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First Case (---//--- Case)

WE finally arrived at the condominium building. The victim's condo is on the 10th floor of the building.

What a tragic story it is, the victim is already engaged but her life reached its end. I tried to recap the primary suspects and it seems like they are close to the victim. How can one of them is capable of doing that heinous thing to Ms. Eunsuh?

We went inside the condo of the victim, Ms. Eunsuh. There are also some detectives here. We immediately headed to the murder scene which is on the bathroom. I was shaken when I saw the victim bathing on its own blood. I suddenly felt dizzy.

I have hemophobia. I'm afraid of blood. Once I'll see blood, I will immediately feel dizzy. But this is a case that we must solve first. I should take prioritize to this case first before myself.

Even though I'm feeling dizzy, I still insisted myself to go and analyze the murder that had happened. Ms. Eunsuh is bathing on her own blood. She's completely naked and her body has a lot of bruises everywhere, especially on her face. There is also a stab on his chest part, particularly in the heart. The murder weapon, which is a knife, is just right behind the body of the victim. A detective went in and got the murder weapon. I guess, they'll check the fingerprints on that knife.

"We will immediately bring this to forensics."

I looked at Ms. Eunsuh again. This is such an inhuman act. Who would even do this to its fellow human being?

One thing that suddenly caught my eye is the numbers that are just beside the hand of the victim and is written on the floor. Is this a goodbye message or what? 19 53 6

Right after seeing those numbers.. everything went black.


"Why do you think Yein fainted?"

I opened my eyes when I heard voices around me.

"Yein is awake!" They all girdled around me, except for Jungkook.

"What happened to me?"

"You suddenly fainted while we were on the murder scene," Sujeong answered.

I tried to remember what happened before I fainted. "Oh yes, I'm afraid of blood. Once my eyes catch to see blood, I'll suddenly feel dizzy."

"Ohh. Good thing, Jungkook was just behind you earlier," Jimin said.


"He was behind you awhile ago. So when you suddenly fell, he was able to catch you on his arms," Taehyung said and reneacted the scene by hugging himself.

My eyes started finding Jungkook and he is going to our direction. He came to us just to say something.

"We will continue solving the case."

We all stood up when he spoke. But then, I decided to go back to the murder scene. I have to confirm something.

"I'll go back to the murder scene," I said when someone stopped me by grabbing my wrist.. it is Jungkook.

"No, you can't."

"I'll be fine," I said to assure him. He let go of me and I went to the murder scene.

I just noticed something. Jungkook always communicate with me through our minds. Is he that lazy enough to utter words from his mouth?


Mystic High I: Colliding Worlds || yeinkookWhere stories live. Discover now