One Over the Others

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I was chilling on my couch, the other three were there arguibg over which movie to watch first. Honestly I was terrified of scary movies. I originally invited them all over so we could watch Tim Burton movies together, not cause me to get even less sleep then usual. I loved Halloween, but hated scary things. The door bell rang, which I was expectinf as there was one more person I invited over. I ran up the stairs and pulled open the door for the blond boy.

"Shouldn't you be wearing a costume?" I teased him. He was still a teen. He glared at me.

"That mask you're wearing is horrifying," he snapped back. His combacks have been getting better since knowing me.

"Gesh, I invite you into my home, and that's how you greet me," I playfully gasped, and closed the door behind him. He just shook his head and went downstairs, with me following him. He froze at the bottom of the stairs.

"You didn't tell md these idiots would be here?" he hissed up at me, in a volume loud enough for my friend be able to hear.

"Yuri, my love, you hurt me," Don joked, receiving a hit on the head from Mersy with a pillow, and she hissed sometjing st him in french.

"I swear I said my friends were going to be here," opening my ohone to look st the text. I hadn't. Oops. "Come on, its a movie, you don't need to socialize." I oulled him over and sat home on the end of the couch and I sat down next to him between him and Nate.

"Why do have so many Japanese shows on your Netflix account?" Don questioned, "Do you really watch that much anime?" We all sighed, we've told him like five times but it never seemed to stick.

"He's an idiot," I informed Yuri.

"We should watch The Exrosist,"  Mersy offered, seeing it roll past on the screen.

"The special effects suck," Don denied it, "How about one of the many Paranormal Activity?"

"The Ring," Nate offered, stopping over the movie. Honestly I was terrified of watching any of them, but I didn't want them to know that.

"How about As Above So Bellow? " I offered. It was the only ever horror movie I was ever interested in seeing.

"I'd prefer to be able to return to my home, thank you," Mersy snapped. I knew she was from France, but not Paris. I thought there would be a prettt good music school there, and she wouldn't need to come to Russia.

I noticed how Yuri was watching me. I was hugging myself, like I would do when I was nervous and the necklace he gave me was up and my mouth. I had the sudden urge to scratch myself, but he pulled my hand away from my arm before I could. "I'm too young to see rated R movies," Yuri told them, obviously taking the blow for me.

"Psh," Don shrugged it off, "I watched rated R movies when I was twelve." Knowing him it was probably true. Maybe that was what was wrong with him. After what felt like forever we were all situated. Everyone had a soda and there were bowls of pop corn and candy scattered between us. Nate was sittibg in the corner of the couch, with his feet streched out to his right, mingling with Mersy's legs, who was layonf down on her side to face the TV. Don was useing Nate as a pillow and had his feet stuck out obfront of him. Yuri and I were sitting on the floor next to each other with our backs against the couch. We all had blankets and pillows. The three had decided to watch The Shinning.

I tried to make myself watch it, but just started burying my face into the pillow I was hugging. Yuri reached over and wrapped and arm around me. There was a sudden gasp from Mersy, oh no, she shipped us. I the. felt something being placed in my ear. I reached up and reconized it, as the other one was being put in. They were my bluetooth headphones. Yuri must have gotten them while eveyone was fettinf sruff for the movie. My music started playing through it. He reached off and pulled off my glasses, so now I couldn't hear or see the movie. He could really understand what was going g on with me.

I had actually fallen asleep during the movie, probably because I had been listening to classical music for school. I was awoken by some movement some time later. I had fallen asleep with my head on Yura's shoulder. "Oh, did I wake you?" he asked, as I say up and pulled out my headphones. I grabbed my glasses and put them on. The movie had been paused and my three other friends had fallen asleep.

"It's fine," I told him, looking at my phone to see if was only ten. "Oh yeah, congrats on getting silver in skate Canada." The Grand Prix had started, and Yura had just returned from skate Canada a couple days prior.

"Thanks," he grummbled digging his back into the couch as he slumped down. "I should have beaten the idiot JJ though." I had heard stories about the Canadian skater, I just didn't know if theybwere true or not.

"Hey, you got silver," I reminded him, "In your first senior competition. Be proud, few skaters have accomplished that."

"Didn't you win gold in you're first senior competition?" he pointed out.

"Hey, I'm not you," I told him, "Besides people say I cheated." I even cringed at my terrible joke. Stuff like that still stung.

"You're going to the Cup of China in a couple days right?" he changed the subject. I rolled my eyes at his effort to not talk about himself.

"Yeah," I said, grabbing a handful of pop corn from the half empty bowl sitting in the floor next to me.

"Well good luck," he told me, with hesitance in his voice, "And say hey to the pork cutlet bowl and Victor for me."

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