Chapter 23: Dance Party

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I changed the cover of the book. The girl is what Eveline now looks like.
Eveline's POV
It was night currently in the house of mine. And I was lonely. Sam and Kat went somewhere together. Devyn bad Corey are always gone. Jake is at collage. Aaron went to the store. And Colby left to talk to Brennen about his new girlfriend. And me... well I was stuck home. No where to go. I was invited to hang out with Team 10, but I said no. Why? Because, I just don't think they're my type of friends to hang out with on a Tuesday night. Maybe a Friday or a Saturday. I honestly don't know. It was so bored in the house I was talking to my self.
"But why Lucey?" I said with a deep voice. "Because Tim. I love another" I said with a very high voice. "It doesn't mean you cheat" I said as Tim. "Well I'm sorry. I'm also pregnant with Juan's baby" I said as Lucey. "No Lucey, whyyy?" I said pretending Tim was crying. "What are you doing?" I turned to face the door seeing Colby standing in the door frame. "Umm. Noting. " I said standing up. "Well. It doesn't look like nothing. Were you that bored that you were playing family with your toes?" Colby asked. "Yes. No  one was here and I didn't feel like leaving the house with Team 10." I said groaning. "Well I'm taking a shower." I said grabbing my clothes. Colby sat there like a sad and depressed dog. "Wanna join?" I asked. He nodded continuously and followed behind.
Let's just say I had to take two showers. I let Colby take a shower so I hopped out and got dressed.

I threw my hair into a messy bun and took out my contacts

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I threw my hair into a messy bun and took out my contacts. I went to put them up when I dropped the thing I had them in. I picked it up and the contacts were in it. I lost them great. No one knew I wore glasses because I always have contacts in during the day or just don't feel like wearing them. Lately my eyes have been giving me headaches. But with my glasses, I didn't get headaches. I looked in my body mirror. Do I look ugly with glasses? Without glasses? I shrugged my shoulders and walked downstairs. I turn on music on the tv and turn up the stereos it was hooked up to. It was in random so different songs came on. Some of the songs were rap and I skipped them because I don't really like rap. I decided on a song. Colby came down the stairs.
"You were glasses?" He asked
"Yeah. I just wear contacts. I lost mine and my eye doctor said it would take two to three months to make new ones so I'm wearing glasses for now."
He nods and grabs ahold of my waist. "Let's sing" he said I laugh and nod. We chose a song,
One being Good Girls Go Bad by Cobra Starship, I began singing it with Colby.

Colby's Part:
I make them good girls go bad I make them good girls go bad
Good girls go bad
Good girls go bad
I know your type your daddy's little girl. Just take a bite. Let me shake up your world.
cause just one night Couldn't be so wrong.
I'm gonna make you lose control.

She was so shy until I drove her wild.

I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go bad
You are hanging in the corner with your five best friends.
You heard that I was trouble but you couldn't resist.
I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go bad
Good girls go bad

Good girls go bad
Good girls go bad

My parts:
I know your type
Boy you're dangerous
Yeah, you're that guy
I'd be stupid to trust
But just one night couldn't be so wrong
You make me wanna lose control

Colby's Parts:
She was so shy until I drove her wild.

I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go bad

My parts:
I was hanging in the corner with my five best friends.
I heard that you were trouble but I couldn't resist

Colby's Parts:
I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go bad
Good girls go bad

Good girls go bad
Good girls go bad

Oh, she got away with the boys in the place
Treat em like they don't stand a chance

My parts:
And he got away with the girls in the back
Acting like they're too hot to dance

Colby's Part:
Yeah, she got away with the boys in The place
Treat em like they don't stand a chance

My Parts:
And he got away with the girls in the back
Acting like they're too hot to dance

Colby's Parts:
I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go bad
Them good girls go bad
Good girls go bad

My parts:
I was standing in the corner with my five best friends.
I heard that you were trouble and I couldn't resist.

Colby's Parts:

I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go bad
Good girls go bad
Good girls go bad.

We finished and kissed each other. The kiss got heated.
(Warning: steamy smut)
"Jump" I do so and wrap my legs around his waist. "Bedroom or here?" He asked. "I can't wait here" I say. He nods and lays me down on the couch. I push him off of me.
"What? Did I hurt you? Did I do something?" He asked.
"No just wait. " I stood up and he sat down. This might be weird but I turned up a song and began dancing for him. "Enough with the teasing." He said as he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to sit on his lap. "I was dancing for you" I say smiling. He kisses me. I began grinding on him as he took off my shirt. I took of his. I ran my hands up and down is stomach area. He moves my hands so he can take off his belt and pants. He did so leaving him in his boxers. "Nice Calvin Klein" I say smirking. He smiles as he kisses my neck leaving love bites. I grab his hair and pull him onto me as my back falls against the couch. He was about it taken off his boxers when we heard the door open. We didn't have enough time to react.
"Hey guys... Jesus" Jake said turning around.
I blush and put on my shirt as Colby put in his pants and shirt.
"What happened?" Sam asked
"They were doing stuff on the couch. " Jake said. Sam looks at us and I blush.
"Bruh. You got a room use it." Sam said walking away with Kat behind him. Colby hit Jake's head.
"I was gonna smash. I hate you so hard." Colby said
"That's not the only thing hard" Jake said looking down then up at Colby. Colby looked down and blushed walking to to his room upstairs. I stood there embarrassed.
"Nice bra." Jake said walking away. I blushed hardcore.
Ugh life.
Steamy ending. Sorry about that. Hope you guys liked the chapter. Byeee.
Good or nah??

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