The Adventures of Aki and Yurio

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"Boi," I greeted the Russian. He didn't respond, but stated at the open doora behind me. "Oh, I messed up my closest when I dug out my wakizashi," I explained looking at the mess that was the boxes in my closest.

"What is all of that?" he asked me, seeing how there where boxes, clarifying, paper, and instruments threatenig to fall on us.

"Ummmm.... there's clothing I don't wear, or for other seasons, I have old sentimental stuff that I can't get rid of, instruments, old music paper for songs, oh and my old skating things..." I scanned over the boxes. "Yeah that's about it. I might have some cosplay in here too..."

He was looking at the stack of boxes in horror. "You have too much stuff," he told me. "We need to get rid of a lot of it." He walked over and tried to find the only box that if you would pull out wouldn't cause the entire stack to calasp.

"Wait, what?" I asked, stopping some of the boxes from shaking, as he ripped open the box he had taken down. The entire box was filled with shoes. They probably all still fit me, I just didn't want to wear them. He started sorting through them, sorting them into piles. "Shouldn't I have a day in what I keep?" I asked picking up a pair of bright pink high tops I had been sesrching for in the months prior.

He looked me up and down, judgingly. "Not like you have a sense of style/" he commented. I gasped. True he really only ever saw in in sweat pants, sweatshirts, sweaters, and pajamas. I did have a sense of style, punk formal, as I called it. I just didn't have the motivation to put on jeans. "If you have heals, you should wear them. People might actually not mistake you for a prepubescent boy." He was holding up a pair of black strap on heels.

"Said the prepubescent boy," I pointed oht the irony in what he said, "But you can't run in them, and the hirt like hell." He looked at me like I was being a wose. "I'd like to see you wear heels." That is how I learned we have the same foot size, and that Yurio lools amazing in heels.

- • -

"Look at that booty," I said, gesturing to the amazing butt of the videogame character, that I spent five moneys trying to get at the perfect angle.

"Why do you do this?" Yurio asked me, in pure disappointment.

"Someone got paid to wnimte that booty," I said my reasoning behind it, "And I will be one to apreaciate their work." He just sighed and resumed the game.

- • -

"Alright how about between the three of us, myself, Victor, and Yuri?" Yurio asked me. We were playing a game of fuck marry killing. It was more of him Turing to get me to talk as I did something on my computer.

"Kill Victor, Fuck Yuri, and Marry you," I said after a bit of thought. I knew he was going to ask for my explanations. "No can be that happy, and its illegal to marry my brother, but so is doing the Frick frack, but it's less likely for it to be found out."

"Are you sure it's not because you love me," he teased me. I just ignored him, and clicked away on my counter, ending the game entirely.

- • -

I was drapped over Mari's shoulder as she was bringing me downstairs. "Im tired," I complained, wwatching my arms sway as she walked. "And how are you capable of carrying me?"

"Because you haven't been talking care of yourself," Mari complained. "And you should have slept, you are the one who made the appointment." She had dragged me out of my room to take a bath before I went to a doctor appointment I made a week or so ago.

"Nooo," I complained, slowly slipping further out of her grip.

"....piggy..." I heard Yurio's voice come from down the hall. It was steadily gettibg closer. The thought of him seeing me in this state went a wave of anxiety through me. I was scared of how his opinion on me could change.

I quickly flipped my older sister, freeing me from her grip. She fell onto the floor, and I landed on my feet. I had been practicing karate for some years now, and add that with my gymnastics, and I'm pretty good at defending myself.

"Do I want to know what happened?" Yurio asked. He appeariently saw me go all ninja and knock down my sister.

"You didn't see anything," I told him a retreated.

- • -

"Are you gonna tell me what you're doing?" he asked. For the past few days I've been snagged on my computer. I finally figured things out, and was prepairibg for it.

"Are you going to tell me how you can enter througha locked door?" I asked, spinning around to face him. I hadn't known he was lenaibg over my shoulder, so when I turned around our faces were almost touching. He backed away, a bit flustered.

"I just do," he told me, making himself comfortable on my bed. At least someone was using it. "Now you tell me."

I sighed, knowing it wouldn't hurt. "Don't tell anyone, I want to surprise them," I told him, "But I decided to go to the college I told you about. I've been busy getting evrythibg situated, and now I need to find an apartment to live in, and everythibg else."

"Wouldn't it be easier with help?" Yurio questioned. I turned my back to him, as I couldn't stop the sad look from taking over my face.

"I want to do it by myself," I told him. I needed to learn how to survive on my own. I've been relying on people too much.

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