Back at it Again

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I was sitting awkwardly on a plastic chair, looking at all the competitors around me. There were only ten senior competitors in total. I was about in the middle or the ages. There was a twenty five years old, a nineteen year old, and two other eighteen year old. There were two seventeen years olds, two sixteen year olds, and a fifteen year old. I was sitting in the back row, down on the corner of the senior female devision. I was rapping my feet in a pattern as I tried to feel my heart beating.

"Time for the Senior Female devision," the lady called up front. I tripped the chair harder, knowing my name was going to be called. She started calling our competeters' names and they went up. There was this constant murmur of hushed conversations. "Akira Katsuki," my name was called. Everyone went quiet. I was appeariently a big deal.

I stood up, with a brave face. I stuck my hands in my jacket. I left my cane in the hotwl room, nor wanribg to be questioned. I had the same jacket that all certified skaters had. I was lucky, mosr skatees returbibf after more then one season usually have a hard time getting off. While I just hopped back in where I left off. I felt everyone's eyes on me. They were probably ammased, confused, or angry. Any way I ignored it, and went up and pulled out a number. 8, I'll be going third to last. I returned to my seat as rest of the names got called.

- • -

I was standing around with Yuri and Victor. Naomi had to go off somewhere, for some reason, and she stuck me with them, scared I was going to go missing. Yuri and I both were just trying not to have a panic attack. I was even thinking about popping anotber pill, even though I've been told time and time again not to take more than prescribed. "I've been wondering," Victor said, tryong to break the nerviois tension between the two of us, "How is Mari with skating?" I actually wondrred that too, but I don't even think she knows how to skate.

"She alright," Yuri answered for us, surprising me a bit, "She knows the basics of figure skating, and can land simple jumps." Wait...What?

"Why wasn't I told this?" I freakrd out crouching at stick my arms out straight. Yuri looked a t me like I was insane.

"You've sseen her skate...?" he reminded me, with a bit of worry and confusion. I felt a twinge of guilt pass through me. I didn't tell him one detail.

"uh," I said, loweeinf my voice drastically, "I sustained some memory loss in the incident, nothing too important. Just some memories here and there. I don't remeber the Christmas before you went to college, my sixth birthday, and my first time sksting in a competition." I listed of a feeling of the short list of memories I lost. I pulled out the necklace from Yuri, and started fidgeting with it. A nervious habit I was making to replace scratching myself.

"Why wasn't I told this?" Yuri asked, sticking his arms out to the side.

Victor snickered. "You two really are siblings," he teased us, I jist rolled my eyes, whole Yuri blushed. I smirked, I still ship it. "Where did you get that necklace?" the Russian wondered. I had broight the charm up to my lips, and was sorta kissing it, unconscientiously.

I didn't think it was a big deal so I just said, "Its a good luck charm from Yuri-o." I needed to quickly add the o to the name, I had gotten too used to just calling him Yuri. I also regret tellinf then instantly since they had those grins on their faces. I sorta forgot about them teasing me about it.

"Are you two dating yet?" my brorher asked me. Usually over protective brorhers would try and discourage their sisters from dating, not encourage them.

I sighed, done with these two. "I have better people to talk to." I walked away from the two as they started to complain. Inreality I didn't really have anyone else to talk to. The girls were either too intimidated by me, or to pissed at me for existing. Girls were mean. Either way it wasn't like I could bring muself to talk to anyone.

"Aki!" someone screamed my name. I sorta forgot about that kid. I lookrd to find a blond boy wavong is arms around, tryonf to get my attention. I changed the direction I was walking in to get to him.

"Hey Minami," I greeted him. We were rink mates in Tokyo, and he wss probably the closest thing I had to a friend when I was there.

"I see you're skating competeively again," his couch commented with an encouragong smile. I just shrigged. I never really talked much. "I guess I'll get my answers on the ice." It was well known by anyone who sees the true way I skate, I pour my heart nd soul into my skating.

"Aki, Aki, Aki," Minami cheered, bouncing in excitement, "Can you help me approach Yuri." He begged, grabbing onto my arm. We were about the same height, but still had time to grow.

"Just wall up to him, he's a person," I told him, pulling my arm away, "But if you want embarrassing stories, I got plenty." I smirked. I wouldn't tell abythobg too embarrassing, just probably how he went on a date and still doesn't reconize it was aa date to this day.

"Alrighr I'll do it!" Mon am I declared, filled with determination. He turned around to face where my brother was. "After the short progrms," he whimpered and hid behind his coach.

"There you are," Naomi walked up to me, "The senior devisions are about to start soon, we should go with you're brother luck , then start preparing." I nodded, and followed my coach away.

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