The Holidays - Part 1

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It felt nice to be in Hasetsu again. There was show everywhere, but it was nothing compatible to Russia. I scooped up a clumsy of snow and started fornibg it into a snow ball. "Don't you dare," Yura hissed. He offered to come with me to visit family for the holidays. I was happy, I thought he was going to do something with Otabek, but he didn't. I flung the clumsy of snow at the blob I was sure was his head.

"Screw you, you're on your own," he said letting go of my hand. It didn't matter I knew the streets like the back of my hand.

I let out a little laugh, "Im sorta worried about your reflexes," I told him, "You did just let a blind person hit you in the face with a snow ball." I didn't notice the white blob of snow coming towards me and hit me in the face. I deadpanned. "You're dead to me," I said and continued walking to Yu-topia, with my cane in hand. He continued to pelt me with snow as we went, causing me to start running.

"I'm home," I called out to my family as I entered through the door, "And I brought another Yuri." I took off my shoes, and my coat, which was covered in snow.

"You should have called," my mom told me, running to come take the things from me. "We could have picked you up from the station."

"We were fine walking," Yura said, "Besides, Aki took my phone and wouldn't call anyone." I had done that. I had sent out some weird post on his social media while he was a sleep and didn't want to see it until I was sure I had some back up. I took oyt his phone, and handed ir back.

"Its good to see you again Yurio," my mom greated him. I then went to put my things in my room. I obku had a suitcase and a couple bags of presents. After I dropped off my bag I made my way to the main room, where there was a glowing green pointibg thing with a bunch of colors beneath it. I could only assume it was the Christmas tree.

"Aki!" three high pitched voices came and I felt a hug around my legs. It was the triplets. They never are that enthusastic to greet me. Knowing them they were after rhe presents.

"Back off, you can wait one more day," I hissed at them, holding the bags above them, and pushed them back with a leg. It was Christamst Eve, I had classes until the twenty third, so I couldn't leave until that day. It was an early morbing flight, but I got to be hone for Christmas.

"I can put them under the tree for you," Mari offered and came and took the bags for me.

"Thanks, I also have some presents from Naomi in there," I informed her. I saw the blob that was Yura and went over and sat down next to him. He was in the midst of a conversation with Victor and Yuri.

"When are you two moving to Russia?" Yura asked them. We knew the couple had plans toove back before the next season do Victor could be coached by Yakov and still be able to coach Yuri, and be the adorable couple they were.

"Well I still have my flat in St Petersburg," Victor shrugged, "So whe. ever we feel like it."

"Probably in a couple months," Yuri said, giving us a more definitive answer.

"Aki, how's college going, any cuties you're interested in?" Minako asked me. Ugh, if course she would want some gossip.

"It's going fine," I shrugged, "We're going to start prepairong for the exposition, which will be the final for the semester. But not really, the only people who really pay me anymind are my friends." None of them has really questioned about any friendship I had over in Russia. I could feel a sour vibe come from Yura. I looked at him, raising an eye brow. "Got something to add?"

"What about all those people asking you out on a date after the Grand Prix?" he reminded me of that. I just shrugged that off, haveing I all blend into one rejection.

"What?" Yuri and Victor asked, they werw both like over protective brothers at this point.

"Well Miss Lilia," I started to explain what happened, "You know, the lady who trained Yura, well she's the ballet insteuctor at my school. Well anyways she made a huge deal about me, for some reason. Then it seemed as if every dance major asked me out. I needed to kiss one of my friends infronr if a bunch of people to get them to stop." Everyone has stopped their own conversations to listen in.

"What!?" the three guys around me, screamed getting completely angry and over protecrive. I forgot I didn't tell Yura that fact. I was sorta embarrassed at the time.

"It was Nate, he's asexual," I told them. It didn't hell any of their anger. "It was even one of those fake kisses, where you put your thumbs over their mouth and kiss your lips." I tried demonstrating it, with my hands.

"That doesn't make it any better," Yura complained. I sighed, I was going to get no where.

"If I do it to you will you shut up?" I asked, instantly regretting sayong it. I felt the two older guy's emotions change to excitement. "You know what, I'm gonna go get something to eat." I said, I was completely done with those three for a while. I still had quite a few calories I needed to eat for that day. My diet was going well, especially with me wanting to eat now. I already gained five pounds.

"Aki, Aki, Aki," the triplets followed me into the kitchen. "Can you sign these?" They held up a bunch of picture of me from the Grand Prix. I had a wide forced, closed eye smile, and I was holding my metal up I'm a peace sign.

"I get five percent," I told them, knowing fully well they were going to sell them. They nodded their head in agreement.

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