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I regret what happened that morning. Why did I need to burst into tears. I was already a little shaken up by all three of them watching me skate, especially to that song. Why was the only way I can properly convey my feelings are in music and skating? Then Yurio came with such an angry look on his face, it would have scared anyone. I at least talled to him, and know Russian. But I couldn't help the overpowerong feeling of anxiety and fleed.

Now I was locked in my room, playing Mortal Combat by myself, beating all the coms. I was too engrossed in the combinations to hear someone banging on my door. But I did manage to notice it when someone licked open my door, my locked door. "Answer your door twerp," Yurio growled, closing the door he kicked open.

"I had my headphones on," I said, nuging mg headphones that I slid down around my neck. I felt comfortable around him again. I was still engrossed on the videogame I was playing.

"You really like music," he commented, with a pit of detest in his voice. He was commenting on how my walls were lined with black and blue sound foam, there was a mic set up, and I had almost every musical intrument somewhere in my room. I just shrugged in response. "I'm only here because Victor won't coach me until I apologize to you. So I'm sorry. For what I don't know, you were the one who played a trick on me." A small smirk played with my lips. He was such a tsundere. "What are you smiling at?"

"Nothing," I said, finally beating the com I had been aginst for a while. "Want to play?" I asked, holding up my extra controller.

"I'm gonna beat you twerp, I happen to be great at this game, he said and sat down on my bed so he could still see the screen. In under a minute I put his bragging to shame. "You got lucky," he huffed.

"Whatever kid," I sight, "wanna play again, or leave, cause you did say you were only here to apologize, which you did before either beat you butt in Mortal Combat." I wanted to be alone, I was still embarrassed about earlier, and still in the funk about lossing my eye sight. It didn't hell my cane had came, and now ot was sitting, unoticed and untouched, in the corner of my room, taughnting me. It reminded me of all that could have been, and made me regret my decisions.

"I'm not a kid," he complained. That was the one part of everything I said he dwelled on.

"Well you're younger than me, this making it acceptable for me to call you kid, or would you prefer tsundere," I knee he didn't know what it meant, and I liked teasing people. It made them not like me and want to stay away from me. They few who can handle my teasing become my friends.

"Aren't you like twelve or something, cause you look that age," he said, completely offended. You could get my gender wrong, question my height, bra size, even fashion choices, and I won't show any anger. But question my age and you summon hell on Earth.

"I'm eighteen you twerp," I reused the insult he called me earlier, "I just look like a fucking preteen, which most people would like to look younger than they are." Incase he didn't believe me I pulled out and ID that had my name on it.

"Your name's Akira?" he said confused. I let out a little snort as I took back my ID. I forgot he never really knew my name, and Im already comfortable talking around him.

"Everyone call me Aki though," I told him, "Now are you going to try to regain your honor?" I asked, tapping my controller lightly agaonst my head.

"You're on," he agreed. The second d march was a lot more strenuous than the last. "How do you know Russian?" Yurio asked as we were battling.

"Oh, story time," I cheered, like a five year old, but staying focused on the game. "As it is painfully obvious, I love music, I'm a music nerd, have been sibce I first picked up an instrument. Anyways, I learned about St Petersburg Institute of Music and Dance. It one of the most respected music schools in the field, not really well known though. I had my heart set on going there, so I learned to speak Russian. I learbed most of it from an online class, but I've had a few Russian tutors. My Russian probably sucks."

"If you get past the Japanese accent it isn't that bad," Yurio told me. Part of it felt like he was just saying it to make me feel good. But he wasn't that kind of person. He was blunt and told the truth. "Come on!" he screamed, I got him with a combo and dropped his health down to almost none. If he didn't do something I could do a fatality and win. "But then again, it was only like three sentences."

"Well that's probably the only time Im gonna use it," I mumbled to myself. I was so used to being alone, I sorta forgot that other peopld could hear me when I talk.

"You didn't get in?" Yurio questioned. I paused the game, and adjusted the camera to be zoomed up on my character's butt.

"I did, I just don't want to go to college," I shrugged spinnung around in my desk chair. "Or more unsure if I should. I don't even feel like I'd accomplish anything making music, or that anyone would notice if I stopped." I just really wanted to talk about all the questions going on in my head. Yurio seemed to be willing to listen.

Yurio stood up off my bed, and scanned over my room. I watching him as he stepped up to my many instruments. He picked up my guitar, Rin, and handed it to me. "Play," he commanded. I raised my eyebrow, questioning his actions. "How can I know if you're any good if I've never hearf you play." He did have a point, but he already has heard me play. He probably didn't even like Sarah Mei's music, my music.

Either way I started playing a song. I didn't even reconize the song until I was half way through it. I decided to play Happier by Ed Sheran. I don't know why, but I had been listebing to that song alot during my seclusion. "Why did you close your eyes?" Yurio asked me.

"I did?" I asked. I didn't even realize it, I just focused on the sound and the notes. He just shrugged it off, but to me that one detail changed a lot.

"You're good, I can't playa single instrument, let alone with that much passion," he told me, "If you can do what you dream to do, then do it. Who cares if no one likes it. All that matwrs is if you do." But was making music even my dream? What even was my dream?

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