The Banquet

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I was late. Did I care? A bit, more that I was being forced to go than actually going. Naomi put me ina simple aquamarine dress, and I put a black blazer of it. I still had on converses, so at least my feet were comfortable. I and a clutch which contained my calspable cane, phone, and wallet.

Once there I stuck by a wall, and Naomi left to talk with other coaches. My attention was down at my feet, straining my eye for them to be clear. It was strange, I knew exactly how they should look, yet I couldn't properly see them. I'll never properly see anything again. At least I know I can still read. It needs to be extremely close to my face, I should look into getting reading glass.

"There you are," said the familiar voice of my brother. I heard a pair of rushed footsteps approach me. "I thought Naomi just came without you." I shrugged, Naomi would do something like that.

I knew Victor was also with him, and a dark vibe radiated from him. "What are all those scars from?" he asked the question that was probably on every one's mind of those who saw me. I had nothing correcting my legs,except for a pair of spandex shorts, and I rolled up the sleeves so my forearms were showing, realizing the scars of my disappointments.

I didn't care about hidding it anymore. I was broken, and the world saw it. "Self harm and the incident," I told him. I kept my gaze to the ground, knowing it was pointless to look anywhere else. There was a sad sigh before I was warped up in a hug. It started as that, a comforting hug, from my brothers, but they both stiffened and was feeling my with a bit worry.

"Aki, how much have you been eating?" Yuri questioned me. We was worried because you could feel my bones through my muscle, skin, and clothing.

I sighed, not wanting to have more people worrying about me.  "I know, I know," I sighed, pushing the two away from me. "I just wanted to get the Grad Prix out of the way, and now I'm gonna work on getting to a healthy weight. Naomi knows; I've talked to a doctor; I just got to eat and do nothing." Two things which people say is all they every do, not me apparently.

"So this is going to be the last day you can dance for a while?" my brother questioned with a smirk on his face. He knew I loved dancing, and even classified figure skating as such. I sighed knowing exactly what he was planning. He grabbed my wrist and started pulling me somewhere. "You can still conect your phone to speakers right?" Yuri asked. Of course I knew how to.

We go the music situation settled. The other party goers werw bit confused at fist, but approved of the music choice. Both Victor and Yuri woupdntt leave me be until I danced to one song. I went all out, as there was more I could do off the ocean, with more freedom. I had amazed everyone with my backflip, and I was glad I wore spandex under my dress.

We went off the dance floor as the two were tired from trying to keep up with me. "Hey, you," someone called to me, "Chibi Yuri." Oh great, Phichit's strange nickname for me spread. It took a while for the voice to be reconized. It was the Canadian Dingus, JJ. I smell champaign on him, he had to be buzzed.

"What crawled up your butt?" I asked, instantly getting sour by his appearance

"Were you trying to copy me out there?" he said, obviously getting more arrogant with the aid of alcohol.

"I'll copy someone once hell freezes over, " I sighed, I was commented how well my dancing wenf with the music, and was woundeing why it was similar to JJ. Pure cousindence. "You'll be sure to tell me when it dose." Other skaters who had been listening to the conversation 'oh'ed at my burn. "But really I wasn't, and it hurts that people think that. That was just... me." It felt weird actually saying it, "So if anything you're forcing yourself to be like me." I snickered and starfed to walk away, being as respectful as I could to the guy I wanted to punch in the face.

More time had passed. People got drunk. Others continued to dance. I stood to the side, and people came up to talk to me. I had a polite conversation with who ever came up to me, but the quickly left me alone, as there were more interesting people to talk to. I was gettinf board, and tired. I went aroind looking for anyone I could talk to, or something to do.

Yuri and Victor were both drunk and all over each other. I snapped a couple pictures before moving on. I found Naomi the midst of a conversation with other coaches. "I feel bad for you, Aki dose everything. I just gotta make sure she competes," Naomi laughed, obviously drunk. She's one of those people who tell secrets when their drunk. I had nothing left to hide, so I didn't care. I walked away, feeling like I don't belong there.

I started searching for Yura. I was on the look out for a blond blob, possibly wearing some cat print. I ws wrong, but I found him. He was in a corner, with someone else next to him. My best guess was that it was Otabek, but I wasn't sure. "Hallo," I said, walking up to them.

"Hey, can you go get your brother off of Victor?" Yura asked in disgusting. Im sure he made some disgusted face.

"Nah, almost everyone is drunk at this point, no one will care," I shrugged. I leaned up next to the wall by him.

"We might need to take Phichit's phone away," the other guy, I guessed correctly for him being Otabek. "We don't want his Instagram taking down."

"I saw him passed out in the bathroom," Yura assured us, "He can't hold his alcohol."

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