Chapter 4: Hanging with the bestie

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Eveline's Outfit ^
Colby's POV
I have been hanging out with Eveline more. I think I have fallen for her. I just catch myself looking at her. Loving everything about her. Her smile is what gets me, it's like she only smiles when she's around me. I have noticed she doesn't eat as much as she is supposed to. I guess she's just picky about food. Today I decided to go all black. Even my beanie. I went downstairs and saw Eveline putting on her shoes. "Where you going?" I asked. "Out. Wanna come?" She asked. I nod grabbing my phone and going out to her car.

She got the car based off of The Jokers car

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She got the car based off of The Jokers car. " nice car" I comment. " Lucas got it for me for my birthday last year." She says smiling. We get in and we are off and drive to god knows where.
We ended up getting lunch and spending the day by the beach. Eveline was sitting by the water with her sunglasses on and her shoes off. She stood up taking her shirt of leaving her in shorts and a bikini top. "You coming?" She asked. "Yeah.." I said taking off my shirt and shoes. I follow her in and we get into the water until we are knee deep. Eveline then faces the sun having a wave attack her. She fell with me being dragged with her. "Shit." She said trying to find her glasses. I find them and put them on. She looks up and see them. "You look cute in them." She says smiling. We stand going into the water more. I pick her up. "STOP PUT ME DOWN!" She yells. "Nope" I say holding her over my shoulder taking her deeper. "NO! PUT ME DOWN!" She yells once more. "Ok" I say throwing her into the water. She comes up from the water drenched and her hair all over her face. "What the hell Colbster?" She said mad using my nickname. "You said to put you down" I say innocent. She stares at me then smiles. "That's not what I meant. But whatever" she responds. She puts her hair into a messy bun then found her glasses and put them on. We ended up staying at the beach until around 6 pm then got ready to leave and went to get food.
Eveline's POV
I spent the day with Colby. We have been spending like everyday together because everyone is busy with their lives. I got out of the water with Colby following. I grabbed my towel, shirt, phone, and shoes going to my car. I open the back getting my bag. "You need anything? Brush? Towel?" I asked Colby. "Nope. Got clothes so that's good." He says smiling.
Ugh that smile is so cute...
Maybe he likes me

No stop thinking like that he could never like you, remember what HE said.
No one would love you or be happy with you.

I go into the bathroom and got changed into some joggers, a LA crop top hoodie, my black vans, and my hair in a messy bun. I get out of the bathroom see Colby in black joggers, a black jacket with a white shirt that says 'LA California', his vans, and his beanie. I put our stuff in the back and get into the car driving to Mc Donald's.
I was driving as a song came on. I really liked the song bad turned it up.
* Start of song *
Take away your things and go, you can't take back what you said. I know I've heard it all before at least a million times. I'm not one to forget, you know. I don't believe, I don't believe it you left in peace, left me in pieces. Too hard to breathe. I'm on my knees right now.
I'm so sick of that same old love, that shit, it tears me up. I'm so sick of that same old love, my body's had enough.
Oh, oh, oh, that same old love.
Oh, oh, oh, that same old love.
I'm so sick of that same old love, feels like I've blown apart.
I'm so sick of that same old love, the kind that breaks your heart.
Oh, oh, oh, that same old love.
Oh, oh, oh, that same old love.
I'm not wasting any time, wasting tonight on you. I know, I've heard it all so don't you try and change your mind. Cause I won't be changing too, you know.
You can't believe, still can't believe it you left in peace, left me in pieces. Too hard to breathe, I'm on my knees right now.
I'm so sick of that same old love, the shit, it tears me up. I'm so sick of that same old, my body's had enough.
Oh, oh, oh, that same old love.
Oh, oh, oh, that same old love.
I'm so sick of that same old love, feels like I've blown apart.
I'm so sick of that same old love, the kind that breaks your heart.
Oh, oh, oh, that same old love.
Oh, oh, oh, that same old love.
I'm so sick of that, so sick of that love. I'm so sick of that, so sick of that love. I'm so sick of that, so sick of that love. I'm so sick of that, so sick of that love.
I'm so sick of that same old love, that shit, it tears me up. I'm so sick of that same old love, my body's had enough.
Oh, oh, oh, that same old love.
Oh, oh, oh, that same old love.
I'm so sick of that same old love, feels like I've blown apart.
I'm so sick of that same old love, the kind that breaks your heart.
Oh, oh, oh, that same old love.
Oh, oh, oh, that same old love.
* End of song *
I didn't notice my eyes getting watery from singing the lyrics. I turned off the car exiting it going into Mc Donald's. We ate our food and headed to the pear area. We sat there for a few watching people leave because of how late it was. We just sat there watching the waves. It was beautiful. I put my head on Colby's shoulder and put my arm between his. I smiled. He backed away from me to look at me. I looked at him. I looked into his eyes and all I could see were so much emotion. One of them being love. No this can't be true.
HE said no one could ever love you...
Or could they?
Colby sighs. "We should head back" he says sighing once again. "Yeah we should." I said with us looking at each other. We stood up still looking at each other. I was about to ask him something when I felt lips in mine. They were his, Colby's. He went and grabbed a hold of my waist. I had to stand in my tippy toes because I was short. I moved my hands from his neck to his hair. I grabbed his hat from his head and put it on my head. We pulled away out of breathe. We both had messy hair, we looked flushed, and had swollen lips from kissing. I grabbed his hand leading him to the car, I gave his beanie back, and we drove home. It was silent, but it was a comfortable silent.
Once we got home we exited. I stopped him as he went to twist the door nob. He looks at me annoyed. "It's locked.." I said unlocking the door. He just walks in without saying anything to me. I shut the door and locked it. I decided to go upside near the pool. I grabbed a blanket and climbed up a tree branch I made sure that if anyone wanted to find me they couldn't because of my position on the tree I had the blanket to make a soft area to sit on or if it got cold. I grabbed out my phone and looked at the comments on my picture with Colby at the beach. Some comments were saying we would be a cute couple or that he should ask me out. One photo was of me looking at the sun with my glasses. Colby took the picture with a caption saying "People have been through too much, some need an escape some reality even if it means to dream" it was moving really. I didn't honestly know what it meant but it was moving. I looked at Colby and I's other pictures with tons of comments like previous ones. All I could think was...
If only he had feelings, if only...
End of chapter 4
Good or nah??

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