Chapter 7

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I can't blame Astrid for not telling me sooner that Gobber wanted me. I wish she would've told me earlier. But if she would've told me earlier we probably wouldn't've been able to spend the day together.

I walk up the steps to the Great Hall thinking Gobber would be in there. I walk in the front doors and sure enough Gobber was sitting at a table in there.

I walk up to him and say, "Astrid said that you needed me?"

He turns his head.

"Ah yes. First. Where have you been all day?" Gobber asks me.

"Astrid and I spent some much needed quality time together."

"Ah yes. It's important to tell them how much you love them."

I shake my head.

"Okay let's walk and talk. Let's go somewhere more private."

So we leave the Great Hall and head down to the forge. He lights a lantern over a table, and we sit down.

"A fishing boat went out today. The fishermen on the boat said they spotted a boat. They said it wasn't flying any crest or anything. They said that the men on it wore dark winter clothing. They sailed in closer to get a closer look, and they said that they could see a crest. A dragon hunter crest. They also said that there was a man in black clothing with a metal arm and staff. They thought your old friend Drago might be plotting revenge," Gobber said.

I sucked in a breath. Drago might be back for more. That would explain all of my dreams.

"He's coming," I whisper.

"What now?"

"Drago. He's coming back to finish what he started."

"Finish what now?"

"I don't know. But I feel like he won't stop until whatever it is he wants is his."

"So what are you going to tell the village? And more importantly Astrid?"

"Right now, nothing. I don't want Astrid worrying, and I especially don't want the village worrying. Keep this between us until we know it is actually Drago. Keep me updated. If anything happens tell me directly."

I get up to leave, but Gobber stops me.

"You know Hiccup, keeping secrets isn't the best for a relationship. Especially one like yours and Astrid's."

"I know, it's just I can't have her getting caught in the crossfire. I don't want her to end up like my dad. I can't imagine my life without her."

I leave the forge and head home. I walk in, and the fire is getting dim. I go back to the bedroom to find Astrid asleep in the bed. I pull off my armor and lay down in the bed next to her.

I wrap my arms around her waist, and kiss her head.

"Goodnight Astrid."

It isn't long before I'm asleep next to her.

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