The Ghost Upstairs

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I heard a bunch of noise from just outside my room. I opened it, thinking it could be Makkachin, wanting in again. That dog just showed up at my doors sometimes, but always when needed. What did people do to deserve dogs? But this time it wasn't. My room was next to the storage room, and there was Mari, emptying it out. "What are you doing?" I asked her, leaning against my door frame in annoyance. I was going to start recording soon, and needed it as quiet as possible.

"What dose it look like?" she asked, with more energy than she usually has. "Yuri has anothe guest, qnd he'll be staying in here, but it's no up to the standards." I honestly had no idea what she was talking about, so I just slipped back in my room, planning on recording tomorrow.

That night I didn't feel like going skating, but I needed to pee. I sliped out of my room with the bathroom as my destination. "Who are you?" said a Russian voice. I turned to see that the door to the storage room was open. He seemed a bit confused and shocked to see me.

I got scared, and ran down to the bathroom before he could encounter me again. It sucks living at an inn when you have social anxiety. I was pacing in circles on the bathroom, trying to get through my panic attack. I reconized who that guy was, Yuri Plisetsky, the Russian Punk. He was probably here about Victor. I would need to figure more about that later.

I was sure he was asleep by now, so I made my way back up to my room. I was poorly mistaken. He was sitting on the floor, back agaonst the wall and glaring daggers at the door. "What dod the door ever so to you?" I asked. There are these rare few people I don't feel anxious around right when meeting them. The only one I had met before Yuri was my only friend.

"Can you just appear from anywhere?" he asked. What was he talking about. I tilted my head in confusion. "I mean, can't ghosts do that?" I put my hand up to my mouth to stiffle the laugh. He so whole heartedly believed I was a ghost. Sure I was pale, and wearing only black. But I wasn't see through, or flying. Either way my devious mind wanted to see how long I could keep it going.

"You can see me?" I asked, trying to play off my laugh vontainment was a gasp. I let a few tears fall from my eyes. "It's been years since someone has seen me." I already had a tragic backstory formanting in my mind. "What year is it?" I asked, falling to the ground, pleading at his feet.

"2017," he said, watching me in amazement. "Who are you?" he tried to reach out to me, but stop himself.

"I'm Iziya Nishigore," a guy's name, but luckily I had a body of a guy. "I was training to be a ninja here. One day I came to the hotel springs to relax, and someone drown me. I've been stuck here until I get me revenge." He seemed to be hanging on every word I said. This was golden, I needed to tell someone about this.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked. I shook me head. keeping my attention to the floor.

"At this point revenge is unachievable," I explained, "I do bot know who killed me, I could kill his descendants, but there would be too many."  I was shaking. I hope to him it looked like I was crying. In reality I was silently laughing. "So can you just keep my company?" honestly I wanted someone to talk to that wasn't going to be overly worried about me. I tried twxting my friend, but they are busy getting ready for college to help.

"I would, but I have to practice tomorrow," he said, looking entirely too sad, "But how about tomorrow night? I can stay up a couple more hours and still get a good amount of sleep." With that we parted ways. He webt to the storage room to sleep and I went to my room to break down laughing.

He was true to his word. I peaked out of my room around midnight and he was pacing in the hall. I slipped out quickly, and sat down against my door. He turned around and was shocked by my appearance. "You actually came," I said givivng him a smile.

"Are you a ninja?" he asked, probably from my sudden appearance and "stealth".

"I was training to be one, and Im also a spirit," I reminded him of the lies I told him the night before. I patted the floor next to me for me to sit down. He obliged. "What's the world like now?" I asked, trying to start a conversation without giving away it was a lie. For the next week thos was my nightly activity before I snuck out to skate. By the end of the week I just tallrd to him normally.

"What's this?" he asked, I got board and wrote on my hand during the day.

"I got board," shrugging. I forgot that he couldn't read Japanese. "Oh sorry, it means lightning storm, Raiu." It was the knickname I was given when I skated competitively. It was because I got at high speeds for a gigure skater, and when I land jumps my skates make a sound similar to that of thunder.

"Could you write something on my arm?" He asked, holding up his pale forearm. I garbbed it, he was a bit surprised I could touch him. I then remebered I was ticking home I was a ghost. It went on for too long, it was tome to move on.

"Sure," I reached up to my door handle, and opened my door. I was lwnainf aginst my door and it flew open as I fell backwards. I fluid my legs up and fliped up so I was standing. I used to be in gymnastics when I was little, so I was flexible.

Yuri was completely surprised with the unfolding. I grabbed my sharpie off my desk and came back out popping down next to him, after shutting my door. "What do you want?" I asked him.

"Tiger," he said through his confusion. I uncapped my sharpie, holding the cap in my mouth. On his arm I wrote the character for cat instead. He wanted to seem tough, but he was sweet.

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