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I have finally started leaving my room. I couldn't handle being in there twenty four seven. Now I sneak out at night, to Ice Castle. I going skating, and write music there until the early houra of the morning. I usually leave a bit of money, so I hope they don't mind.

I had stayed later than usual, and somehow fell asleep as I was taking off my skates. I was awoken by the feeling of someone watching me. "I wasn't expecting to find anyone here this early," the Russian laighed. My heart started beating quickly, and I was doused in a hot sweat. A lump grew in my throat, and my stomachs wanted to be rid of its nonexistent contents.

"I'll leave," I gasped, yanking off my skates, not being careful of the blisters that had appeared as I wore them. I needed new skates, these were too small, but I didn't feel lile it was necessary any more.

"No it's fine," he stoped me, crouching down to grab my hand. I quickly pulled it away, and felt a little threatebed. I knew Victor was nice, he was coaching my brother out of the kibdness of his heart, but my anxiety could only ever see him as great, just like ever other human. He looked at me, worried.

"I just want to be alone," I said, grabbing all my stuff into my arms and running home, barefotted in the snow. My parents were confused as I ran in as they were going to go up and try to get me to eat breakfast. They seemed to understand what was going on, as they didn't asleep me about it.

Those events didn't stop me from going the next night. I set down my bag, and got onto the ice. I sat up my speaker and started slaying around as o tried to fogure out which song to play. I finally chose on one, (Coffee's For Closers) by Fallout Boy. I was a fan of English punk and pop music.

I got lost in the music as I skated. I always did that. I didn't even need my eyes open as I skated. The music told me what to do. It was like I wasn't alone on the ice. The music was a person and they were right by my side, helping me, guiding me, expressing the emotions I couldn't. I wanted so much to not care, like it says in the lyrics, but I couldn't. At least not yet. When the song ended I slowed to an almodt stop, not even noticing how I had tears flowing from my eyes.

I skated to two more songs, jump and spinning to my hearts content. I then wanted to trying something. A quad, a simple quad lutz, something I used to be able to pull time and time again. I got enough rotations, but my ankle gave out on the landinf and I fell on my butt. I wonced as I oulled my leg infront of me, my angel was uncomfortable, but it didn't look I injured. I pulled out my phone, and stopped the music, as I thought it was time for a break.

I started climbing back onto my feet. "Is Aki short for Akira?" a voice I wasn't expecting scared me. I got so frightened, I fell back on my bum.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, trying to stop myself from having a heart attack, like why would Light want to kill me. Ahh, terrible references.

"I came to watch you skate," he said as if it wasn't on in the mornung and we wrre both legally tresspassing, even if o did have a key. "But you didn't answer my question." He looked at me with a slightly aggravated face. That slight change was scary.

"Yes," I whimmpered under his glare. His face instantly softened. I was confused by this guy.

"So you are Akira Katsuki," he said, it was a statement of realization, nor a question. I nodded in reaspons either way. "The two time Junior National Champion and one time Senior National Champion of Japan Women's Figure Skating." I just sat there on the ice, in the same state it was, frozen. I knew it wasn't hard to figure any of that out, a simple google search. I just didn't feel like I wanted him to know. "The skating you do here is different in competition. But the underlining emotion was the same..." he seemed to be talkong to himself.

"My coach made me skate like that so I would win," I informed him, finally getting up off the ice. I still felt uncomfortable around him, but not anxious. I assumed it was because he saw me slate my emotions out, that I wasn't all that scared of him.

"Most coaches want to win," he agreed. "But it's strange for them to change the skaters entire skating style to do so when they could easily win with there normal one." I was confused, I just stared at him, having no idea what to say. "Oh, don't mind me, just talong to myself," he shrugged it off with another smile. He wasn't talkong to himself, it was too loud. "Why did you stop competing?" he asked.

I sighed, and statted picking at the ice with the blade of my skate. I knew that question was gonna come up sooner or later. "I had a bad skating accident after my first win in the Senior devision." He didn't need to know the full story. "I just haven't felt like competing again. I'm not a competitive person to begin with." I couldn't stop myself from startinf to skate around again. I just loved moving on the ice.

"You should smile more," Victor told me. I hadn't noticed, but I was smiling, my true smile. The smile that only showed on the ice now. On the ice I was someone else, something else. I could be happy, even for a tiny bit.

(Coffee's For Closers) - Fallout Boy

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