Chapter 13

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It's morning, and the fire has died. It's freezing in the hut. I start up the fire again, and look over at Astrid who hasn't stirred. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps.

The perfect moment is ruined by a knock at the door. I stand up and answer it. It's Gobber. "Hiccup. We should talk," he says. I put a finger to my lips, and motion to Astrid. Gobber looks over and sees the sleeping Astrid. "Oh. Sorry. We can talk out here."

I step out and close the door. "What do you need?"

"Look Hiccup," Gobber says motioning to the village. I look at the village. It's still dark out, but I can see most of it. Snow is piled up in front of doors, and covering huts. I gasp a little. "And it's not showing any signs of letting up. We have a break from now until later in the day," Gobber says.

"Okay. Um. Once it gets light, gather anybody who isn't trapped in their houses, and get them to help dig people who are trapped in their houses out. Then send them to the Great Hall. We'll need provisions up in the Great Hall for everybody. We'll stay there until the storm has let up," I say.

"Okay. You stay inside with Astrid, I'll begin to move provisions. Come help when the lass wakes up."

"Thank you Gobber."

"You know, you're starting to sound more and more like your father everyday," Gobber says as he walks away.

That's probably the last thing I wanted to hear. It's the best and worst thing to say to me. I'm not like my father, yet I try to be just as good as him. And I still don't know how to yet.

I walk back inside the house that is now twice as warm as it was earlier.

Astrid still hasn't woken up yet. I sit back down next to her, and lean against Toothless. I wrap the blanket back around us, and I put my arm around her to keep her warm. I kiss her on the head, and close my eyes to get some more sleep before the sun comes up. Or at least attempts to come up.

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