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GGWP, it's a TIE

THURSDAY. We are at the gymnasium arena right now. We will only have a half day class because the starting of preparation for tomorrow's outreach program will happen later. We are just waiting for Ms. Junghwa to come and attend her class. They are having their meeting regarding the outreach program.

All of my classmates are now preparing. Some are practicing while the six of us are just lying on the floor. It's our P.E class today and knowing that Ms. Junghwa is fond of giving us bomb tests, everyone is preparing themselves.

We are just lying here since we encountered a trouble yesterday. Even if the wounds were gone from our body, the exhaustion is still in it.

My attention was caught by the two girls who are talking to each other. I quickly stood up from lying and went closer to them.

"JIAE! MYUNGEUN! OH MY GOD!" I exclaimed and hugged them.


"Since when were you here?"

"Just yesterday. So this is the school where you transferred."

We sat down and had a little chitchat. I've learned that they also have special abilities. Myungeun's ability is super-smellig while Tricia's is super-hearing just like mine. They also told me that they easily found me when I was running away from them before because I was a cleaner, with the help of their abilities.

"Haha. Now I know why you found me that quick."

Ms. Junghwa came and we positioned ourselves.

"Okay, students! Stay on the side. You will have a bomb test today!" Just like we expected. Ms. Junghwa checked her wristwatch and we went to the side to give space in the middle.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1," she said as she assigned us numbers. Mine is number 3, so the other one who got number 3 will be my opponent.

"New students, you're excused since you just came yesterday." She's referring to Jiae and Myungeun.

"You will be performing Aikido. So Aikido techniques are composed of entering and turning movements that deflect the momentum of your opponent's attack, and a throw or joint lock that elapses the technique."

"Specific techniques for attack include both strikes and grabs; while the techniques for defense consist of throws and pins."

"Pair number 4, go in the middle." Jimin and Seokjin went to the middle. This is an advantage for Jimin since he has greater speed and strength than Seokjin. While accurately determining the time of an event or doing is the ability of Seokjin.

They now went to the middle. After the cue, they started fighting while performing Aikido. The fight was quite interesting but as expected, Jimin won the round.

"Your attacks were aggressive, Seokjin, learn how to control your strength. Jimin, you have greater speed and strength than Seokjin, but you need to learn some defense techniques because no matter how stronger you are than your opponent but if you're not good in defending, your opponent might win over you," Ms. Junghwa said after the battle between Jimin and Seokjin.

"Pair number 6." Kei and Sujeong went to the middle.

Kei started the fight by attacking first but Sujeong was able to redirect her attack by doing the Tai No Henko. Sujeong attacked a double wrist rear grab but Kei was able to defend it. Kei did a counter wrist turn and Sujeong defended it with an arms crossed throw. The fight is so close, they are both good in attacking and defending.

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