Chapter 6

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It was almost dark when Hiccup and I got back to Berk. When I remembered what Gobber said this morning.

"I totally forgot. Hiccup, Gobber said he needed you. You should probably go ask him what he needed," I tell Hiccup.

How could I be so stupid as to forget something like that.

"I'll go see what he wants. I'll see you back at the house. Love you," Hiccup says giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

He turns and walks to the Great Hall, and I turn to walk home with the dragons in tow. When I get home I feed the dragons, and I start a fire to warm up the house. I sit at the table and fiddle with my necklace.

Toothless must've noticed something wrong because came up and nudged my leg.

"Hey bud," I say patting his head. He looked up at me with pleading eyes. "I'm fine bud. It's just that Hiccup has been worrying me. His nightmares have been more frequent. And I feel like he's not telling me everything. I don't know bud. Just look out for him when I'm not around okay?" He lets out a little whir. "Good boy. I'm going to bed, keep a look out for Hiccup. I'll see you later."

With that I head back to he bedroom. I take off my armor, and let down my hair completely. It now reaches over halfway down my back. I lay down on the bed and stare up at the ceiling. The fire in the other room shines through to the bedroom casting shadows on the walls. I roll over so I'm facing the wall. I close my eyes and wait for the darkness to come.

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