IMPORTANT A/N please read

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Alright, it's me, the author. I'd like to address some things. Throughout the book I address heavy topic like depression, self harm, anxiety, and even attempted sucide. I am not condoning any of that. I try to show how bad it is, for the person and people around them. Aki dose the unhealthy thing a keeps it to herself until it gose over board.

Please, if you feel like any of this could apply to you, talk to someone. It isn't bad to get help. Myself, I suffer from sevier anxiety and slight depression, so this isn't just comming from someone who has been told that is what you should do, I know it helps. Please don't think of yourself as useless, every view, comment, and vote on this story, or any of my stories, mean so much to me.

I just felt like it was time I adressed this, as I seemed to just skin over it all the time. Just get help if you need it.

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