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Eveline's POV
My second favorite time of the year, Thanksgiving. This will be my first Thanksgiving in LA with Colby and the others. Everyone was out filming while I was home cooking with Colby. I had just changed into my outfit for the day after my shower.

We were cooking the turkey and no one was home

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We were cooking the turkey and no one was home. I sat on the island in the kitchen on my phone. "10 minutes till it's done" I say checking the timer. Colby nods going between my legs kissing my neck. "Think I will have enough time?" Colby asked. "No because you like to give foreplay" I say laughing. "Well I want my baby girl to feel loved and beautiful" he says looking at me. "Baby girl?" I question. He shrugged and grabbed the turkey out. It was done and we finished making the sides as the roommates came downstairs. Colby went and ate with Brennen. I don't really like Brennen so Colby left without me. Maybe next year... It was Sam, Katrina, Corey, and Devyn. Corey had broke the oven and it was funny. I almost peed my pants. This Thanksgiving is what Katrina and I called Friendsgiving. It was a cute name. We ended up eating almost all of the turkey. Of course I got comments on Colby and I's sex life. "Why are you so loud?" Corey asked. I shrugged eating my food. "All we hear is 'OH COLBY HARDER FASTER PUT IT IN ME!'" Sam said. I blushed like crazy and shrugged again. "Can we just not talk about Colby? I'm already upset that her doesn't want to spend time with me in Thanksgiving what's next not in his birthday, Christmas. Ugh I'm sad." I said frowning. "I am too. We haven't spent time together besides like a week or two ago in trip. He has been with Brennen. It's like he wants Brennen as his best friend and not me." Sam said sad. "This is like when he hung out with Shea more then me. He just needs a day or two out with you. That's all. " I said thinking. "I wish that were true. " Sam said. I get up from the table leaving behind my food not feeling so good about the Colby topic and falling asleep in my bed after collapsing on it.
Black Friday~
Eveline's POV
I woke up to an arm around my waist. I turned around seeing Colby. I smile and get dressed into double waisted jean shorts, crop top jacket and my high top adidas shoes. My go to Black Friday outfit. Me and Elton always did the Black Friday stuff but this year he wasn't doing that so I was going by myself. I ended up buying some presents for the roommates and some of my friends from davids vlogs. I ended up hanging out with Liza since everyone was busy. We ended up stopping at the mall. I had needed to go to VS for some new bras since my old ones shrank in the dryer. We ended up buying new onesies of a dinosaur and stitch and went to the food court for lunch. After we ate we went to davids apartment. We hung out there for a few before I was being summoned. "Hey guys I gotta go. I'm being summoned my Satan aka Elton. Bye" I said. They say bye back and I went into the car garage getting into my car. In the car there was a lot of songs playing like Feel it Still or my go to karaoke sing Sorry not Sorry by Demi Lovato. Love that song.
When I walked into the house there was yelling. "Why are you here Nicolas? No one wants you here." I heard Colby say. "Yeah well. Eveline wants me here. Way do you think we were making out yesterday?" Nicolas said. "Because you were forcing her too." Colby groaned. "Yeah well. You wanna know something; she feels so good right just can't get tired of her feeling. Especially the way she moans my name. Also doesn't she taste amazing. Almost like your favorite candy. Ever done that before." Nicolas said. I walked in and saw Colby punch him. "Oh I'm guessing yes. Damn Eveline. Never thought you would be a whore and lose it to well, this guy. You really have low standards. " Nicolas said. "The only low standards that I had was dating you. Why are you even here? What part of we're broken up don't you understand?" I asked mad. "All of it." Colby said coming up to me kissing my shoulder grabbing my waist. Elton and Corey walked in. "You should leave" they said. "Why?" Nick asked. "Because you're about to get beat if you stay any longer.." Elton said. "It doesn't matter. I know where you live. And also. Your sister is whore losing it to some boy man thing person that she doesn't even know." Nick said. I groan and punch him. "You don't know anything about me or Colby now just leave no one wants you here." I snap. Nick rolls his eyes and leaves. I walk upstairs into my room. Colby shuts the door. "What's wrong?" I ask him. "It is true that he... did things to you?" Colby asks. "Y-yes. But I promise it wasn't anything too special and you were my first time, first everything I promise remember when I thought I had to pee. It was my first. I'm sorry for what he said and I hope you believe it all. " I say smiling. Colby smiles too. "Went Black Friday shopping got everyone gifts. " I say smiling. Colby smiles and nods looking at all the different bags and boxes on my bed.
Just an extra chapter.
Even though Thanksgiving was yesterday, this chapter was to Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Even though this had nothing to do with Thanksgiving it Black Friday it still had little to do so it's ok. Any who was the chapter good or nah??
Also sorry for cringe worthy stuff about sex. It's cringe for me too. 😂😂😂

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