How To Be A Girl

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I was sitting in my room, reading a manga, when there was a knock on my door. I got up, to see who it was. It was my brother. "Teach me how to skate like a girl," he asked of me. I didn't question it, Yuri was Yuri and that is amazing.

"Bur what about sleep?" I asked as a joke. I let out a little laugh, "Im joking, let me get my things, we might also want to ask Minako for some help."

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"Fucking Minako," I complained, putting my skates on, "She can go one night without sleep. I've gone months." I walked over to the rink.

"Yeah, well some people think health is important," Yuri responded. I stuck a young out at him, and jumped ovet the barrier onto the ice.

"Okay, let's get started,"I declared, spinning out away from the barrier. "Now I'm going to give you a warming, I have been told I skate a lot like a guy, but I know how a girl is meant to skate, since I sorta make myself dance like a guy." I told him, tapping my index fingers together. "I'm going to try my best to teach you what I know, but just warning, it may not be what you are expecting." He looked at me with a soft smile on his face. "What are you smiling at?"

"I forgot how easily you change when you got on the ice," my brother pointed out, as he joined me on the ice, "You get this bubbly energy, and confidence you don't have anywhere else." I skated iver to him and gave him a hug. Anything sentimental really effected me recently.

"Now let's get to work," I pulled away from him, trhing to get serious, "I put on a skirt for a reason." It helps me pull out my more feminine side. I'm genderfluid, and tend to show it through my skating. "Let's start with the arms," I told him, thinking of where to start.

Female arms are constantly moving and gentle as they skate. The arms need to be in constant motion, no matter how slow. No joint should ever be stiff, making it look as if it was a feather. Even the joints in the pinky fingers need to be loose.

After that I made sure his hips were in it. Ever single move needs to be accompanied by the hips. It would have been an easy adjustment, but with the sexual themes in it the hip movemenrs need to be highly noticeable but bet be over exagerated. I'm not sure if we got it in that mark, but we got as close as we could.

The legs were the part I feared changinf the most. I had given Yuri pointers, like not spreading his legs far apart unless necessary, and making gentler movements, and hoped he could incorporate them, without needed to change rhe foot work. After a ckuple times we werw able to make us leg work more feminine.

"Want to run through it once?" I askes him. We were both covered in sweat and were taking deep breaths.

"Yeah," he agreed, and I made my way to the barrier. I watched as hell danced to it, cringing at the lack of music. But other than that, he was stunning. I could see how alluring it could be. I was going more off of my extensive knowledge of Yoai and Yuri, not those two.

"Beautiful," I screamed as hell skated over to me, "You're sure to capture everyone's attention with that performance. Especially Victors." I teaded him. His only a reaspons was a heavy blush. "Let's go home, you need sleep, cause you're one of those people who think health is needed."

"Aki," my brother got my attention before I could leave the ice. "It's obvious you pour yourself into your skating," for once I had no idea where he was going. I could always predict how people would act, when I couldn't, it scared me. "So how cone you skate like both a male and female?" I froze on the ice, my arms moving to wrap around me. If anyone I hoped he would be the most understanding.

I needed to at least tell him, before someone gets curious. "I haven't even told Mari about this,"I told him, my voice losing any confidence it would have had, "I'm genderfluid," I finally told someone. Sure my old coach and friend were suspecting something, but never questioned it.

"Ummm...." Yuri filled the awkward silence between us. "I can understand that its something big that you told me, but.... what dose that mean?" I should have known he didn't know it. Sure get was more independent with sexualities, being bisexual and all, and knowing that.

I turned around, putting in my rare serious face. "Well gender is on spectrum, with boy and girl beibg opposite ends, and I fall anywhere on that spectrum...." I hoped that helped him. I watched him with a nervous twitch as he thought it through.

"I think I get it," Yuri said, "But that's fine, just be yourself. Honestly Im fine with anything as you do what makes you happy."

"Want to know what would make me happy?" I asked him, with a slight smirk on my face. "You never giving up on skating. You inspire people. You inspire me. Never give up on your dreams." That is what I want to do. I want to inspire others. I want to make others feel like they can do anything.

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