Chapter 11

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There hasn't been any snow yet this year, and it's kinda bothering me. It means that there will be a massive snowstorm, and the village isn't ready for that. I don't even know if we have enough food for that.

Also I have to figure out what we're going to do for mine, and Astrid's two year anniversary. It's all a mess. At least my black eye is almost gone.

"Hiccup?" I hear my mother call from downstairs.

"I'm upstairs," I call down. I hear my mother walk up the stairs. "Do you need anything?" I ask.

"Not really. I just came up to see if you're okay. I haven't seen you all day," my mother says.

"I'm fine. I'm just trying to figure out what I'm going to do for Astrid for our anniversary."

"Don't think about it so much. Whatever happens, happens. If it's a disaster, and Astrid is still there with you that's how you know you don't have to impress her to have her love."

"I guess you're right."

Just then the front door swings open.

"Hiccup?" I hear Gobber call.

"I'm up here," I call down.

I hear Gobber walk up the stairs.

"We have news on Drago," he starts.

I'm suddenly fully aware of everything, and the anniversary doesn't even feel like a big deal.


"The fishermen were catching the last of the fish for the winter, and spotted the boat again. This time it was closer to Berk's waters. They said that they didn't see Drago this time. That they were taking orders from someone else," Gobber said.

I take a sharp breath. Someone else? Could another clan be allies with Drago? A clan we know?

"Is that all?"

"That's all they said about Drago, but a storm front is coming in. Looks bad. It could blow Drago's ship off course. Postponing any attack on Berk."

"Well that's good. Get the village ready for that storm. Tell them the Great Hall will be open if anyone wants to stay in the Great Hall during the storm," I tell Gobber.

"Mom get the dragons put away so they won't be out in the storm," I tell my mom. She nods her head. "I have a feeling that this storm is going to be bigger then any of us have ever seen."

I get ready to head down the stairs when Gobber stops me.

"Are you going to tell Astrid?" he asks.

"No. I don't want her to worry."

I walk downstairs and out of the house and head to the Academy where Astrid is.

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