Sick Day

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I heard the front door close with a bang. I groaned due to the piercing pain of my headache. I was sweating buckets, but if I took off my blanket I would be freezing. I couldn't manage to fall back asleep with the stinging pain in my throat taking up my entire thought process. I just stared at the ceiling trying to will myself to go to sleep. I don't know if it worked or not.

My loud noise startled me, aggravating my headache will it was at it. My phone was ringing. I answered it, against my better judgement. "WHERE ARE YOU YOU IDIOT! I CAN'T DEAL WITH THESE TWO ALONE!" I could reconize that nasty voice from anywhere. I forgot the four of us were going to meet up for... lunch. Still the yelling only agrivated my headache more.

"I'm sick," I complained, and threw my phone away. I don't even think I hung up. I started tapping around on my bedside table, hoping i had a glass of water. It wasn't easy taking care of myself when I can't see. My search must have been taking a while, as my bedroom door burst open.

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