All In One Place

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-Early March-

I was waitinf in the elevator, while looking at my phone. I was alone. Something rare bow a days. I moved I told Mersy's apartment, cause her roommate dropped out after the first simester. So she's always around, and if not her one of the guys would be, cause they love across the hall.

I was going to visit Yuri and Victor, they had just arrived that day, and I was invited over. Of course it was after school, and I got a ride from Nate, who got a car for Christmas. Rich parents are apparently awesome. I couldn't wait to spoil my kids, but more than likely my nieces and nephews.

I walked out of the elevator. There wa only one door in that hall, cause you know, flats take up an entire floor, or at least Victor's. I knocked on the door, knowing they were expecting me. The door opened and I was pulled inside by a hug. "Aki, it's so good to see you," Victor said, still strangling me.

"You seem happy," I commented. He finally let me go, and I tried to figure out what everything was that my brain interpreted as blurs.

"We're all in on place, the last time that happened was Christmas, and now it can happen every day,"_ Victor explained. I could feel his excitement. He was a peppy person, but not this much.

"How much coffee have you had today?" I asked, thibking it could be caffine in his system.

"Yeah, he had three pots," Yuri sighed, walking up behind me. I had heard his footsteps, so I wasn't really frightened. "He basically tackled Yurio when he got here," I sorta froze at that name.

We hadn't really talked in over a month. I tried reaching out, and he just didn't respond. I stopped trying. I've missed him actually. I wanted to talk to him so badly. I hadn't realized I fell in love with him. Now we don't even talk anymore. But all those two think we're still friends, and were shipping us. "Oh," I said simply, not voices everything going on in my head.

"Oh, the twerp's here," Yura's voice met my ears. He was still there. I felt my ears get hot.

"Hey Yurio," I greeted him. I hadn't really ever called him by that name. But I don't think we were close enough for me to call him Yura anymore, and calling him Yuri would be confusing.

"Let the games begin," Victor declared and dragged us all to the other room. "Its family game night!" Oh man, he's just gonna crash, sooner or later. I thought it was strange for them to want to play games when they just moved, but it lookes like they were an ready entirely unpacked, and I was told to bring a game if I wanted to. Thus my black box of Card Against Humanity was tucked in my bag of stuff.

We started with a game of poker. Victor had brought out some Vodka, which all those of legal drinking age, not Yura, started drinking. Yuri and I were still on our first classes when Victor had finished the rest of the bottle. I still couldn't get used to the taste, but it gave me this warm feeling. I also knew better than to get drunk. I've been to college parties.

"So, Aki what's change with you over the last three months?" Victor asked, as we were holding conversation as we were playing. I was winning, for now. It wasn't like anything was on the line, I just knew Yuri hated losing.

"Well," I said, studying the cards in my hand, "My school is merging with the acting school next year, so I need to reapply to see if I'm still applicable for the new standards. Ummm, I'm getting reconized on the streets as Sarah Mei now," It was public knowledge at this point. "I moved in with my friend a month or two ago. Oh, and hopefully I will be able to be actice again by the end of the month."

"Which idiot did you move in with?" Yurio asked, placing down what he got, a pair of nines.

"Mersy," I told him, knowing the older two didn't know my friends, "But the guys live across the hall." I played down my cards, a flush. I won the pot.

"Are these the friends that were at the Rolestoncom Cup?" Yuri asked, I remember telling him about their precents at the competition. I nodded as I shuffled the cards. "Will I ever get to meet them?"

I made an uncomfortable sound. I wanted my brother to kert my friends, but not my friends to meet my brother. "They're strange and Im scared of what would happen when you do meet them." I knew they wanted explanation. "One of my friends, the first thing they said after they learned you are my brother, 'Your brother's hot.' Another one vowed everytime he meets a mle professional skater he's gonna propose. Then the last one likes makong run of your skating career."

"Nate is still my favorite," Yurio confessed.

"Maybe you should befriend him then start ignoring him," I said, due to the slight influence of alcohol. I was sure everyone heard it. "I'm passive aggressive, deal with it." I was only ever passive agressing when I was hiddinf pain, and Yuri knew that.

My brother and Victor were totally wasted by the end of the night. We had already palyed cards against humanity, I was sure the alcohol helped. "So how's Otabek?" I asked Yuri passively, as I made my buzzed way out of the apartment.

"He's fine," he told me, joining me in the elevator. "He's actually talking to his coach about moving his home rink to Russia." I groaned in dosaprovement. I might have been more than buzzed. "What?" he asked me, angrily.

I huffed as I stepped out of the elevator. "Oh nothing," I said, even though there was obviously something, "Just you know, I guess I can be easily replaced. And for your information I didn't move to Russia to be by you, I did it for my education." I barfed out of the building and started down the street. I could hear him follow me. "Leave me alone," I yelled back at him.

"Im not letting a drink blind girl walk the streets alone," he told me.

"Oh, so now you care," I huffed, and continued to storm away, "AND I'M NOT A GIRL!" I was just getting my emotions out any way I could.

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