The Grand Prix Final

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Yuri's POV

Victor and I walked up to where the other skaters were sitting. Aki was sitting behind Sara, and waved when she noriced us coming. She's changed a lot since she left Japan. Her hair is longer, and she wears it well, unlike how she would try and style it whenever it would get that length or longer. Her eyes, which used to be so blank held a sparkle. I'm not sure what the sparkle was, but it was there. She was much more confident, she could tell the world what she struggled just to tell me. She's even changed there, we both have. We used to rely on eachother so much, but now we both have others to rely on. I have Victor and she has Yurio. They may say they are only friends, but they are so much more than that for each other. They just don't know it.

Yurio came and sat down next to her after his performance was over. We were all engrossed in the other preformances. We could all feel what they were feeling. I glanced back once at my sister. Her gaze was fixed at the ground, and she was softing her glasses on and off. I had no idea what she was doing, but I worried me.

"I need to go talk to Naomi," she told us, and she darted off, literally jumping ocer Yurio's legs. I wanted to follow her, but I felt like she could handle whatever it was without me. It was probably just her beibf nervous about competing.

"I think there's something up with her," Yurio confessed, and was watching in the direction she ran off in.

"Its probably just nerves," Victor shrugged it off, "She a lot lile you in that regards." He even took time to tease me, and caused me to blush. He was right though, she was like me in that we both get nervous before competitions, but she was so much worse. We all took what he said, and left her on her own. We shouldn't have done that.

Time had passed, and Sara and Mila needed to leave to get ready for the women's devision. Aki hadn't returned, I just assumed she was getting ready with Naomi. It wasn't until the warm up did I start getting worried. There were only five conpetitors on the ice, Aki was misisng. Sure she would disappear again after the warm up, but she was always there for it. There was a murmur through the audience wuestionibg where she went.

"Hey Yuri, where's your sister?" Chi's asked, with pure concern. I found it strange that he has a soft spot for Aki. But she is so innocent and lovable, its easily to get her stuck in your heart.

"Maybe she doesn't want to fail like her brother and just gave up," JJ said. We all questioned why he wss even sitting by us.

"Like you're one to talk," Phichit hissed at him. I was sure the two would start fighting, so I just tooned then out. Aki was in second place, so she was skating second to last. I would need to wait that long to find out what happened to her.

Half way through Mila's program she made an appearance. I could only see her back, but she was walking just fine. Naomi tried to reach out and give her support, but Aki just nudged it away aggressively. Something happened, but what

It was obvious once she was on the ice. She was pale, and was bsrelyovinf at all. She's only like that after she faints. She must have had a panic attack and fainted. I could have been with her and helped. She wasn't in the right mental of physical state to be skating right now. Not to mention knowing her she's probably going to do some outlandish stunt mid preformance.

I couldn't do anythibf byt regret my desicions as the music started. She had a bit of delay, and was lagging drastically behind. She was going no where close to the speeds she would normally go. Her first jump was coming up, I had no idea what they changed it to. They changed it every time, so you wouldn't know what to expect. Just like when you're dealing with Aki.

It looked to be a triple, but she didn't get enough rotations and she fell. The same thing hapoened with her next three jumps. Her feet for caught on one another and she srumbled. Her spins were shorter than usual, and she didn't do any combinations. "Her eyes are open," Yurio pointed out. It was true. That couldn't be anything good. She always skates with her eyes closed.

I wanred to help, but there was nothing I could do. At the Rolestoncom Cup it was just a need of boosting her confidence, but here it looked like she was pricing herself back together just to fall apart again.

Almost like a flash of lighting something changed. Her short program was almost half way over, no matter what she did there was no way she would recover. She broke from the program, and filled it with spins and jumps. The spin were nothing short of beautiful, they were that if a ballerina, not a skater. She threw in whatever she could to keep up her momentum, and went at fast as she could. She had seemed to have abandoned football work all togrther. We soon got our answer why. She did a quad Lutz. Then a quad loop, fallowed by a quad salchow and quad toe loop combination. She did a quad flip, and she finsihed it all with a quad Axel. For all of them she had both her aems up, trying for more points. It was obvious it was her last effort to recover points. No one knew what to do, not even Aki.

I knew she was able to do the proper amount of rotations for a quad at the age of thirteen. I've seen her just flump the landing on a quad. I never lnee she could do all of them, let alone after the other, in one program. I instantly got up and ran to her. I was followed by the two Russians. We found her walking down the hall, her skates in one band, and cane in the other. Her glasses were no where to be found. She walked right psst us like she couldn't see us, cause she couldn't. There was no questioning the tears running down her face.

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