Chapter 29

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~Astrid~~6 months later~

Six months have come and gone. Drago hasn't been spotted, unless Hiccup isn't telling me something. He has me in bed now. He claims it's for my safety, and the baby's.

Hiccup was away for a few weeks, and was coming back today. I knew Hiccup wanted me to be in bed, but I wanted to be at the docks when he arrived. So I got out of bed for the first time today. I knew it was cold out, so I got the thick yak hide coat out of our closet. I pull it around me. I was surprised to see that it covered me so well with my stomach and all.

I walk out of the hut, and pull the hood over my head. I wasn't going to walk all the way down to the dock, but to just one of the platforms where Hiccup could see me. The meeting was supposed to last a few days, but Hiccup contacted me saying that it would take longer. He took Gobber, and Valka with him for support, so I was left with the village for the last few days. Gobber didn't leave until a few days ago.

I saw Toothless, Valka's dragon, and Gobber's dragon fly through the sky. Hiccup landed on the platform just below me, he looked up and saw me standing. I waved down to him. He ran up the ramps. He engulfed me in a hug, and swung me around.

"I thought you were in the hut?" Hiccup asks.

"I was, but I wanted to see you as soon as I could," I say.

I felt the baby kick. We were still in a hug, and Hiccup felt it.

"I guess he couldn't wait any longer either," Hiccup says placing a hand on my very large stomach.

"How do you know it's a he?"

"Because I want it to be a boy, and we need to call the baby something more than it."


Hiccup places his arm around my shoulders, and we begin to walk back to the hut. "So what do you want the baby to be?" Hiccup asks me.

"I'll settle for anything really." He gives a small laugh. "What? What's so funny?"

"Oh, just you. The way you've been acting about the baby. I kind of like it."

"Hey, watch it." I give him a playful smile.

He bends down and kisses me on the lips. The wind picks up, and blows my hair. We pull apart and I shiver. Hiccup pulls the coat tighter around my shoulders, and we continue to the hut.

We get in, and Toothless lights the fire to keep us warm. I shed the coat. Hiccup sits in his father's old chair, and there is still enough room for me to sit next to him.

"How was the meeting?" I ask gazing into the fire.

"It was alright. By the end of the meeting people were beginning to take the threat more seriously. They agreed to help Berk with Drago problems, because he will come again. He's not going to stop coming until we kill him. There's no other way."

"I know. What will the counsel do?"

"They'll send us help after Drago attacks which isn't much. The tribes on the edge of the archipelago agreed to keep a tight perimeter on the boarders. They're supposed to warn us if he comes it, which will give us an advantage to a counter attack. The counsel is still going, but our business was done there."

"That's better then nothing I guess."

I lean my head on his shoulder and look into the fire for a little while longer. That is until excruciating pain comes. I double over, and clutch my stomach. I cry out in pain.

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