Chapter 20: Kansas, Here We Come!

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Eveline's POV
Katrina and I hung out the entire week since Sam and Colby went to San Francisco and saw the Full House house and went to other parts of California that was like 6 to 8 hours away from LA. They did abandon explore videos and almost got caught and killed. They should be home in a couple hours. "Let's go to the mall." Katrina says. "Sure" I answer. She nods and picks out an outfit. I went into my closet and got dressed.

I did my hair in a messy bun like always and pulled out some black flats

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I did my hair in a messy bun like always and pulled out some black flats. Katrina did a little bit of my makeup like some foundation, mascara, little eye shadow, and a little blush. It looked good.
We were walking around the mall as random men stared at us. "Kat I wanna leave." I whisper. "But I wanna check out VS deals" she groans. I sigh and say that I would meet her outside. I sat down on the bench and texted Lucas saying we would meet up with him at Tender Greens. "Hey baby" some guy said. I pretended to not hear him and continued looking at my phone. He then sat by me. "I know you heard me mama" he said flirty. "Yeah I heard you. I just don't care. " I said. I had a silver ring on that Colby got me for my birthday so I put it on my ring finger to look like I was married so this asshole would leave me alone. " Can you like leave me alone?" I asked annoyed "well not until I get a date with you." He said. "Well I'm married. So bye " I said showing him my ring. He signed and walked away. "Finally" I whisper. I walk over to my tesla and pull it up to the curb and get out waiting for Katrina. I see him come back and groans to myself. I see a car come up. Let me just say it was a fine ass car. Just not as fine as mine. I saw him get the keys handed by him. "Nice car" I call out. "Thanks. Bet your husband don't have a car like this." He says. "Yeah well my tesla is better." I say pointing to the tesla next to me. "That isn't your car. " he says. I nod. "It was around $35,000 to $ 50,000 since it is the 2018 one. " I say holding up the keys. (I know other cars are more expensive, but his is an older model of a car and is only $10,000) "hey I have some money in the back of my car. I was wondering if you wanted to go to Vegas or something." He asks. "Nope. I'm ok." I say. "what?" He asks. "I ain't no gold digger and I'm a very loyal wife so go find some other slut to wow with your money cause trust me. My husband doesn't need money to wow me. I love him so drive away with your gold digger ass car." I say mad. "Well from the looks of it. It looks like you've been pranked." The guy said. I frown and look around. I see Elton and Sam with Colby. Katrina is with Sam and I run up to Colby. "Asshole" I mumbled kissing Colby. "So you don't dig gold?" Colby asks. "Nope. I only have eyes for you and I don't need money to love you. " I say smiling.
It's been a few days and Katrina is going to Canada to visit family while Sam and Colby are going to Kansas for Christmas and so I was going with them. My family doesn't really want to see me because I'm a disappointment to the family bloodline for not finishing high school or getting a decant job or getting a rich boyfriend to marry. I honestly don't care. I will be able to meet my boyfriend's parents and possibly my future in laws. If we even last that long. Colby had told me it is so freezing cold there so I packed lots of pants and jackets. I put our bags in the back seat and said goodbye to everyone. Devyn and Corey had already left to some cabin with snow. Aaron is staying home, Elton is hanging with some friends and Katrina already left to Canada. We got in my car and drove away. KANSAS HERE WE COME!!!
I will be posting a Christmas chapter about Sam and Colby's new video that came out today for Christmas Eve and about just Christmas with the presents and the dinner. Hope you enjoyed sorry for it being so short I didn't know what to write. Bai.

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