Chapter 1

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I'm walking home in the dark after a nice dinner in the Meade Hall, and a long day of chiefting. My eyes are tired, and I could barely carry myself up the steps to my house. Somehow I made it. I opened the door to be greeted by Toothless.

"Hey bud," I say to him. "I haven't seen you all day."

With that Toothless knocks me off my feet making me fall on my back with a loud thud. Toothless then begins to lick my face.

"Hey, okay, okay. Toothless," I say in a warning tone.

He backs off and gives his Toothless laugh.

"What's going on down there you two?" Astrid calls from the bedroom.

"Nothing," I call back .

She walks out from the bedroom. Her hair is partially out of her braid already. She's pulled off her armor, and is already ready for bed.

"I see you're already ready for bed," I say scratching Toothless .

"Yeah. It was a long of at the Academy, and I was planning on going to sleep earlier then usual," she replied fiddling with her hair.

"That's what I was planning on too. Being chief is harder than it looks. I don't know how my father did it."

"You'll get better at it. I believe in you. Now come on. If we're going to get to bed earlier we best get to bed now."

I'm well into the bedroom and pull off my armor and flight suit. I sit on the edge of the bed for a few minutes before laying down.

It doesn't take long to fall asleep when I'm this tired. I do remember Astrid kissing me on the cheek before climbing in bed herself.

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