on top of me. I couldn't process what was happening. My body then reacted as I saw Colby move towards me. I stepped back. "Don't touch me" I barked. He up his hands up in serenader. I then began to cry. "Why?" I asked. He didn't answer. "Was I not good enough?" I asked. He still didn't answer. "WAS I NOT FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH!?" I screamed still crying. Elton and everyone else came running up. I was standing there will tears falling out of my eyes and my hands in fists. Corey came up behind me and tried to pull me away, but I stood my ground and stayed there. "Let her go. She needs to blow up on Colby. Or she will become your worst nightmare" Elton said. No one questioned it thank god. "I don't care if this is a prank or not. But You choose to do it with her. You know how I feel about her. " I said. "Listen. It's just a prank. I didn't mean it. I was gonna do it with Devyn, but she was with Corey." Colby said. "I DON'T FUCKING CARE IF IT WAS A PRANK!! I told you that I didn't like her. And you also know I have trust issues. " I said. Colby tried to grab me as I walked to Shea. Elton held him back as I got face to face with Shea. "Why Colby?" I asked. "I--" She didn't finish. "You know what I don't care. "I said pulling my pants. "Well. I mean I don't really care about you because like your just a fling for Colby" Shea said. "Cool. I don't really care" I said rolling my eyes. "If you don't care then how come your jealous of me. I mean I would be jealous of me too, I mean I'm skinnier then you, prettier then you, oh and I spend more time with Colby, it's like I'm his girlfriend and you're not" Shea said smirking. I got so mad. My blood was boiling. I couldn't stop what happened. My hand just raised and I slapped her. I tried to walk away when I felt Colby's arms around me. "Please let's just talk" he begged. "It doesn't matter if it was a prank or not, you used her, you used my heart, you took it and threw it to the floor and stomped on it like it was nothing. So stay the fuck away from me" I said mad snatching my hands from Colby's grasp and had Shadow following.
I ended up dropping Shadow off with Liza and drove to the abandon mall. I grabbed some blankets and a pillow form my trunk. I lay them on the roof and laid down. The stars were out so I took a picture of it and used the caption of "The Sun can't make the problems we face disappear , only the dark night can blind the problems until the next day. " I posted it on Instagram. On my SnapChat I posted a picture of the moon and used a caption of "if only I could fly there and lose all problems" I then shut off my phone and lay down letting the dark take over me.
Colby's POV
"Why in the hell would you steer her up with words? She was already pissed..." I yelled at Shea. "Well, she needs to stop getting between us. She had to go." Shea said walking closer to me. "Get out of this house. Now!" I snapped to Shea. She huffed and grabbed her purse leaving. "We need to find her" Elton says grabbing his car keys. "Well let's go" I say in frustration. We got in the car and drove down to the pier, beach, the mall, I checked so many places. It was getting dark and it was around 11pm. Everyone was giving up and said we should just wait until tomorrow and hope she comes back. I didn't. I was about to get in the car and go back. But then I thought of another place she would be. The abandon mall! I then get out of the car running towards the building leaving the voices that are calling me back. I approached the building then saw Eveline at the top. I then ran upstairs and to the roof. I saw her sitting on the edge.
"We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky, shine bright like a diamond. You and I, we're beautiful like diamonds in the sky" she sang. I walked up behind her. "You know when someone says they want to be alone. It means they want to be alone?" She says turning around with tears. I sit down next to her. "I promise you. I love you not Shea, Devyn was supposed to be where Shea was, but Corey was home. It was just a prank. I didn't know who else would call. I'm sorry. I promise you I didn't think you would react like that, and if I had known I wouldn't have asked Shea to prank you" Colby says looking into my eyes. I smile. "I love you too" I said kissing Colby. The kiss gets more heated as he grabs me and pulls me to the blankets. One of my legs were under his hold and my other one was around his waist, my hand was running through his hair as my other one was holding onto his waist. "I love you" I whispered to him. "I love you too" he whispered back.
End of chapter 11...
Eveline and Colby made up. Do you think Eveline was being dramatic about everything?? Comment plzzz. But was the chapter good or nah???

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