Chapter 29: Facility

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Eveline's POV
Sometimes life is too hard to have. Like being unhappy because eventually people will leave me. I remember earlier this week, that beanie wearing boy said he didn't want a toxic relationship. That it was bad. When we dated for almost a year. What type of toxic relationship ends a year later, it should've ended from the beginning. There shouldn't even be a relationship if it was toxic.
~ Flashback ~
I was currently sitting in a room full of people. People just like me. I didn't feel different. I was playing checkers with Polly.
"Your move Polly"
I said smirking
"No fair Evie! You obviously won."
Polly said.
Polly was 5 years old. I don't know why she was in here, but she doesn't have family so they kept her here. She has come to a liking of me.
"Just try and move"
I said smiling at the brunette in front of me. She had one more move. This move, if she moved it right, would make her win the game. She stood still, thinking about the move she was gonna do, she put her finger on the checker piece. I shook my head. Wrong one. She removed her hand and moved the correct one. She looked at me. I nod for her to move. She took it and moved it. One. Two. Three. She wins.
"Good job, Polly"
I say giving her a high five. She giggles her cute giggle.
"Thank you Evie. You too. I'm gonna go say hi to Mrs. Adams"
She says standing and walks over to the old lady. Mrs. Adams is like a mother figure for Polly. She is the only nice nurse here. Of course there is Mr. Adams, her husband. He's sweet too. I smile at the little girl talking to the old lady. I was interrupted with a voice.
"Eveline Castee, you have visitors."
Vivian, the nurse, says opening the door for my visitors. I expected to see my savior and his friends, but I saw that beanie wearing boy. Although he doesn't wear beanies anymore, it's a nickname for him. Just so I don't have to call him by his name.
"Hi Eveline"
He says sanding up to hug me. I hug him back.
"Hi Colby"
I say uncomfortable. It felt weird being around him. Like when they sent me into this facility I thought I was only going to be in here for a few days but days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. No one visited me besides my savior and his four best friends and my blonde friend with the muscles and that bird.
"I came here to tell you something"
He says smiling. He doesn't look that bad. I can tell me going away didn't effect him because he looked healthy. No bags under his eyes, no pale skin from lack of sun, no nothing. H had a smile. Which could mean one thing.
"Ok what?"
I asked afraid of an answer.
"I met someone"
He whispers.
I look at him. Here I thought he loved me, that I meant something to him. But no. He just wanted to get rid of me because he was tired of me.
I asked. I wasn't mad. I was just disappointed in myself for not making him happy.
"Couple days after you got in here."
He says
"Is that what took you so long to come visit me?"
I asked him. He nods.
"I'm very sorry. And I really do lo-"
I groan.
"Stop! I don't need your lies. If you loved me you would've broken up with me or you would've at least told me. I would've been perfectly fine. I'm happy your happy."
I say giving a fake smile.
"Are you lying?"
He asks
"No. I'm not. Your happy. All I want is for you to be happy."
I look down at my legs.
"And I understand t-that my condition is h-hard on you guys. And I'm v-very sorry. I will be moving o-out when I get out of h-here."
I say stuttering in tears.
Colby looks at me in shock.
"Your going to move out?"
He asks.
"I kinda have to. I can't be anywhere near you knowing that you have a girlfriend."
I said.
He gave me a guilty look.
"I'm sorry I put you in here. I just wanted What was best for you and for me. I don't want to be in a  toxic relationship anymore."
He says standing up.
"And I understand that. I'm letting you go. You're letting me go. You're going to be happy with this girl and I'll be fine in here. I feel safe"
I said smiling at him. It was honestly a smile. A smile that told him not to worry and which he didn't. But he didn't even know how hurt I was.
"Bye Eveline"
He says shaking my hand.
"Bye Colby."
I say smiling. He walks away.
"Hey Colby"
I call out. He turns around with a smile.
"Happy one year"
I said smiling at him in tears.
"I love you"
I say. He nods.
"I love you too"
And with that he left. A part of me didn't want him to hurt my heart. He walked away with pieces of my heart. No matter me saying that it wouldn't, it did. It hurt me bad and it felt different from other pain.
       ~ End of Flashback ~
It was later on in the week. Almost time for me to get out. I've been doing better. Taking my pills, eating my food, and listening. My savior is always on tour and it's hard not having him around, but he does call when he can and it makes me happy being able to talk to him. He says he is happy I'm doing better and that he is trying to do something for me when he gets back which I think is a cute thing to do. It was around 5pm and it was time for dinner. Polly was running along and giggled as James chased her, James was a sweet guy. Just not everything is sweet. James suffers from neurotic. James is in here because he sees faces in everything he looks at. He tells me what he sees. and it is funny because he is like, "that outlit is mad" and I look at it and it looks exactly like a face. It's a cool thing to be able to see faces on everything, but it was hard for him because it caused him to talk to them and him to go mad about it. Polly helps him out with it and it's honestly a cute thing.
"What's on the menu Suzy?"
I asked grabbing a plate.
"Meatloaf and mashed potatoes with gravy and corn"
She says giving me a bit of everything. It looked good. It tasted good. They don't really cook good food in here because they are too lazy, but sometimes they do cook food and it actually tastes good.
I was in the middle of eating when one of the nurses came up to me.
"Someone is here to pick you up. Gather your things"
I nod and walk to my room. I pack my bag and change my clothes. I walk into the lobby handing them my clothes. I continue walking until I see a tall guy, muscles, with a blue shirt hat that says 'Huck It'
He had his camera guy behind him and his brother was with him. I smiled and ran to him.
I say smiling.
"Eveline! My girl!"
Logan says still hugging me. I pull away and give a hug to Jake.
"What are you guys doing here"
I asked pulling away from Jack.
"We are here to pick my girl up."
Logan says
"Why? I thought people wanted me in here."
I said looking to my feet.
"The only reason why you're in here is because of that asshole that you're dating. You could just talked it out and gotten more pills or something."
Logan says reassuring.
"Thanks Logan. Would it be ok for me to move in with you?"
I asked him.
"Of course. I don't know why you wanna move in with me because we're crazy, but yeah you can move in."
He said smiling at me.
"If you didn't already know, I'm crazy too."
I did smiling.
"Ok, enough talk let's go to my house."
Logan suggests. I nod and follow behind.
"So explain what happened if you want and if you are comfortable doing so?"
Logan says as he sets up his camera.
"Umm. Where is I begin?"
I asked.
"Why you got put in there?"
Jake says sitting next to me. Logan was on my other side.
"I had ran out of my pills. My depression and bipolar pills."
I say
Spencer says from behind the camera. I flipped him off and continued my story. He laughs.
"It doesn't seem such a bad thing, just get more"
Spencer said
"I know. And I told them that after I threw a cup at beanie boy"
I said
"Beanie boy?"
Logan asked.
"My significant other"
I said. I continued on with my story.
"Me not taking my pills caused me to act crazy one minute and not being able to move out of bed the next minute. It got to the point where I would get mad and throw stuff. Now, I would say don't send someone inside a facility because it would make them go crazier. Others don't agree. Like beanie boy, or blondey, or my low life asshole brother. They all said I should go inside the facility. Being put in a facility is basically telling people that they are crazy. It isn't healthy. People with diseases like depression or them doing something unusual shouldn't be taken there, and they don't deserve to be taken to a facility unless the need to. Because being in one is hard. " I say almost in tears.
"Well. I'm sorry that you had to go through that."
Jake said hugging me.
"Is it ok to show this in the vlog?"
Logan asked. I laughed and smiled.
"Yeah. It's ok."
I said hugging Logan.
"Did anything else happen in there"
Jake asked rubbing my back as I hugged Logan.
"Umm. Yeah actually."
I said pulling away from Logan.
He asked curious.
"If you don't mind, I wanna keep that to myself. "
I said shifting in my seat uncomfortable.
I felt uncomfortable talking about him. He broke my heart and I don't wanna live through that again.
"Any-who enough with the heavy, are you guys going to Coachella?"
Logan asked in an annoying girly voice.
"No. I don't have a ticket."
I said smiling.
"Well. Now you do."
He said pulling out an extra ticket. I gasp. My now best friend bought be a Coachella ticket.
"Oh my god. I've never been. Thank you Logan."
I said smiling holding the ticket in my hands.
"Anything for my best friend."
He said.
"Is this fake?"
I asked looking at the ticket then Logan.
He asked laughing.
"The ticket, is it fake?"
I asked once more.
"No it's not. Why would you think that?"
He asked pretending to be hurt.
"Because you're a YouTuber and YouTubers prank"
I said placing the ticket on the table.
"Well. I didn't prank you so take it back."
He said handing the ticket back to me. I nod and smiled. I'm going to Coachella.
Logan was another person that visited me. Not a lot, but when he did it made be happy. Like someone was actually trying to be my friend like my savior and his four best friends. They were all good supports in the facility. I don't know what I would've done without them.
One more chapter until the epilogue.

I just wanna say thank you to all the people who have read my books. I remembered hitting 1k reads an I was so happy. The next day I opened up Wattpad and saw my book had 2k. I'm just so thankful to have you guys. I've been going through some stuff and writing this made me feel happy because people actually enjoyed my book.

Now I have a question for my next book. I'm not writing a squeal because it will mess up my plans for the future. 😉

Comment Dolan Twins and which twin for a new book.
Comment Why Don't We And which member for a new book.

I will be working on my imagines book to get tons a chapters to finish that off before I start my other book.

This chapter is over 2,000 words long and I started writing it this morning. I'm proud of myself for not postponing this chapter and getting it out.

Love you guys!!!!
                 💚 LOVE 💚

Love you guys!!!!                 💚 LOVE 💚

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