Grand Prix Final

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The Grand Prix finals were in Tokyo this year. This excited me a bit. It was taking place in rink I used to train in. I was going to be competeing on the ice I almost died on. It be nice to be competeing on familiar ice. All four of us made it, which wasn't a surprise. Now I got to show them all around where I lived for three years. Also the Russians were confused by all the Japanese, unlike the other way around.

The day of practice came. I bounced around the facility taking in what i could with my limited sight. Then i reconized it also instantly. The trophy case that held my medal from all my nationals, worlds, and the Grand Prix from the year before. "What are you trying to looking at?" Yura asked, walling up behind me and putting and arm around my shoulder.

"My medals, I think," I said,  tapping the glass infront of me. "Naomi's metals, would be up a shelf or two. I liked the fact that mine were so close to hers." We then needed to get to practice, and flee from fan girls.

After practice I took them to the best place to get udon, and rest of the male competitors followed along with some of the female, mainly Mila and Sara. We basically took up the entire place, which the workers didn't seem to mind as we were buying a lot of food. I basically sat back and listened to everything just like Yura and Otabek. It started getting chaotic. "Want to go somewhere else?" I offered the two, thinking of where to go.

I brought thise two to an arcade, where we spent a bit too much money. Afterwards i forced them to go to a sweet shop with me, where I blew too much money, again. We finally made it back to the hotel, and got scolded by our coaches for staying out too late. Luckily I could get Naomi to shut up by giving her a bag of cookies.

Sleep didn't come to me that night. I thought of going to go talk to Yura, but he needed his sleep. The next day I was sleep depressed, and by force from my coach, I needed to sleep through the male short programs. I felt so bad about misisng all then skate it effected my short program a bit. It was a bit shaky, and I barely landed a couple of my juniors. I was doubting myself through the entir thing.

Luckily I was still in second, as Mila stepped up and made her program as difficult as she could handle. It still didn't max over mine when adding in the free skates. I had the most difficult program out of any of the femaale competeitors. It was common knowledge that i can easily be siked out of something due to my nerves. This caused modt of the skaters try to send me over the edge. If I saw a female skater that wasn't Mila or Sara walking up to me, I'd cover my ears and run.

Luckily the next day I was able to be there for the free skates. I had only been able to do so for Yura, which was during Rolestonsan Cup. All three off them were skatinf to songs I wrote, and labeled as Sarah Mei songs. Part of me wanted the name Akira on them. But that's the skating part of. me. And it wouldn't really be abything to be able to make JJ shut the hell up about himself.

Yuri's wanted a story of looking back, as his temper was reflection. He told me of a story of someone at the top looking back at how he got there, the events, the people, his struggles. I wrote a period that starts simple and slowly gets more complicated and messy until it got back to the same simple melody it stated with, but with much more power. I named it, Back on It All.

Victor's theme was family. He didn't tell me any story. He just wanted me to write a song that would portray what fan only would mean to me. I started with the idea of writing a melody that represents each person, or maybe each instrument with a certain melody. After that I decided this is for Victor, and did a bit of internet stalking, and wrote him a song followinf his family life. From him getting Makkachin, leaving his parents, meeting Yakov, then become Yuri's coach and us forcing him into our family of friends. One listen through and it seemed like he knew what I did. I properly named it, Onii~chan.

The song Yura chose, My Life Belongs to You, wasn't written for his free skate, but it was written for him. It was publish on the album that came out on new years. I originally wrote it, thanking him for his friend ship to me. Then as I was writing the lyrics I realized how much more he meant to me. How I needed him in my life. How I was in love with him and didn't notice. The song was my idea to him. My confession to him. I was glad he felt a conection to it and wanted to skate to it. It Japan the title is actually different, it's Watashi no tora ni oshietekudasai or Ode to My Tiger. Luckily he never noticed that.

They all skated out their heart and soul. I felt torn about who should win. After the free program the srandings were Victor, Yuri, Chris, Yura, JJ, Otabek, and Emil. Yura had surpassed Chris with the free skate. Yuri just needed to do well to stay in secind, or give it his will to try and get Victor and get first. Either way I knew Victor would be happy. Everyone was on the edge of their sets as they watched the two skate, I almost fell off and I could only hear the passionate gliding on the ice.

I let out a scream with many other fangirls as the winners were announced. The three were thw only ones left on the ice. Yuri in the middle with gold, Victor to his right with silver and Yura to the left with bronze. I knew what was happening next, and the scream of fangirls knew i was right. I couldn't hear it myself, but i knew exactly whar Victor was saying.

- • -

"With what?" I asked, eyeing Victor like he was already drunk. I was prepaired to leave if it was anything too strange.

He took a moment to answer. "I want to propose to Yuri properly. I want to do it on the ice during the Grand Prox finals. I don't care of he wins gold or not, but I'm sure he will. I also want to do it in Japanese, which is where I need you're help..." He must have finally turned to face me and saw the giant smile on my face.

"You have my blessing," I told him, confusing him, which was my plan. "I am more than willing to help." I almost fell out of the chair I was sittinf in. "Do you have any idea what you want to say?" I could sense he shook his head. An idea popped onto my head. "Well this is just an idea... In Japanese there is a way to say I love that is only ever used on proposals, otherwise they think it's to tease them. You could say the phrase, confusing Yuri for a bit, then bam, you actually proposing, and spilling your guts, which i can just translate and teach you to pronounce properly." I was a bit to excited about the idea.

"That's perfect," he decorated, way too easy, and gave me a hug. We then returned to a much more calm topic of conversation.

- • -

I never got a chance to congradulate the couple before I went on. I was so full of emotion it felt like I couldn't stay still. It showed in my free skate. I rushed myself, going off of memory and not feeling it, cause the emotions I was feeling didn't fit my story.  I suffered a bit from that. I flumped some jumps, and my foot work was sloppy. It effect my score in a more drastic way than I expected cause I came in second. But Mila deserved to come in first, and she was celebrating way more caysw she beat me, like she set out to do that season. Everyone got what they wanted.

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