Hot Springs On Ice

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Yurio's POV

It was finally the day of the competition, the day I would beat the piggy. I was steatching in the back room with the pig and Victor, when someone entered the room. It was Aki, surprising all of us. "Came to wish you guys luck," she told us. She was wearing actually clothing, jeans, and a dress shirt under a sweater. She had on ear cuffs and piercings, that sorta matched those of her older sister. Her hair looked clean, and her glasses weren't croked.

"Why do you have your trumpet?" her brother asked, as if it were just an annoyance, and not something completely unexpected. It was true though, she had a trumpet in her hand, while her other one was hidden behind her back.

She walked over to her brother, and the two started conversing in Japanese. By the smirked on her face she must have been teasing her older brother. The two actually looked quite alike, the same hair and eye color, their noses were similar. Though there was a lot different, Aki was played, almosr sickly, and had a thinner frame, as if she hadn't eaten in weeks. I remeber the pig said she was going through something, but would she really give up an caring for herself.

She raised up her trumpet, looking ready to play it, but her brother put his hand over the it before she could. Then I boticed it, she was shaking. Sure it was hard to miss, but it was obvious. Her smirked was even a littlw on the wealth side. Her eyes held that of fear, similar to when she ran away crying. I watched as rest of her body quivered in the small unnoticeable movements. Even the arm she still had securely behind her back, obscuring something from view.

I moved so I could see it properly, wondering what this cheerful girl had to hide. There in her grass was a long white cane. Like one a blind person would have. She couldn't be blind? She had glasses. "Yurio, you're up," Yuko came in and told us, "Aki I told you to put the trumpet away." Appeariently get having an instrument really was normal.

- • -

I was walking out of the ice rink, when I heard someone talking to themselves through labored breathing. I turned to see Aki pacing back and forth. "You know you're brother is up," I told her. She seemed so enthusiastic about it earlier, I was surprised to see the was misisng it. I wounder if she missed mine. No, I actually wanted her to have missed it. I didn't feel the agape. I let down grandpa, and her.

"I know, there's just too many people in there for my comfort,"she said followed with something that sounded like a much but could have easily been a sob. "Sorry, but I also missed you. I was hoping I could at least have seen that, but I couldn't handle all the people." She gave me a soft smile. I tbought it was sher smile, but then I learned it was forced, it always had been. This girl I thought was so independent and kick ass was really just lost and trying to find her way. I wish I had seen it before. I could have been there for her. Then I remembered where she decided to go.

"Where in Russia is the college you're going to?" I asked her. I wanted to know, since I might be able to be tgere for her. It could also help keep her mind off of everything bothering her.

"Saint Petersburg," she told me, confused, probably thinking they told me. Honestly they might have, and I just didn't remeber.

I pulled out a pen and grabbed her hand. I wrote down my phone number on it. "Call me when we get there, I can show you around," I told her, "Or just be there for you."

"Alright," she told me with a smile, "It'll be nice to have a friend there." She unintentionally hurt me with that one comment. I felt like I could tell her anything, and she would always support me. I thought our connection was geeater than that of friends. I guess it was only me who felt that way. "I'll walk you to the station," she said noticing the luggage I had with me.

"Do whatever you want," I told her, not going the pain I was feeling. "Oh, and could you tell the Pork Cutlet Bowl I'm going to win gold in the Grand Prix."

"Sure," she shrugged, "But I'm not sure how true that statement will be." She had pride in hee voice. "You shouldn't underestimate the determination of a Katsuki. Once we have our mind set on somthibg or takes an Earth shattering event to change their mind."

I tried thinking of an instant where that applied to her. I guess you could say that her staying in her room could be applied to that. She walked out infront of me, I could see the white cane she was hiding behind her back, that she seemed to be forgetting about. "What is that?" I finally got around to asking. She stopped walking, and brought the cane to infront of her.

"Exactly want you think," she said with disappointment in her voice. She started ralking before I could even ask another question. "I used to compete in figure skating, I never went past nationals though. About three years ago now I got into an accident, I broke bones, tore muscles, frwctured ribs, and was in a coma for four days. They said I would be fine over time, they didn't know that I had brain damage. Just a couple weeks ago we learned about it, and I'm losing my sight. I won't be able to see more than blobs of color by the end of the year, even with glasses."

This explained a few things. When she had her glasses off, she can't see anything clearly. Whenever soneone around her used a verb that involved sight she let our a painful laugh. It even explained how she didn't have any desire to do anything since I met her. But now she was doing something. I hoped I had some poart in that.

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