Chapter 19

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It's pitch black. I hear voices around me. Then one voice comes out clearer then the others. I can tell that it's Hiccup.

"Okay Astrid. I've got the antidote. All you have to do is drink it," he says calmly.

I moan in response. Too weak to say any real words. I feel cool metal against my lips. I have just enough strength to open my lips to drink whatever is in this canteen. Once all of it is gone, I grow colder, and warmer at the same time. I become weaker, and something rises in my throat. I cough and cough and cough to get it out. When I do I'm left with a metallic taste on my lips. Instantly I know it's blood.

I hear Hiccup cry out, "It's not working."

More inaudible things happen around me. Then Hiccup's voice again. "Astrid pull through. You can do this. I didn't lose you then. I'm not losing you now."

He must've stood up and turned around. Because I can barely make out things he is saying. Most likely commands for the gang. Then I hear a Nightfury screech as he takes off.

I feel cool hands touch my face, too big to be Gothi's, but too small to be Gobbers. It must be Valka. She feels my head which I know is burning up. She takes my hand and squeezes it. She says something but I can't hear it.

The black has grown darker, and hearing things is impossible. It has been anywhere from seconds to days before Hiccup returns. I just barely make out the familiar screech.

I can tell that my breathing is slowing. It's harder to get a breath out. Minutes pass before I'm able to take the next breath. I can feel more blood rising in my mouth. But before I can cough it up I hear Hiccup. He's my lifeline in this black pit.

"Okay Astrid. Last time I promise. All you have to do is drink this."

I give one last groan. This time instead of metal on my lips it's wood. I'm only able to drink part of it before I need to breathe. I stop and the bowl is lifted away. As I swallow the mixture I also swallow the blood that was rising. The bowl comes back to my lips and I finish it off.

Then I begin to cough. I cough and cough until there is nothing left in me. I cough out a lot of blood.

But then the black becomes the light. I wonder if I'm going to Valhalla. But then black streaks pass through my vision. Then a face. But not just anyone's face. Hiccup's face.

He gives a smile. I attempt one back. He gathers me into his arms and just holds me. And honestly that's all I need right now is for someone to hold me.

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